Main.WorldCraftsCouncilAustralia-AnneBrennan History
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[[|Vale Sue Rowley]]
Professor Sue Rowley died on 3 September in Melbourne. Sue was instrumental in the development of new approaches to theorising craft. Her writing on the subject was influential, but even more importantly she created a milieu in which new ideas could flourish: through mentoring other writers, convening conferences and her editorial work, she brought new writing on craft to an international audience. Through her work at Wollongong University, and later as executive director of Humanities and Creative Arts at the Australian Research Council, she was instrumental in consolidating the creative arts as a legitimate research area within universities in Australia. She served as professor of contemporary art theory at the College of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales and later as associate dean (research) at the University of Technology, Sydney, where she was instrumental in founding the Creative Industries Innovation Centre. She was an exceptional colleague, mentor and friend to many and will be sorely missed.
Anne Brennan, School of Art, Undergraduate Convenor, Australian National University
Rowley, Sue. Craft and Contemporary Theory. Allen & Unwin, 1997.
Professor Sue Rowley died on 3 September in Melbourne. Sue was instrumental in the development of new approaches to theorising craft. Her writing on the subject was influential, but even more importantly she created a milieu in which new ideas could flourish: through mentoring other writers, convening conferences and her editorial work, she brought new writing on craft to an international audience. Through her work at Wollongong University, and later as executive director of Humanities and Creative Arts at the Australian Research Council, she was instrumental in consolidating the creative arts as a legitimate research area within universities in Australia. She served as professor of contemporary art theory at the College of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales and later as associate dean (research) at the University of Technology, Sydney, where she was instrumental in founding the Creative Industries Innovation Centre. She was an exceptional colleague, mentor and friend to many and will be sorely missed.
Anne Brennan, School of Art, Undergraduate Convenor, Australian National University
Rowley, Sue. Craft and Contemporary Theory. Allen & Unwin, 1997.