Site.DoublettSector1830 History

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18 December 2011 by Jim Falk -
Changed lines 4-6 from:
~1830 Oxbone Architect's Sector by T. and H. Doublett, London. According to the Webster Signature database, Thomas and Henry or Thomas and Hannah Doublett, instrument makers, worked at 6 Moorgate Street, Bank, or 48 City Road Finsbury Square, all in London c. 1830 (Royal Scottish Mueum, "Special Exhibition of the St. Andrews Univeristy Astrolabes,"Edinburgh, 1959. - History of Microscopy Museum of the Inst. of the History of Natural Science of the Acad. of Science of the U.S.S.R., Moscow., NIM, OIM).
~1830 Oxbone Architect's Sector by T. and H. Doublett, London. According to the Webster Signature database, Thomas and Henry or Thomas and Hannah Doublett, instrument makers, worked at 6 Moorgate Street, Bank, or 48 City Road Finsbury Square, all in London c. 1830[^see also Royal Scottish Museum, "Special Exhibition of the St. Andrews Univeristy Astrolabes", Edinburgh, 1959; and History of Microscopy Museum of the Inst. of the History of Natural Science of the Acad. of Science of the U.S.S.R., Moscow., NIM, OIM.^]

07 December 2011 by Jim Falk -
Added lines 1-4:

~1830 Oxbone Architect's Sector by T. and H. Doublett, London. According to the Webster Signature database, Thomas and Henry or Thomas and Hannah Doublett, instrument makers, worked at 6 Moorgate Street, Bank, or 48 City Road Finsbury Square, all in London c. 1830 (Royal Scottish Mueum, "Special Exhibition of the St. Andrews Univeristy Astrolabes,"Edinburgh, 1959. - History of Microscopy Museum of the Inst. of the History of Natural Science of the Acad. of Science of the U.S.S.R., Moscow., NIM, OIM).

Page last modified on 18 December 2011