NameHenry Edward COHEN 
Birth1854, Adelaide SA Australia
Death16 Aug 1918, Watkin Street Waverley NSW Australia
Burial16 Aug 1918, Jewish Rookwood NSW Australia
*New [RELI]Jewish
Birth1855, London England
Death16 Oct 1898, 205 1/2 Victoria Street, Sydney NSW Australia1351
Burial17 Oct 1898, Jewish Rookwood NSW Australia
*New [RELI]Jewish
Marriage11 Feb 1880, Sydney NSW Australia1352
Notes for Henry Edward COHEN
On the Application to Marry he is listed as age 26 years, of Adelaide, residence Darlinghurst Road, this could be Albert Terrace. No record of his birth/naming has been found in SA Births.
His certificate of death shows him as a master tailor aged 65, but born Sydney. However as informant was not family this is probably an error. He seems to have added Edward to his first name. But the certificate clearly shows that his first wife was Sierlah Hyman and that at the time of his death he had two children Ethel J, 37 and Harry J 35, both living, none deceased.
His Monumental inscription number is 369776.
Irene Rothenberg thinks he is the son of an ancestor of her husband's. I think it likely that the Hy Cohen Senior on the Application to marry is probably his father. There is a probable sister of his in the applications, ie Leah Cohen who married Abraham Abrahams, of Levuka, Fiji, son of Woolfe Abrahams, not living. Former residence Commercial Road, London.
Leah was 19 years old on 5 March 1878. Her father was shown as Henry Cohen of Ferrybridge House, Upper William St North. There was no issue from the second marriage. Verna Rouvray calls him Henry Edward Cohen. Possibly he included this name in order to differentiate him from other Henry Cohens.