Main.Notes History

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Changed line 12 from:
  • To show a PDF it is best to use (; includeurl xxxx.pdf height=20000 width=100% border=0;) or whatever (where ; is replaced by :) than Google Viewer? which uses horrible fonts.
  • To show a PDF it is best to use (; includeurl xxxx.pdf height=20000 width=100% border=0;) or whatever (where ; is replaced by :) than Google Viewer which uses horrible fonts.
Added line 12:
  • To show a PDF it is best to use (; includeurl xxxx.pdf height=20000 width=100% border=0;) or whatever (where ; is replaced by :) than Google Viewer? which uses horrible fonts.
Changed line 10 from:
  • [|Special Characters]]
  • Special Characters
Changed lines 10-11 from:
  • [|Special Characters]]
Added line 10:
Changed lines 6-7 from:
Added lines 9-10:
December 30, 2012, at 09:38 AM by -
Changed line 6 from:
Added lines 5-6:
Changed line 3 from:

Some key documents can be directly accessed below:

  • Some key documents can be directly accessed below:
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Some key documents can be directly accessed below:

  • Access key documents by clicking here.
December 18, 2012, at 07:51 AM by -
Added line 1:

Page last modified on January 23, 2013, at 04:54 AM