Main.VariousLeadsFromOldGermanResources History
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The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has at times led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] identifies Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has at times led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the (largely undocumented) genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] identifies Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
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Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)[^There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error. Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. But of course not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures, for example of Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we have to deal with what may be inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken words into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form.^] Nevertheless, it is hard to see the scenario where Ida becomes even a daughter in law to this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) who died 15 years too early to be the Moses2Cassirer in this record.^]\\
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)[^There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error. Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. But of course not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures, for example of Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we have to deal with what may be inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken words into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form. Nevertheless, it is hard to see the scenario where Ida becomes even a daughter in law to this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) who died 15 years too early to be the Moses2Cassirer in this record.^]\\
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Siegfried Cassirer[^This cannot be Siegfried2Cassirer son of Salomon2Cassirer and [[RoselCraemer|Rosel KRÄMER]] - since these are the wrong parents^]
Siegfried Cassirer[^This cannot be Siegfried2Cassirer son of Salomon2Cassirer and [[RoselCraemer|Rosel KRÄMER]] - since those parents are inconsistent with the parents stated in the bequest^]
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That the identity of Moses2Cassirer is different to MosesLoebelCassirer (the father of Markus) is made fairly clear by the fact [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|as mentioned elsewhere in this site]], that there is a reference to a bequest (date unknown) to the Jewish-Theological Seminar Foundation in Breslau in memory as follows:
That the identity of Moses2Cassirer is different to MosesLoebelCassirer (the father of Markus) is made fairly clear by the fact [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|as mentioned elsewhere in this site]], that there is a reference to a bequest (date unknown) to the Jewish-Theological Seminar Foundation in Breslau in memory of:
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Please note the //Caveat// that in assembling this early Cassirer historical "jigsaw puzzle" we are of course riding over very thin ice. Most of the facts we have elicited here are derived from online sources, without serious scholastic work in relevant libraries. These would ideally be bolstered, tempered, and corrected by one or more scholars who read Hebrew, someone who devotes themselves to reading inscriptions on gravestones, someone knowing Yiddish or Czech (Bohemian and Moravian) and so on. We offer this in the hope that perhaps some such people with appropriate skills might read and add to these discussions, and in this way perhaps help thicken the ice!
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The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] identifies Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has at times led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] identifies Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
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Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] (not MosesLoebelCassirer so to avoid ambiguity we will call him here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) who married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer who married a "Moses Cassirer" who may well have been Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^]gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^]
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|other Cassirers]] including a [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] (who, since this was not MosesLoebelCassirer to avoid ambiguity we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). A probable identification of Moses2Cassirer is based on SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) who married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer who married a "Moses Cassirer" who was probably Moses2Cassirer. Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] identifies Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] identifies Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
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!!!![#crossen]]Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
!!!![[#crossen]]Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
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!!!!The problem of place
!!!![[#place]]The problem of place
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!!!!Challenges for 'modern' jews.
!!!![[#challenges]]Challenges for 'modern' jews.
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!!!!Social Development
!!!![[#social]]Social Development
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!!!!Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
!!!![#crossen]]Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
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!!!!Cassirers in Gogolin
!!!![[#gogolin]]Cassirers in Gogolin
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!!!!A second Moses Cassirer ("Moses2Cassirer") in Oberglogau and his descendants
!!!![[#moses2]]A second Moses Cassirer ("Moses2Cassirer") in Oberglogau and his descendants
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!!!!Breslau Cassirers in the mid 19th Century
!!!![[#breslau]]Breslau Cassirers in the mid 19th Century
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[[|Bluecherplatz]] sounds like a very good address. The Cassirers were moving fast! Only 50-60 years after the 'invention' (speculative) of the name 'Cassirer', a name suitable for a honest/reliable job in Christian business and in Jewish self-administration as well.
[[|Bluecherplatz]] sounds like a very good address. Probably only some 50-60 years after the 'invention' (speculative) of the name 'Cassirer', a name suitable for a honest/reliable job in Christian business and in Jewish self-administration as well, the Cassirers were moving fast! Next stop, the big smoke - Berlin!
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By the mid 19th Century we find more evidence of Cassirers in Breslau. For example, in the booklet: 'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer', which translates as: Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce.
//On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857:[^[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]] viewed 10 Feb 2013^]
//On p.
By the mid 19th Century we find more evidence of Cassirers in Breslau. For example, in the booklet: 'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer', which translates as: Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce (page 8) we find the following:[^[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]] viewed 10 Feb 2013^]
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The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. For example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
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!!!!More Breslau Connections
More Cassirer references can be found in the booklet: 'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer', which translates as: Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce.
More Cassirer references can be found
!!!!Breslau Cassirers in the mid 19th Century
By the mid 19th Century we find more evidence of Cassirers in Breslau. For example, in the booklet: 'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer', which translates as: Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce.
