The 27-28 October 2012 was the occasion for a second equally successful reunion following in the footsteps of the first in Berlin almost eactly 10 years before. The first day was one for getting to know each other, or rekindling the warmth of previous meetings, and briefly adding to the family history by recounting family stories. A special 1920s Berlin dinner was hosted at Kipferl, an Austrian restaurant run by cousin Katie Lloyd Thomas 's partner Christian Malnig. The second day was shaped by a marvellous visit to cousin Wilfred Cass and his Sculpture Foundation. Below are links to documents and pictures from these magic two days.

One issue that was of constant interest was the connections between those who attended and how they linked into the family genealogy. Of course much of that is already made clear on this website. But information made available at the reunion, and then followed up since, has shown the interesting way in which two families present, represented by Johanna Goerke and Marianne Serck Hanssen, link back in a second line to our Cassirer ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808) whose signature can be seen in the top left hand corner of this page. The analysis of the genealogical connection between these two lines making up the larger Cassirer family, can be found here.

Getting the Cassirer Family Reunion Book

The picture gallery below is extracted (in lower resolution) from a book compiled by Sue Rowley from the two days. It can be ordered as a very elegant ebook or as a paper book, see below. As an ebook (for your computer or iPad it is free). As a printed book it makes a very handsome reference volume. It can be purchased at cost of printing for around $US 124 from Blurb Books by clicking on the picture below. However, there are options and before you order a printed book please click here to learn about the best ones for this particular book.

For more on individuals and families, and their genealogy, see Family Tree Index.
Click here for Site home page, Overview, and Cassirer, Cohen and Falk histories.

Page last modified on February 01, 2013, at 01:25 PM