Main.Shoah History

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February 02, 2013, at 07:33 AM by -
Changed line 5 from:

Cassirer document titles


Cassirer Holocaust related document titles

Changed line 8 from:

Cohen document titles


Cohen Holocaust related document titles

Changed line 12 from:

Falk document titles.


Falk Holocaust related document titles.

February 02, 2013, at 07:32 AM by -
Added lines 1-13:

(:title Holocaust Related Documents Index :)

This index lists Shoah (Holocaust) related documents by title under the main family groupings.

Cassirer document titles (:pagelist $:Shoah=L* fmt=#title:)

Cohen document titles (:pagelist $:Shoah=C* fmt=#title:)

Falk document titles.
(:pagelist $:Shoah=F* fmt=#title:)

Page last modified on February 02, 2013, at 07:33 AM