Family Card - Person Sheet
NameBrigitte SOLMITZ

Notes for Brigitte SOLMITZ
Born in 1929 and at the age of 4 in 1933 moved to Berlin.
383The following Letter to Henry Cassirer, 2001 which appears at
Le 1er août 2001 À mon cousin favorit
Dear Heiner,
You have been my favorite first cousin for 72 years. Although you first saw me in 1929 at our grandmother's 70th birthday celebration in Lubeck my first memory of you is in 1933 when we moved to Berlin. You were a young man; I was 4; you took me to the zoo.
Your significance to me is based not so much on our brief contacts over the years but rather on the connection that you are to my father Fritz. He was your mother's younger brother and she took care of him like a mother. Pehaps for that reason Fritz felt especially close to you; but it is probably because you and he shared ideas and idealism in the early 1930's. Your life spans the century and the consciousness you bring to this fact is wonderful.
I wish for you that your good mind and warm heart will see you through all the years of your life. May your 90th birthday celebration and the years ahead be gratifying for you.
With warm good wishes, your cousin