1076. Albanais Centre Funéraire Serge Pertinari, "Monsieur Henry CASSIRER," 7 Jan 2005, Jim Falk e-mail archives. See also note.
Madame et Monsieur Viviane ASTANOVITZ
Monsieur et Madame Philippe SALOMON
Madame Rebecca SALOMON
Ses enfants (Kinder:)

Paula, Tristan, Guillemette, Soizic, Robin, Lancelot, Simon, Thomas
Ses petits-enfants (Enkelkinder)

Monsieur Thomas CASSIRER, son frère (Bruder)

Mademoiselle Frances CASSIRER, sa nièce (Nichte)

Madame Marie STABLEAUX, son auxiliaire de vie (Lebensgehilfe)
Les familles parentes, alliées et amies, (Verwandte Familien, Verbündete, Freunde)

Ont la tristesse de vous faire part du décès de (haben die traurige Nachricht des Ablebens von)

Monsieur Henry CASSIRER
Ancien Directeur de la Communication Éducative
Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite

survenu à Saint Jorioz, le mercredi 29 décembre 2004, a l'age de 93 ans.

La cérémonie civile aura lieu le LUNDI 3 JANVIER 2005, a 14 heures, Au crématorium d'ANNECY, ou l'on se réunira.

Henry repose a la chambre funéraire de l'Albanais, Serge Pertinari, a Rumilly.

Condoléances sur registre
Ni fleurs, ni plaques

< Les Jardins d'Arcadie, 2 rue de Vénétie > 74940 Annecy le Vieux

Albanais Centre Funéraire Serge Pertinari
Rumilly - Tél. - Frangy - Seysse
1077. Ecole de l’Humanite Archives.
Reyto-Cassirer, Marta, 1. Frau von Heiner Cassirer, Tochter von Paula (Anyuka) und Wilhelm Reyto, Mutter von Vivian Astanovic? Cassirer (s. Couvert), geschiedene Amrani (s. Couvert). 60 Briefe, Karten, Telegramme. Ca. 1943/80, darunter mehrere Briefe von Edith über Familiennachrichten, Kurt und Eva, deren Alter etc.