By the mid 19th Century we find more evidence of Cassirers in Breslau. For example, in the booklet: 'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer', which translates as: Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce.
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(:title Early history of the social development of the Cassirers - derived from old German resources:)
The "modern history" of this Cassirer family begins with Markus Cassirer and is spelt out in the Family trust documents, amongst others. Before that the record is much more speculative and murky forming a patchy historical The historical record of Cassirers, at the time leading u Expat, progressively edited as pieces of the "jigsaw' seem to fit together. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
//Caveat// We are of course here riding over very thin ice. Most of the facts we have elicited here are derived from online sources, without serious scholastic work in relevant libraries. These would ideally be bolstered, tempered, and corrected by one or more scholars who read Hebrew, someone who devotes themselves to reading inscriptions on gravestones, someone knowing Yiddish or Czech (Bohemian and Moravian) and so on. We offer this in the hope that perhaps some such people with appropriate skills might read and add to these discussions, and in this way perhaps help thicken the ice!
!!!The social development and geographic movement of the Cassirer family
The "modern history" of this
//Caveat// We are of course here riding over very thin ice
!!!The social development
(:title The early Cassirer historical "jigsaw puzzle":)
What might be called the "modern history" of this Cassirer family begins with Markus Cassirer and is reasonably clear from a wide range of documents, family knowledge, and is supported by the Family trust documents, amongst others. Before that the record is much more speculative forming a patchy historical picture. In the region where Markus grew up there were other Cassirers whose relationships, if any, to his line of Cassirers is less clear. Together with researcher "Expat" we have been progressively seeking to put together the pieces of this Cassirer "jigsaw'.
//Caveat// In assembling this early Cassirer historical "jigsaw puzzle" we are of course riding over very thin ice. Most of the facts we have elicited here are derived from online sources, without serious scholastic work in relevant libraries. These would ideally be bolstered, tempered, and corrected by one or more scholars who read Hebrew, someone who devotes themselves to reading inscriptions on gravestones, someone knowing Yiddish or Czech (Bohemian and Moravian) and so on. We offer this in the hope that perhaps some such people with appropriate skills might read and add to these discussions, and in this way perhaps help thicken the ice!
!!!The social development and geographic movement of the Cassirers
What might be called the "modern history" of this Cassirer family begins with Markus Cassirer and is reasonably clear from a wide range of documents, family knowledge, and is supported by the Family trust documents, amongst others. Before that the record is much more speculative forming a patchy historical picture. In the region where Markus grew up there were other Cassirers whose relationships, if any, to his line of Cassirers is less clear. Together with researcher "Expat" we have been progressively seeking to put together the pieces of this Cassirer "jigsaw'.
//Caveat// In assembling this early Cassirer historical "jigsaw puzzle" we are of course riding over very thin ice. Most of the facts we have elicited here are derived from online sources, without serious scholastic work in relevant libraries. These would ideally be bolstered, tempered, and corrected by one or more scholars who read Hebrew, someone who devotes themselves to reading inscriptions on gravestones, someone knowing Yiddish or Czech (Bohemian and Moravian) and so on. We offer this in the hope that perhaps some such people with appropriate skills might read and add to these discussions, and in this way perhaps help thicken the ice!
!!!The social development and geographic movement of the Cassirers
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(:title Various leads from old Central European resources:)
This work is being developed as a form of dialogue between the site editor and Expat, progressively edited as pieces of the "jigsaw' seem to fit together. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
This work is being developed as a form of dialogue between the site editor and
(:title Early history of the social development of the Cassirers - derived from old German resources:)
The "modern history" of this Cassirer family begins with Markus Cassirer and is spelt out in the Family trust documents, amongst others. Before that the record is much more speculative and murky forming a patchy historical The historical record of Cassirers, at the time leading u Expat, progressively edited as pieces of the "jigsaw' seem to fit together. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
The "modern history" of this Cassirer family begins with Markus Cassirer and is spelt out in the Family trust documents, amongst others. Before that the record is much more speculative and murky forming a patchy historical The historical record of Cassirers, at the time leading u Expat, progressively edited as pieces of the "jigsaw' seem to fit together. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
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The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, [[|the genealogy]] reproduced by Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
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Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)[^There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error.[^Expat: Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. BUT: we shouldn't forget that not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures of - e.g. - Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we should count with somehow inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form.^] But it is hard to see the scenario where she becomes even a daughter in law to either this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) who died 15 years too early to be the Moses in this record.^]\\
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)[^There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error. Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. But of course not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures, for example of Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we have to deal with what may be inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken words into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form.^] Nevertheless, it is hard to see the scenario where Ida becomes even a daughter in law to this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) who died 15 years too early to be the Moses2Cassirer in this record.^]\\
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The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", [^Harry Nutt, //Bruno Cassirer//, Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989^] has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
Changed line 96 from:
[[Main.Glogowek|Oberglogau]] is one of our known Cassirer regions and only about 20 km from [[Gogolin]]. We have on record that SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and her sister, EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. In due course they had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
[[Main.Glogowek|Oberglogau]] is one of our known Cassirer regions and only about 20 km from [[Gogolin]]. We have on record that SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and her sister, EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who is tentatively identified here with Moses2Cassirer above. In due course they had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Changed lines 96-106 from:
[[Main.Glogowek|Oberglogau]] is one of our known Cassirer regions and only about 20 km from [[Gogolin]]. The most likely match is this:
We have on record the following:
*SiegfriedCassirer(brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891)
*HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirerabove.
Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Given these recorded children Moses2Cassirer seems NOT to be the father of Markus Cassirer. Further, we have [[Main.LoebelMosesCassirer|primary documentary evidence that]] MosesLoebelCassirer, the son of LoebelMosesCassirer married Pesel bat Friedländer, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, in 1797.
We have on record the following:
*HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer
Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar
Given these recorded children Moses2Cassirer seems NOT to be the father of Markus Cassirer. Further, we have [[Main.LoebelMosesCassirer|primary documentary evidence that]] MosesLoebelCassirer, the son of LoebelMosesCassirer married Pesel bat Friedländer, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, in 1797.
[[Main.Glogowek|Oberglogau]] is one of our known Cassirer regions and only about 20 km from [[Gogolin]]. We have on record that SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and her sister, EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. In due course they had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Given these recorded children Moses2Cassirer seems NOT to be the father of Markus Cassirer. Further, we have [[Main.LoebelMosesCassirer|primary documentary evidence that]] MosesLoebelCassirer, the son of LoebelMosesCassirer married Pesel bat Friedländer, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, in 1797. The conclusion that this is the correct identification of the parents of MarkusCassirer is shared by Cassirer genealogist Michael Geballe, and Historian Professor Peter Paret. As Prof Paret notes: "This link offers a clue worth pursuing. The Friedländers were among the early Jewish families to gain a firm position in the cultural life of Berlin, and the marriage suggests that by the end of the 18th century, the Cassirers had reached comparable social and e conic standing in the more circumscribed Jewish society in Breslau and Silesia."[^"Peter Paret, "Notes on the Paret and Cassirer Families", unpublished manuscript, private communication, 2005.^]
Given these recorded children Moses2Cassirer seems NOT to be the father of Markus Cassirer. Further, we have [[Main.LoebelMosesCassirer|primary documentary evidence that]] MosesLoebelCassirer, the son of LoebelMosesCassirer married Pesel bat Friedländer, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, in 1797. The conclusion that this is the correct identification of the parents of MarkusCassirer is shared by Cassirer genealogist Michael Geballe, and Historian Professor Peter Paret. As Prof Paret notes: "This link offers a clue worth pursuing. The Friedländers were among the early Jewish families to gain a firm position in the cultural life of Berlin, and the marriage suggests that by the end of the 18th century, the Cassirers had reached comparable social and e conic standing in the more circumscribed Jewish society in Breslau and Silesia."[^"Peter Paret, "Notes on the Paret and Cassirer Families", unpublished manuscript, private communication, 2005.^]
Changed line 106 from:
Given these recorded children Moses2Cassirer seems NOT to be the father of Markus Cassirer. Further, we have [[Main.LoebelMosesCassirer|primary documentary evidence that]] MosesLoebelCassirer, the son of LoebelMosesCassirer married Pesel bat Friedländer, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, in 1797.
Changed lines 81-82 from:
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus. However, [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|as mentioned elsewhere in this site]], there is a reference a bequest (date unknown) to the Jewish-Theological Seminar Foundation in Breslau in memory as follows:
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus.
That the identity of Moses2Cassirer is different to MosesLoebelCassirer (the father of Markus) is made fairly clear by the fact [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|as mentioned elsewhere in this site]], that there is a reference to a bequest (date unknown) to the Jewish-Theological Seminar Foundation in Breslau in memory as follows:
That the identity of Moses2Cassirer is different to MosesLoebelCassirer (the father of Markus) is made fairly clear by the fact [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|as mentioned elsewhere in this site]], that there is a reference to a bequest (date unknown) to the Jewish-Theological Seminar Foundation in Breslau in memory as follows:
Changed line 90 from:
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)\\
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)[^There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error.[^Expat: Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. BUT: we shouldn't forget that not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures of - e.g. - Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we should count with somehow inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form.^] But it is hard to see the scenario where she becomes even a daughter in law to either this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) who died 15 years too early to be the Moses in this record.^]\\
Deleted line 94:
Changed lines 83-89 from:
Moses Cassirer (d. 17 Sep 1852
Eva ?(d. 23 Sep 1852)
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)
+ Siegfried Cassirer2
D (or O) Cohen
Moses Cassirer (d. 17 Sep 1852
Eva ?
