Seized by the Nazis, either through forced sales or other means, many items belonging to the extended Cassirer family can be found in museums and other collections. There a range of ways in which restitution is being sought, and may be available.

  • see the struggle for the return of "Rue St.-Honoré, Après-Midi, Effet de Pluie" oil on canvas 1897 by Camille Pissarro, initiated by the late Claude Cassirer, and now being carried on by his children.
  • see for a database of "lost" objects in Austria, Finland, Luxemburg and Germany, potentially available for restitution. Some 200 items attributed to the Cassirers, and in particular a large number once owned by Max Cassirer, may be found by searching for found objects in this database. One of these is painting of Siegfried Cassirer owned by Max Cassirer.
  • Swiss Claims Resolution Tribunal (CRT) which has been established to resolve all claims to the published dormant accounts of non-Swiss bank clients.
  • see US Claims Resolution Tribunal of the Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation against Swiss Banks and other Swiss Entities which was established in 1997 to arbitrate claims to 5,570 dormant accounts in Swiss banks. Following a complex process $1.25 billion was placed in a fund to settle claims by five groups of victims of the Holocaust: the "Deposited Assets Class", the "Looted Assets Class", the "Refugee Class", and two "Slave Labor Classes". In December 2004 the CRT made judgements in favour of living relatives of Bruno Cassirer and Ernst Cassirer.The CRT has one footnote to its judgements: it is to this website which visited it in October 2004 as part of its research of the claims.

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Page last modified on January 29, 2013, at 10:38 AM