Translation: "Reyto-Cassirer, Marta, first wife of Heiner Cassirer, daughter of Paula (Anyuka) and Wilhelm Reyto, mother of Vivian Astanovic-Cassirer (see the envelope), divorced Amrani (see the envelope). 60 letters, postcards, telegramms, from about 1943 to 1980, among them quite a lot letters from Edith concerning family news, Kurt and Eva, their age etc."
1078. Viviane Astanovitz, “Re: What a nice, nice note!,” 7 Jan 2006, Jim Falk’s email archive.
1079. Brigitte Solmitz, “Re: And one other question about Heiner,” 11 Jan 2005, Jim Falk e-mail archive.
1080. “A CITIZEN OF THE 20TH CENTURY: Witness of an age,”, 7 Feb 2004.
1081. University of Texas Henry R Cassirer Collection, “A Guide to the Henry R. Cassirer, 1936-1996,”, 7 Feb 2004.
1082. “Family Tradition of Johann Christian Boehme,” Anne Lloyd-Thomas’s files, Christopher Harbinson, Box 25, Mt. Macedon, Victoria, 3441 and his Aunt, Lesley Pullar, Unit 418, The Village, 8 Robinson Rd, Baxter 3911.
1083. Frances Cassirer, “untitled,” 4 Feb 2009, Jim Falk email archives.
1084. Thomas Cassirer, “Separate and Yet Together:Living with a Spouse Suffering from Alzheimer's Disease,” htttp://
1085. Stan Osborne, “Re: mail to,” 28 November 2007, Jim Falk email archives.
1086. This is Version 1.2 of the Steinitz Family Tree File; Version 0.1 by Erika Waly; Version 0.2 - 1.2 by Jan Steinitz
Special thanks to 0.1 Erika Waly, Waltham, MA, USA; 0.2 Renate (Reni) Steinitz, Berlin, Germany; 0.3 Yael Steinitz, Jerusalem, Israel; 0.4 Ilana Steinitz Richardson, London, UK; 0.5 Michael Otto Steinitz, Antigonish, Canada; 0.6 Peter Silton, Rye Brook, NY, USA; 0.7 Stephen Falk, Wayne, PA, USA; 0.8 Lore Baum Steinitz, Antigonish, Canada; 0.9 Lesley Mackie Haiselden, Wellington, New Zealand; 1.0 Henry Berg, San Francisco, CA, USA; 1.1 Michael Hadass, Israel; 1.2 Josef Kornweitz, Oldenburg, Germany for research, contribution and encouragement. Because this is added to a public record living relatives and sensitive information has been removed. A more complete version is obtainable through the web site
1087. jam Steinitz, 12 Oct 2006, Jim Falk email archives.
1088. “elisel,” Peter Silton, sent by e-mail, Other, Date of Import: 28 Nov, 1998.
This record and footnote is drawn from Version 1.2 of the Steinitz Family Tree File; Version 0.1 by Erika Waly; Version 0.2 - 1.2 by Jan Steinitz. A more complete account is obtainable through the web site
1089. JewishJen World Jewish Congress, 29 Jan 2013, “World Jewish Congress Collection,”[jg0131]jg0131.
1090. Greta and Hermann Lasker, 16 Feb 1909,
Wedding poem held by Ben Bano, but replicated on this web site. Provided to the site by Ben Bano by email on 9 Nov 2005.
1091. Ben Bano, “Re: Next Set,” 2 Nov 2005 11:08 pm, Jim Falk email archives.
1093. Toni Cassirer (ed), 18 October 1937, “Anekdotenbüchlein,” 14,, p. 30.
1094. Ibid.
1095. “Cassirer Bericht über die Begebenheiten in der Familien-Stiftung in Jahre 1930,” 1930,
1096. Peter Cassirer, “Re:,” 21 November 2008, Jim Falk email archives.
1097. New and Notable The College Street Journal., “In Memoriam,”
Mount Hollyoake College, South Hadley, Massachussetts

New and Notable The College Street Journal.

Volume 14, Number 25 MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE April 13, 2001
1098. Vivian Astanovitz, “tribute to Bonnie,”,%20bonnie.html, 9 Jul 2005.
Among the tributing persons Viviane:
Saturday, July 9, 2005
We have known Bonnie since she had her video rental store in Pen Argyl. She had her own store before she became a clerk in 48 Hrs. We shall sorely miss her: my daughter Paula, husband Elan. We even got kittens from her. God bless, Bonnie!
1099. Mag. Wolf-Erich Eckstein, “Hans Bondi(y),” 4 Sep 2004, JF Archives.
1100. Toni Cassirer, 18 Oct 1937, “Anekdotenbüchlein über die Familie Cassirer,” p.34.
Dates subsequently added by person unknown in ink.
1-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100, 101-125, 126-150, 151-175, 176-200, 201-225, 226-250, 251-275, 276-300, 301-325, 326-350, 351-375, 376-400, 401-425, 426-450, 451-475, 476-500, 501-525, 526-550, 551-575, 576-600, 601-625, 626-650, 651-675, 676-700, 701-725, 726-750, 751-775, 776-800, 801-825, 826-850, 851-875, 876-900, 901-925, 926-950, 951-975, 976-1000, 1001-1025, 1026-1050, 1051-1075, 1076-1100, 1101-1125, 1126-1150, 1151-1175, 1176-1200, 1201-1225, 1226-1250, 1251-1275, 1276-1300, 1301-1325, 1326-1350, 1351-1375, 1376-1400, 1401-1425, 1426-1450, 1451-1475, 1476-1500, 1501-1525, 1526-1550, 1551-1575, 1576-1600, 1601-1625, 1626-1650, 1651-1675, 1676-1700, 1701-1725, 1726-1750, 1751-1775, 1776-1800, 1801-1825, 1826-1850, 1851-1875, 1876-1900, 1901-1925, 1926-1937