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)
+ Siegfried Cassirer2
Moses Cassirer (d. 17 Sep 1852\\
Eva ? (d. 23 Sep 1852)
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)\\
Siegfried Cassirer[^This cannot be Siegfried2Cassirer son of Salomon2Cassirer and [[RoselCraemer|Rosel KRÄMER]] - since these are the wrong parents^]
\\D (or O) Cohen
*There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error.[^Expat: Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. BUT: we shouldn't forget that not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures of - e.g. - Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we should count with somehow inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form.^] But it is hard to see the scenario where she becomes even a daughter in law to either this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer)[^MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) died 15 years too early to be the Moses in this record and he married Pesel Bat Salomon not Eva^] or if the meaning is different to this Siegfried2Cassirer (son of Moses2Cassirer).
[[Main.Glogowek|Oberglogau]] is one of our known Cassirer regions and only about 20 km from [[Gogolin]]. The most likely match is this:
We have on record the following:
*SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891)
*HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above.
Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Moses Cassirer (d. 17 Sep 1852\\
Eva ? (d. 23 Sep 1852)
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)\\
Siegfried Cassirer[^This cannot be Siegfried2Cassirer son of Salomon2Cassirer and [[RoselCraemer|Rosel KRÄMER]] - since these are the wrong parents^]
\\D (or O) Cohen
*There is an identified Ida Cassirer - born Ida Crämer (Krämer), who married LeopoldCassirer (son of Salomon2Cassirer and Ernestine Wachsmann) in 1858. At best this would make her a daughter in law not daughter, which is a possible translation error.[^Expat: Whilst there is an Ida Cassirer (ne [[IdaKraemer|Ida Krämer]]) in the family tree from the right region, how can 'Ida', born Krämer, be a daughter of Cassirers? It seems she is a daughter-in-law [Schwiegertochter]. So, again a bureaucratic routine-slip. BUT: we shouldn't forget that not all 'participants' in jewish documents spoke the average 'Hochdeutsch' of today's German but mixtures of - e.g. - Yiddish with Czech, Hungarian, Polish etc.. This means that we should count with somehow inventive ad hoc-translations to fit the spoken into the bureaucratic 'Hochdeutsch' printed form.^] But it is hard to see the scenario where she becomes even a daughter in law to either this Moses (who seems not to be MosesLoebelCassirer)[^MosesLoebelCassirer (d. 28 Apr 1837) died 15 years too early to be the Moses in this record and he married Pesel Bat Salomon not Eva^] or if the meaning is different to this Siegfried2Cassirer (son of Moses2Cassirer).
[[Main.Glogowek|Oberglogau]] is one of our known Cassirer regions and only about 20 km from [[Gogolin]]. The most likely match is this:
We have on record the following:
*SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891)
*HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above.
Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Changed lines 81-92 from:
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus. However, as mentioned elsewhere in this site,
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus. However, [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|as mentioned elsewhere in this site]], there is a reference a bequest (date unknown) to the Jewish-Theological Seminar Foundation in Breslau in memory as follows:
Moses Cassirer (d. 17 Sep 1852
Eva ? (d. 23 Sep 1852)
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)
+ Siegfried Cassirer2
D (or O) Cohen
This is clearly Moses2Cassirer and equally clearly NOT the father of Markus Cassirer.
Moses Cassirer (d. 17 Sep 1852
Eva ? (d. 23 Sep 1852)
Ida Cassirer (d. 23 Dec 1863)
+ Siegfried Cassirer2
D (or O) Cohen
This is clearly Moses2Cassirer and equally clearly NOT the father of Markus Cassirer.
Changed line 81 from:
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] who gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus. However, as mentioned elsewhere in this site,
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus. However, as mentioned elsewhere in this site,
Changed line 78 from:
!!!!Cassirers in Oberglogau
!!!!A second Moses Cassirer ("Moses2Cassirer") in Oberglogau and his descendants
Added lines 80-81:
The presence of Moses2Cassirer and his wife Eva has led to serious confusion as to the genealogy of the Markus Cassirer line. Thus for example, Harry Nutt, in his book "Bruno Cassirer", Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1989, has the parents of Markus Cassirer as Moses Cassirer (1771-1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-1852). This is replicated elsewhere. for example, the genealogical work of Edith Tietz[^See [[|Papers of the Cassirer-Tietz Family 1879-1983]], [[|Series 1, Box 1, Folder 8]], Leo Baeck Institute, New York, 2014.^] who gives Moses Cassirer (1771-17 Sep 1852) and Eva Fischer (1771-22 Sep 1852) as the parents of Markus. However, as mentioned elsewhere in this site,
Changed lines 16-21 from:
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And it's only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
Bujakow, where the Cassirer name was adopted by LoebelMosesCassirer, is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the recollections of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt metin 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków (with google images) it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in) they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Bujakow, where the Cassirer name was adopted by LoebelMosesCassirer, is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the recollections of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków (with google images) it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And it's only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. A history, primarily from the Polish point of view, is given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia, not the least to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in its current setting within Poland).
