Main.Ernst1873Cassirer History

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February 16, 2013, at 12:11 PM by -
Changed line 10 from:
->CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)\\
CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)\\
February 16, 2013, at 12:11 PM by -
Changed lines 7-9 from:
If this is LeopoldCassirer's son then the following information from the 1895 Adressbuch of Gogolin is relevant:[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013^]\\
CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln)\\
CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)\\
*If this is LeopoldCassirer's son then the following information from the 1895 Adressbuch of Gogolin is relevant:[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013^]\\

CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln)\\
->CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)\\
February 16, 2013, at 12:10 PM by -
Changed lines 7-11 from:
If this is LeopoldCassirer's son then the following information is relevant:

1895 Gogolin:[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013^]
CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln)
CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)
If this is LeopoldCassirer's son then the following information from the 1895 Adressbuch of Gogolin is relevant:[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013^]\\
CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln)\\
CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)\\
February 16, 2013, at 12:09 PM by -
Changed lines 5-14 from:
*Ernst Cassirer was born in 1873. During the war was deported with Transport I/13 from Berlin,Berlin,Berlin,Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 30/06/1942. Deported with transport Bo, Train Da 83 from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka, Extermination Camp,Poland on 19/09/1942. Ernst was murdered in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Source: Yad Vashem  
*Ernst Cassirer was born in 1873. During the war was deported with Transport I/13 from Berlin,Berlin,Berlin,Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 30/06/1942. Deported with transport Bo, Train Da 83 from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka, Extermination Camp,Poland on 19/09/1942. Ernst was murdered in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Source: Yad Vashem

If this is LeopoldCassirer's son then the following information is relevant:

Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin:[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013^]
CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln)
CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry)


February 16, 2013, at 12:05 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
(:StillToBeIdentified: LPH:)
(:StillToBeIdentified: LPH:)(:Family: L:)
February 16, 2013, at 09:48 AM by -
Changed line 1 from:
*Not yet identified with this family tree.  Possible/Probable son of LeopoldCassirer.
*Not yet identified with this family tree.  Possible son of LeopoldCassirer.
Changed lines 3-5 from:
*Victim of the Shoah. 
*Victim of the Shoah.

*Ernst Cassirer was born in 1873. During the war was deported with Transport I/13 from Berlin,Berlin,Berlin,Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 30/06/1942. Deported with transport Bo, Train Da 83 from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka, Extermination Camp,Poland on 19/09/1942. Ernst was murdered in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Source: Yad Vashem
Changed line 3 from:
*Victim of the Shoah. Died/Murdered at Theresienstadt
*Victim of the Shoah. 
Added lines 1-8:
*Not yet identified with this family tree.  Possible/Probable son of LeopoldCassirer.

*Victim of the Shoah. Died/Murdered at Theresienstadt. 

(:StillToBeIdentified: LPH:)

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Page last modified on February 16, 2013, at 12:11 PM