OtherObjects.PrivacyPolicy History

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14 September 2015 by -
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Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you are prepared to be referred to by name please let me know. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already in the public domain or on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you are prepared to be referred to by name please let me know. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
14 September 2015 by -
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Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you are prepared to be referred to by name please let me know. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
14 September 2015 by -
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I do not publish email addresses nor do I supply other people's email addresses in response to a third party enquiry.  If I think a person for whom I have an email address may wish to respond to an enquiry I blind copy the enquiry to them for their interest, action, or inaction as they chose.  Where the inquiry relates to a contribution in //The Talking Machine Forum//, it is my policy to simply respond that the //Forum// communication system should be used.
14 September 2015 by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!

Jim Falk (site editor)
13 September 2015 by -
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Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from The Talking Machine Forum. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from [[http://forum.talkingmachine.info/viewforum.php?f=11|The Talking Machine Forum]]. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy on this site please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
13 September 2015 by -
Changed line 1 from:
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  If you have an issue in relation to your privacy please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  Where appropriate I will tend to use the pseudonyms from The Talking Machine Forum. If you have an issue in relation to your privacy please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it!
13 September 2015 by -
Added line 1:
Unless I have obtained explicit authorisation, or the identification is already available on another website, I do not intend to identify any owner of a gramophone by name.  If you have an issue in relation to your privacy please [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|contact me by email]] and I will fix it! 

Page last modified on 14 September 2015