Bujakow, where the Cassirer name was adopted by LoebelMosesCassirer, is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków (with google images) it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. Ironically this meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in) they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Bujakow, where the Cassirer name was adopted by LoebelMosesCassirer, is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków (with google images) it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. Ironically this meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in) they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Changed lines 22-24 from:
Taking into account more what we know on the [[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|movements of the Cassirer family]], as we note, as far as the Cassirer history is concerned, it appears that in a very general view they moved from very poor rural places around Silesia (clockwise: Russia, i.e. occupied Poland, and Habsburg countries like Galicia, small remains of Habsburg-Silesia next to the southwestern border, Moravia and Bohemia) to rural places in Prussia, and as their mobility was less and less restricted they moved from Upper Silesia - first from little Bujakow to bigger Rybnik and then to industrial boom towns like Beuthen - to Breslau, Goerlitz etc. and then to Berlin.[^[[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|Note On The History Of Cassirer Family Places And Movements]]^]
Taking into account more what we know on the [[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|movements of the Cassirer family]], as we note, as far as the Cassirer history is concerned, it appears that from a very general perspective they moved first from very poor rural places around Silesia (clockwise: Russia, i.e. occupied Poland, and Habsburg countries like Galicia, small remains of Habsburg-Silesia next to the southwestern border, Moravia and Bohemia) to rural places in Prussia, and as their mobility was less and less restricted they moved from Upper Silesia - first from little Bujakow to bigger Rybnik and then to industrial boom towns like Beuthen - to Breslau, Goerlitz etc. and then to Berlin.[^[[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|Note On The History Of Cassirer Family Places And Movements]]^]
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MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled. More on possible relationships between Bujakow and the early Cassirers (prior to the invention of the Cassirer name) is [[MorePossibleBujakowConnections|given here]].
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). Walter Grünfeld recalls that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted. (The law at that time forced people to vote for Germany or alternatively for Poland at the place where they or their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So, instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland and Austrian Poland, (that is, from Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, etc.) first settled. More on possible relationships between Bujakow and the early Cassirers (prior to the invention of the Cassirer name) is [[MorePossibleBujakowConnections|given here]].
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Expat writes: This is entirely speculative: It's somehow like the saying: Of course there must be a balance between nature and humans ... in favour of the humans. I mean over these years there was a slowly growing feeling on both sides: Germans and Jews are in a win-win-situation - in favour of the Germans (because in the beginning foreign Jews should be happy to be in some regular situation at all). Then, in the economic and societal ruins after the lost war 1918 (unfairly lost, they thought) there was a growing suspicion that the balance perhaps had 'worked' the other way around (even during the war!).
Expat writes: "This is entirely speculative: It's somehow like the saying: Of course there must be a balance between nature and humans ... in favour of the humans. I mean over these years there was a slowly growing feeling on both sides: Germans and Jews are in a win-win-situation - in favour of the Germans (because in the beginning foreign Jews should be happy to be in some regular situation at all). Then, in the economic and societal ruins after the lost war 1918 (unfairly lost, they thought) there was a growing suspicion that the balance perhaps had 'worked' the other way around (even during the war!)."
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The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son (or daughter) of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. Although there are %newwin%[[|other possible explanations]], in this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son (or daughter) of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. Although there are %newwin%[[|other possible explanations]], in this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc), which initially related to the person in a Synagogue responsible for collecting money,[^see Prof Paret's remarks in [[]]^] probably in this context usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
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The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son (or daughter) of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son (or daughter) of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. Although there are %newwin%[[|other possible explanations]], in this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
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After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And it's only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And it's only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
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After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And it's only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
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So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich %newwin%[[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of %newwin%[[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]].
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Around 1850 Bujaków seems to have belonged to the enormously rich %newwin%[[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of %newwin%[[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]].
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So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich %newwin%[[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of %newwin%[[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]]. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich %newwin%[[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of %newwin%[[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]].
The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
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So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich [[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of [[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]]. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich %newwin%[[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of %newwin%[[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]]. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
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So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich [[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of Henckel-Donnersmarck.
The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich [[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of [[|Henckel von Donnersmarck]]. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
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So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke. Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich Schaffgotsch and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of Henckel-Donnersmarck. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke? Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich [[|Schaffgotsch family]] and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of Henckel-Donnersmarck.
