Site.Webb1889 History

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30 August 2015 by -
21 July 2015 by -
30 June 2015 by -
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This shows the technological advancement of Webb's "The Adder" over some 20 years of practical use and innovation.  Covered by Patent No. 414959, dated November 12, 1889) for an Adding Machine, applied for by Charles Henry Webb of New York, NY, this machine was so well made that it operates smoothly and easily after the elapse of some 125 years.  Fashioned now entirely of metal, reset is achieved by rotating each wheel by stylus to its stop point.
This shows the technological advancement of Webb's "The Adder" over some 20 years of practical use and innovation.  Covered by Patent No. 414959, dated November 12, 1889) for an Adding Machine, applied for by Charles Henry Webb of New York, NY, this machine was so well made that it operates smoothly and easily after the elapse of some 125 years.  Fashioned now entirely of metal, reset is achieved by rotating each wheel by stylus to its stop point.

Patent is reproduced at
30 June 2015 by -
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30 June 2015 by -
30 June 2015 by -
Added lines 1-5:
(:title 1889 model Web Adder serial 3220:)

This shows the technological advancement of Webb's "The Adder" over some 20 years of practical use and innovation.  Covered by Patent No. 414959, dated November 12, 1889) for an Adding Machine, applied for by Charles Henry Webb of New York, NY, this machine was so well made that it operates smoothly and easily after the elapse of some 125 years.  Fashioned now entirely of metal, reset is achieved by rotating each wheel by stylus to its stop point.

Page last modified on 30 August 2015