Main.KabelwerkDrCassirerBerlin-Spandau History

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March 16, 2013, at 05:31 AM by -
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March 16, 2013, at 05:30 AM by -
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The Kabelwerk Dr. Cassirer in Berlin-Spandau was taken over by Dr Alfred Cassirer and his brother Hugo Cassirer. Hugo studied chemistry in Berlin and gained practical experiences in the cable factory of his uncle Otto Bondy in Vienna. He furthered his knowledge of rubber production with applied studies in England . His factory was a supplier for the electrical industry of Berlin and other German locations. Before the Second World War the company was also internationally prominent in this industry.1


The Kabelwerk Dr. Cassirer in Berlin-Spandau was established by Julius Cassirer and his brother Louis Cassirer in 1896 and in due course was taken over by Louis Cassirer's sons Dr Alfred Cassirer and Hugo Cassirer. Hugo studied chemistry in Berlin and gained practical experiences in the cable factory of his uncle Otto Bondy in Vienna. He furthered his knowledge of rubber production with applied studies in England . His factory was a supplier for the electrical industry of Berlin and other German locations. Before the Second World War the company was also internationally prominent in this industry.2

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February 28, 2013, at 11:09 PM by -
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The Kabelwerk Dr. Cassirer was in Berlin-Spandau was taken over by Dr Alfred Cassirer and his brother Hugo Cassirer . Hugo studied chemistry in Berlin and gained practical experiences in the cable factory of his uncle Otto Bondy in Vienna. He furthered his knowledge of rubber production with applied studies in England . His factory was a supplier for the electrical industry of Berlin and other German locations. Before the Second World War the company was also internationally prominent in this industry.3


The Kabelwerk Dr. Cassirer in Berlin-Spandau was taken over by Dr Alfred Cassirer and his brother Hugo Cassirer. Hugo studied chemistry in Berlin and gained practical experiences in the cable factory of his uncle Otto Bondy in Vienna. He furthered his knowledge of rubber production with applied studies in England . His factory was a supplier for the electrical industry of Berlin and other German locations. Before the Second World War the company was also internationally prominent in this industry.4

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(:title Kabelwerk Dr. Cassirer, Berlin-Spandau:)

The Kabelwerk Dr. Cassirer was in Berlin-Spandau was taken over by Dr Alfred Cassirer and his brother Hugo Cassirer . Hugo studied chemistry in Berlin and gained practical experiences in the cable factory of his uncle Otto Bondy in Vienna. He furthered his knowledge of rubber production with applied studies in England . His factory was a supplier for the electrical industry of Berlin and other German locations. Before the Second World War the company was also internationally prominent in this industry.5


1, viewed 9 Feb 2013

2, viewed 9 Feb 2013

3, viewed 9 Feb 2013

4, viewed 9 Feb 2013

5, viewed 9 Feb 2013

6 viewed 9 Feb 2013

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Page last modified on March 16, 2013, at 05:31 AM