The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
Changed line 43 from:
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke. Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich Schaffgotsch and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of Henckel-Donnersmarck. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke. Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich Schaffgotsch and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of Henckel-Donnersmarck. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zsar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
Added lines 42-43:
So this raises the following possibility: Was it the case that the Cassirer family culture was one that was for a period both sufficiently literate in money matters (and calculation skills) and so reliable that they for some time became hereditary 'court-cashiers' for some count or duke. Bujaków seems to belong (about 1850) to the enormous rich Schaffgotsch and then to one of the industrial 'magnates', the counts of Henckel-Donnersmarck. The 'big idea' would be that these noble families had real estate with borders to both of the two bordering Empires (Zar/ Kaiser), i.e. Russia //and// Austria and they, belonging as they were to the elite of the German Empire, would of course have had the influence to legalize relatives (of already residential, reliable 'Our Jews') who slowly, perhaps, 'percolated in' from occupied Poland/ Lithuania/ Belarus and Galicia/ Bukowina from the East or Bohemia/ Moravia and miniature Austrian Silesia from the West. The noble families and magnates in this period behaved like little states and their administration (perhaps already with some Jewish administrators, perhaps to avoid the danger of harming their reliability(!), could send Jewish inhabitants within their quasi sovereign territories from one corner to the other (e.g. from Gogolin to Schwientochlowitz). Of course, these employers or more or less owners (depending of the years we're speaking of) of Jewish professionals (for example, managers of aristocratic distilleries or breweries) were later on, in the general antisemitic mood, reluctant do admit how much they had come to rely on these Jewish officers (instead of less educated Germans and Poles who might well have less understanding of German than the Jews remembered of Yiddish).
Changed line 68 from:
*Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). The connections of intermarriage between the Cassirer family and the Levy family have been mentioned immediately above. Another victim of the Shoah, ElisabethCassirer died in Minsk.
*Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). The connections of intermarriage between the Cassirer family and the Levy family have been mentioned above. Another victim of the Shoah, ElisabethCassirer died in Minsk.
Changed line 68 from:
*Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
*Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). The connections of intermarriage between the Cassirer family and the Levy family have been mentioned immediately above. Another victim of the Shoah, ElisabethCassirer died in Minsk.
Changed line 66 from:
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Once more there is another remote connection in that the family of JeanetteSteinitz (wife of MarkusCassirer) intermarried with the Levy family and they with the Laqueur family. ToniLaqueur also died in the Shoah at Sobibor.
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Once more there is another remote connection in that the family of JeanetteSteinitz (wife of MarkusCassirer) intermarried with the Levy family and they with the Laqueur family. ToniLaqueur also died in the Shoah in 1943 at Sobibor.
Changed line 66 from:
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Once more there is another remote connection in that the family of JeanetteSteinitz (wife of MarkusCassirer) intermarried with the Levy family and they with the Laqueur family. ToniLaquer also died in the Shoah at Sobibor.
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Once more there is another remote connection in that the family of JeanetteSteinitz (wife of MarkusCassirer) intermarried with the Levy family and they with the Laqueur family. ToniLaqueur also died in the Shoah at Sobibor.
Changed line 66 from:
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^]
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Once more there is another remote connection in that the family of JeanetteSteinitz (wife of MarkusCassirer) intermarried with the Levy family and they with the Laqueur family. ToniLaquer also died in the Shoah at Sobibor.
Changed line 64 from:
*Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1873Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Destillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
*Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1873Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Distillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
Changed line 79 from:
//On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857:[^[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]] viewed 10 Feb 2013]^
//On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857:[^[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]] viewed 10 Feb 2013^]
Changed lines 79-80 from:
//On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857://
[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]]
//On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857:[^[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]] viewed 10 Feb 2013]^
Changed lines 64-68 from:
Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1873Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Destillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
There is also a reference to a Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Finally there is a reference to Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this site's [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this site's [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
*Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1873Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Destillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^]
*Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
*References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this site's [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
*Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^]
*Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
*References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this site's [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
Changed line 64 from:
Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1895Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Destillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1873Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Destillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
Changed line 66 from:
There is also a reference to a Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Finally there is a reference to Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941. Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
There is also a reference to a Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Finally there is a reference to Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941). Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
Changed line 68 from:
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this sites [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this site's [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
Changed line 68 from:
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetary are available at this sites [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetery are available at this sites [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
Added lines 67-68:
References on the history of the Jews of Gogolin and photos of gravestones from the Jewish cemetary are available at this sites [[Main.Gogolin|page on Gogolin]].
Added lines 63-67:
Ernst was a son of LeopoldCassirer. We find a reference to an [[Main.Ernst1895Cassirer|Ernst Cassirer]] who died in the Shoah. His birth date was 1895 which is consistent, with his mother then being 23 years old. The likelihood is that this is the son of Leopold. In the 1895 Gogolin Address Book we find that Ernst Cassirer is carrying on the lime quarrying and kiln work of his father with the following description: Adressbuch 1895 Gogolin: CASSIRER,ERNST Kalkbrennerei-Werk (limekiln) and CASSIRER,ERNST Steinbruch (quarry).[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] We also find in the same address book a reference to CASSIRER, S. Destillation. Once more the brewing work of the Cassirer tribe appears. This may be a reference to the now 85 year old [[Main.Salomon2Cassirer|Salomon Cassirer (born in 1810)]].
