Site.PrintBook2 History

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27 April 2014 by Jim Falk -
Changed lines 1-28 from:
(:title Download as eBook & Restore to Website Settings:)

(:rights: none:)

This use of this page is currently restricted to the site administrator. It enables the content of this website to be downloaded as a typeset book - '/Things that Count: The rise and fall of calculators/'.  The book is delivered in pdf form. (Once downloaded the operator must then reset the site for correct viewing in a web browser.)

Before activating the download it is necessary to prepare the site for creating the book.  Please select the "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" button below and press "Set".  After downloading the book you should return to this page and press "Set" again to reset the site for viewing correctly as a website.

(:input form name=form1 "{$PageUrl}":)(:input hidden action ptvreplace:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "False":)
The site is not yet prepared for typesetting. "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" and click "Set".

(:input radio PSW "False" checked:) Click "Set" to return to website view
(:input radio PSW "True":) Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting
(:input submit post Set:)
(:input end:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "True":)

The site is ready for downloading book. Click "Typeset book".

* [[Site.Introduction|Number: Introduction]]
* [[Site.Part1BeforeTheModernEpoch|Origins]]
Changed lines 4-15 from:


(:typeset-book title="Things that Count" subtitle="The rise and fall of calculators" and the surtitle="Jim Falk" copyright="Copyright Jim Falk" chapterbib=off parasep=space duplex=on sectionnewpage=on colophon=off cover=centre date="Printed:":)
(:graphics: Attach:PascalineDiderotH750.jpg" ":)

(:isbn: 978-0-646-91968-3:)
* [[Site.LateModern|The Late Modern period]]
* [[Site.ObjectsInTheCollection |Appendix: Objects in collection Calculant]]
* [[Main.AMorePersonalExplanation|Appendix: Interview with an author]]
* [[Site.ELibrary|Appendix: Bibliography of electronic sources]]
27 April 2014 by Jim Falk -
Changed line 2 from:
27 April 2014 by Jim Falk -
Changed lines 1-3 from:

* [[Site.Introduction|Number: Introduction]]
* [[Site.Part1BeforeTheModernEpoch|Origins]]
(:title Download as eBook & Restore to Website Settings:)

(:rights: none:)

This use of this page is currently restricted to the site administrator. It enables the content of this website to be downloaded as a typeset book - '/Things that Count: The rise and fall of calculators/'.  The book is delivered in pdf form. (Once downloaded the operator must then reset the site for correct viewing in a web browser.)

Before activating the download it is necessary to prepare the site for creating the book.  Please select the "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" button below and press "Set".  After downloading the book you should return to this page and press "Set" again to reset the site for viewing correctly as a website.

(:input form name=form1 "{$PageUrl}":)(:input hidden action ptvreplace:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "False":)
The site is not yet prepared for typesetting. "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" and click "Set".

(:input radio PSW "False" checked:) Click "Set" to return to website view
(:input radio PSW "True":) Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting
(:input submit post Set:)
(:input end:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "True":)

The site is ready for downloading book. Click "Typeset book".

Changed lines 30-33 from:
* [[Site.LateModern|The Late Modern period]]
* [[Site.ObjectsInTheCollection |Appendix: Objects in collection Calculant]]
* [[Main.AMorePersonalExplanation|Appendix: Interview with an author]]
* [[Site.ELibrary|Appendix: Bibliography of electronic sources]]


(:typeset-book title="Things that Count" subtitle="The rise and fall of calculators" and the surtitle="Jim Falk" copyright="Copyright Jim Falk" chapterbib=off parasep=space duplex=on sectionnewpage=on colophon=off cover=centre date="Printed:":)
(:graphics: Attach:PascalineDiderotH750.jpg" ":)

(:isbn: 978-0-646-91968-3:)
25 April 2014 by -
Changed lines 1-26 from:
(:title Download as eBook & Restore to Website Settings 2:)

(:rights: none:)

This use of this page is currently restricted to the site administrator. It enables the content of this website to be downloaded as a typeset book - '/Things that Count: The rise and fall of calculators/'.  The book is delivered in pdf form. (Once downloaded the operator must then reset the site for correct viewing in a web browser.)

Before activating the download it is necessary to prepare the site for creating the book.  Please select the "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" button below and press "Set".  After downloading the book you should return to this page and press "Set" again to reset the site for viewing correctly as a website.

(:input form name=form1 "{$PageUrl}":)(:input hidden action ptvreplace:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "False":)
The site is not yet prepared for typesetting. "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" and click "Set".

(:input radio PSW "False" checked:) Click "Set" to return to website view
(:input radio PSW "True":) Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting
(:input submit post Set:)
(:input end:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "True":)
The site is ready for downloading book. Click "Typeset book".

Deleted lines 8-21:


(:typeset-book title="Things that Count" subtitle="The rise and fall of calculators" and the surtitle="Jim Falk" copyright="Copyright Jim Falk" chapterbib=off parasep=space duplex=on sectionnewpage=on colophon=off cover=centre date="Printed:":)
(:graphics: Attach:PascalineDiderotH750.jpg" ":)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "True":)
!!!After printing please return to this page and reset by again clicking the "Change" button.
(:isbn: 978-0-646-91968-3:)

25 April 2014 by -
25 April 2014 by -
25 April 2014 by -
Changed line 2 from:
25 April 2014 by -
25 April 2014 by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:
Removed print sections

(:title Download as eBook & Restore to Website Settings 2:)

(:rights: none:)

This use of this page is currently restricted to the site administrator. It enables the content of this website to be downloaded as a typeset book - '/Things that Count: The rise and fall of calculators/'.  The book is delivered in pdf form. (Once downloaded the operator must then reset the site for correct viewing in a web browser.)

Before activating the download it is necessary to prepare the site for creating the book.  Please select the "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" button below and press "Set".  After downloading the book you should return to this page and press "Set" again to reset the site for viewing correctly as a website.

(:input form name=form1 "{$PageUrl}":)(:input hidden action ptvreplace:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "False":)
The site is not yet prepared for typesetting. "Select Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting" and click "Set".

(:input radio PSW "False" checked:) Click "Set" to return to website view
(:input radio PSW "True":) Click "Set" to prepare for typesetting
(:input submit post Set:)
(:input end:)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "True":)
The site is ready for downloading book. Click "Typeset book".

* [[Site.Introduction|Number: Introduction]]
Added lines 34-47:


(:typeset-book title="Things that Count" subtitle="The rise and fall of calculators" and the surtitle="Jim Falk" copyright="Copyright Jim Falk" chapterbib=off parasep=space duplex=on sectionnewpage=on colophon=off cover=centre date="Printed:":)
(:graphics: Attach:PascalineDiderotH750.jpg" ":)

(:if equal {Site.PrintBook$:PSW} "True":)
!!!After printing please return to this page and reset by again clicking the "Change" button.
(:isbn: 978-0-646-91968-3:)

25 April 2014 by -
Added lines 1-9:
Removed print sections

* [[Site.Part1BeforeTheModernEpoch|Origins]]
* [[Site.TheModernEpochAndTheEmergenceOfTheModernCalculator|The Modern Epoch and the Emergence of the Modern Calculator]]
* [[Site.LateModern|The Late Modern period]]
* [[Site.ObjectsInTheCollection |Appendix: Objects in collection Calculant]]
* [[Main.AMorePersonalExplanation|Appendix: Interview with an author]]
* [[Site.ELibrary|Appendix: Bibliography of electronic sources]]

Page last modified on 27 April 2014