Site.FoxEditForms History

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Added lines 1-118:
Fox Edit Forms
for use with Cookbook:FoxEdit and Cookbook:Fox
#ptv PTV Edit Form (for a single PTV section)
(:if foxpreview:)
!!!$[Preview]:           %green%[-– $[Changes have not been saved] –-]
(:fox editform  ptvtarget={$EditTarget} ptvfields={$EditSection} redirect=1:)
(:foxpreviewtemplate "{$$ptv_{$EditSection}}":)
(:input hidden csum 'Section {$EditSection} edited':)
(:if foxpreview :)(:input default request=1:)(:else:)(:input default source={$EditSource} :)(:ifend:)
!!!$[Editing PTV]: &nbsp; %color=#009%{$EditSection}
||(:guibuttons:) ||
||(:input textarea id=text name=$:{$EditSection} cols=80 rows=12 class=inputtext:) ||
(:if enabled EnableAccessCode:)
||Enter value {$AccessCode} (:input text access size=3 class=inputtext:)(:input hidden accesscode {$AccessCode}:)  <- Have you entered the code number? ||
(:if enabled EnablePostCaptchaRequired:)
||Enter value {$Captcha} (:input captcha class=inputtext:) <- Have you entered the code number? ||
||Author: (:input text author value='{$Author}' size=30 class=inputtext:) &nbsp; (:input submit post '$[Save]':) &nbsp; (:input submit preview $[Preview]:) &nbsp; (:input submit cancel '$[Cancel]':) ||
(:foxend editform:)
(:if foxpreview:)
%green center%[+&ndash; $[Changes have not been saved] &ndash;+]

#section Section Edit Form
(:if foxpreview:)
!!!$[Preview]: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; %green%[-&ndash; $[Changes have not been saved] &ndash;-]
(:fox editform foxaction=replace put=overwrite  target={$EditTarget}{$EditSection} redirect={$EditTarget}{$EditSection}:)
(:foxtemplate "{$$text}":)(:input default request=1:)
(:input hidden csum 'Section {$EditSection} edited':)
(:if equal {$EditSection} '':)!!!$[Editing page]: &nbsp; %color=#009%{$EditTarget}(:else:)!!!$[Editing section]: &nbsp; %color=#009%{$EditSection}(:if:)
|| ||(:guibuttons:)||
|| ||(:input textarea id=text name=text style='width:95pct' cols=120 rows=15 class=inputtext:) ||
(:input hidden access {$Accesscode}:)(:input hidden accesscode {$AccessCode}:)
|| ||Author: (:input text author value='{$Author}' size=30 class=inputtext:) &nbsp; (:input submit post $[Save]:) &nbsp; (:input submit preview $[Preview]:)  &nbsp; (:input submit cancel $[Cancel]:) ||
(:foxend editform:)
(:if foxpreview:)
%green center%[+&ndash; $[Changes have not been saved] &ndash;+]
#popupsection Section Edit Form with Popup Preview
requires Cookbook:Toggle to be installed
%rfloat%(:if enabled Toggle:)(:toggle id=edithelp init=hide show='$[Show Help]' hide='$[Close Help]' button:)(:if:)
(:div id=wikiedit:)
(:fox editform foxaction=replace put=overwrite  target={$EditTarget}{$EditSection} redirect={$EditTarget}{$EditSection}:)
(:foxtemplate "{$$text}":)(:input default request=1:)
(:input hidden csum 'Section {$EditSection} edited':)
(:if equal {$EditSection} '':)!!!$[Editing page]: &nbsp; %color=#226BAF%{$EditTarget}(:else:)!!!$[Editing section]: [[{$EditTarget}]] &nbsp;  %color=#226BAF%{$EditSection}(:if:)
(:input submit post $[Save]:) &nbsp; (:input submit preview $[Preview]:)  &nbsp; (:input submit cancel $[Cancel]:) Author: (:input text author value='{$Author}' size=30 class=inputtext:)\\
(:input textarea id=text name=text style='width:95pct' cols=120 rows=20 class=inputtext:)
(:input hidden access {$Accesscode}:)(:input hidden accesscode {$AccessCode}:)
(:input submit post $[Save]:) &nbsp; (:input submit preview $[Preview]:)  &nbsp; (:input submit cancel $[Cancel]:)
(:foxend editform:)
(:if [ !enabled Toggle ]:)
(:include Site.EditQuickReference:)

(:if foxpreview:)
(:div1 id=editpreview:)
(:div2 id=previewbox:)
->[++$[Preview]++]  &mdash; '''%red%$[Page is unsaved]%%''' &mdash; (:if [ foxpreview && enabled Toggle ]:)(:toggle id=editpreview init=show hide='$[Close Preview]' button:)
(:if foxpreview:)


->'''$[End of preview] &mdash; %red%$[remember to save]%%''' &mdash; '''[[#top | $[Top] ]]'''  &mdash; (:if [  foxpreview && enabled Toggle ]:)(:toggle id=editpreview init=show hide='$[Close Preview]' button:)
(:if foxpreview:)
(:if [ enabled Toggle ]:)
(:include Site.Popup-EditQuickRef:)
#message Message Edit Form
%red%(:foxmessages:)(:if foxpreview:)
!!!$[Preview]: &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; %green%[-&ndash; $[Changes have not been saved] &ndash;-]
(:fox editform  ptvtarget={$EditTarget} redirect=1 :)
(:input hidden csum 'Section {$EditSection} edited':)
(:foxpreviewtemplate "'''{$$ptv_subject{$EditSection}}''' \n----\n\n{$$ptv_message{$EditSection}}":)
(:if foxpreview:)(:input default request=1:)(:else:)(:input default source={$EditSource} :)(:ifend:)
!!!$[Edit Message]: %color=#009%{$EditSection}
|| Subject:||(:input text name=$:subject{$EditSection} size=70:) ||
|| ||(:guibuttons:)||
|| Message:||(:input textarea id=text name=$:message{$EditSection}  cols=80 rows=12 class=inputtext:) ||
(:if enabled EnableAccessCode:)
|| ||Enter value {$AccessCode} (:input text access size=3 class=inputtext:)(:input hidden accesscode {$AccessCode}:)  <- $[Have you entered the code number?]||
(:if enabled EnablePostCaptchaRequired:)
|| ||Enter value {$Captcha} (:input captcha class=inputtext:) <- $[Have you entered the code number?]||
|| Author:||(:input text author value='{$Author}' size=30 class=inputtext:) (:input submit post '$[Save]':) (:input submit preview '$[Preview]':)  (:input submit cancel '$[Cancel]':) ||
(:foxend editform:)
(:if foxpreview:)
%green center%[+&ndash; $[Changes have not been saved] &ndash;+]


Page last modified on January 06, 2013, at 11:14 AM