There is also a reference to a Jenny1859Cassirer who lived in Gogolin (1859-1939), married Moritz Berliner, and produced a daughter Else Berliner (born in Krappitz in 1880, and died in the Shoah in 1942) who married Fritz Laqueur.[^[[]] viewed 16 Feb 2013.^] Finally there is a reference to Elisabeth Levy, born ElisabethCassirer in Gogolin (1876-1941. Another victim of the Shoah she died in Minsk.
Changed line 9 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son (or daughter) of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
Changed line 9 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1912. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually was created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1812. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
Changed line 33 from:
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled. More on possible relationships between Bujakow and the early Cassirers (prior to the invention of the Cassirer name) is given [[MorePossibleBujakowConnections|here]].
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled. More on possible relationships between Bujakow and the early Cassirers (prior to the invention of the Cassirer name) is [[MorePossibleBujakowConnections|given here]].
Changed line 14 from:
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of Silesia into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: As mentioned above, Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to the Austrian (Habsburg empire), but was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.). After WWI the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland. [See here for Maps of %newwin%[[|Silesia in the German Empire in 1870]], and %newwin% [[|The German Empire in 1917]], and [[|German and Polish Place Name Equivalents]].]
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of Silesia into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: As mentioned above, Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to the Austrian (Habsburg empire), but was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.). After WWI the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland. [See here for Maps of %newwin%[[|Silesia in the German Empire in 1870]], and %newwin% [[|The German Empire in 1917]] (right bottom quarter for area of interest), and [[|German and Polish Place Name Equivalents]].]
Changed line 14 from:
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of Silesia into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: As mentioned above, Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to the Austrian (Habsburg empire), but was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.). After WWI the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of Silesia into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: As mentioned above, Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to the Austrian (Habsburg empire), but was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.). After WWI the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland. [See here for Maps of %newwin%[[|Silesia in the German Empire in 1870]], and %newwin% [[|The German Empire in 1917]], and [[|German and Polish Place Name Equivalents]].]
Added lines 3-4:
//Caveat// We are of course here riding over very thin ice. Most of the facts we have elicited here are derived from online sources, without serious scholastic work in relevant libraries. These would ideally be bolstered, tempered, and corrected by one or more scholars who read Hebrew, someone who devotes themselves to reading inscriptions on gravestones, someone knowing Yiddish or Czech (Bohemian and Moravian) and so on. We offer this in the hope that perhaps some such people with appropriate skills might read and add to these discussions, and in this way perhaps help thicken the ice!
Changed line 31 from:
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled. More on possible relationships between Bujakow and the early Cassirers (prior to the invention of the Cassirer name) is given [[MorePossibleBujakowConnections|here]].
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*In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps [[Main.Jacob1837Cassirer|Jacob Cassirer]] (1837-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
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(:Doc: L :)(:Research: L:)(:StillToBeIdentified: L:)
(:Doc: L :)(:Research: L:)(:StillToBeIdentified: L:)(:Shoah: L:)
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Crossen was a place quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin and was historically first Silesian, then Brandenburg (and part of Prussia).[^[[]]^] Expat has found in Google Books[[| a book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable. The number of Cassirers is not great (although there are quite a lot of Falks and many Cohns). A search for "Cassirer" locates 3 references, of which two are related together :
Crossen was a place quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin and was historically first Silesian, then Brandenburg (and part of Prussia).[^[[]]^] Expat has found in //Google Books// [[| a book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable. The number of Cassirers is not great (although there are quite a lot of Falks and many Cohns). A search for "Cassirer" locates 3 references, of which two are related together :
Changed lines 43-47 from:
* Expat has found in Google Books [[http:
Crossen was a place quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin and was historically first Silesian, then Brandenburg (and part of Prussia).[^[[]]^] Expat has found in Google Books[[| a book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable. The number of Cassirers is not great (although there are quite a lot of Falks and many Cohns). A search for "Cassirer" locates 3 references, of which two are related together :
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(:Doc: L :)(:Research: L:)
(:Doc: L :)(:Research: L:)(:StillToBeIdentified: L:)
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Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who can tentatively be identified with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] (not MosesLoebelCassirer so to avoid ambiguity we will call him here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) who married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer who married a "Moses Cassirer" who may well have been Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
Changed line 67 from:
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who can tentatively be identified with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
Changed lines 67-69 from:
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^].
Changed line 67 from:
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses 2 Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses2Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
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Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-GlogauCassirers|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses 2 Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-Glogau|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses 2 Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
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!!!Cassirers in Oberglogau
!!!!Cassirers in Oberglogau
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!!!!Cassirers in Gogolin
We find a whole line of the Cassirer family developing from the town of [[Gogolin]]. Much more on them is recounted at [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]].
!!!!Cassirers in Gogolin
We find a whole line of the Cassirer family developing from the town of [[Gogolin]]. Much more on them is recounted at [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]].
!!!Cassirers in Oberglogau
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-GlogauCassirers|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses 2 Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
We find a whole line of the Cassirer family developing from the town of [[Gogolin]]. Much more on them is recounted at [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]].
!!!Cassirers in Oberglogau
Some 20 km from [[Gogolin]] in Oberglogau can be found references to other [[Main.StillToBeIdentifiedCassirersInOber-GlogauCassirers|still to be identified Cassirers]] including a a different [[Moses2Cassirer|Moses Cassirer]] from MosesLoebelCassirer (who we will call here "Moses 2 Cassirer"). Here our current probable identification is based on: SiegfriedCassirer (brother of MarkusCassirer) married HenrietteFischer (1821-1891) and HenrietteFisher's sister EvaFischer married Moses Cassirer who I identify tentatively with Moses2Cassirer above. Moses2Cassirer married EvaFischer and in due course had a son Loebel2Cassirer (7 Mar 1809-bef 1849)[^Moses2Cassirer and EvaFischer in turn had a son Moritz2Cassirer (4 Sep 1829-8 Mar 1830) who thus died in his first year^]. We have no record of their other children but they could well have included Ida, Siegfried and daughter O or D Cohen (although mysteriously Siegfried and D Cohen are referred to as "Messrs").[^Expat: Remember the possibility of missreadings, especially the 'D' of 'Cohn' which might also be an 'O'. If this should be of first importance, then we should look for the facsimile (from some other library through Heidelberg University Library). But the snippet of google-books (in this case from the original text) says the same: ' 27. . den Herren Siegfried Cassirer und D. Cohn zu Ober-Glogau, zum Andenken an ihre Eltern Moses Cassirer, st. 17. September 1852, und Eva Cassirer, st. 23. September 1852, und deren Tochter Ida, st. 23. Dezember 1863.'^].
Changed line 64 from:
We find a whole line of the Cassirer family developing from the town of Gogolin. Much more on them is recounted at [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]].
We find a whole line of the Cassirer family developing from the town of [[Gogolin]]. Much more on them is recounted at [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]].
Added lines 62-64:
!!!!Cassirers in Gogolin
We find a whole line of the Cassirer family developing from the town of Gogolin. Much more on them is recounted at [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]].
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!!!Going Places - Finding Cassirers in records of place
!!!Going Places - Finding more Cassirers in records of place
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!!!More Breslau Connections
!!!!More Breslau Connections
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!!!Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
!!!Going Places - Finding Cassirers in records of place
!!!!Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
!!!!Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
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Thus Jews, such as the Cassirers, who were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 were suddenly confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser). For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln”is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, [[Schwientochlowitz]], Beuthen, Königshütte, [[Rybnik]] and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln”
Thus Jews, such as the Cassirers, who were clever and busy in the 19th century, and up to 1918, were suddenly confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser). For the now supernationalist/ strongly Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (as in Austrian Galicia where, after 1918, ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, [[Schwientochlowitz]] or [[Rybnik]] are simply [[Silesia]] before 1920 and then Polish till 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuthen or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” [District of Oppeln] is the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, [[Schwientochlowitz]], Beuthen, Königshütte, [[Rybnik]] and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” [District of Oppeln] is the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, [[Schwientochlowitz]], Beuthen, Königshütte, [[Rybnik]] and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
Changed lines 28-31 from:
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
!!!!Why Bujakow?
MarkusCassirer was born in“Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
MarkusCassirer was born in
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, [[Schwientochlowitz]], Beuthen, Königshütte, [[Rybnik]] and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
!!!!The role of Bujakow.
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
!!!!The role of Bujakow.
MarkusCassirer was born in “[[Bujakow]]” as it is recalled was his father MosesLoebelCassirer and grandfather LoebelMosesCassirer. This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Changed lines 9-11 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in [[Silesia]] - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes. This includes its emergence as a Polish province, becoming a possession of Bohemia in 1335, passing with the Bohemian crown to the Austrian Hapsburgs in 1626, being taken by Prussia in 1742, and returned to Poland in the aftermath of WWII in 1945.[^See, for example, [[|Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the history of Silesia]]^]
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in [[Silesia]] - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes. This includes its emergence as a polish province, becoming a possession of Bohemia in 1335, passing with the Bohemian crown to the Austrian Hapsburgs in 1626, being taken by Prussia in 1742, and returned to Poland in the aftermath of WWII in 1945.[^See, for example, [[|Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the history of Silesia]]^]
Changed lines 30-31 from:
!!!!Place and the Cassirers
MarkusCassirer was born in“Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
MarkusCassirer was born in
!!!!Why Bujakow?
MarkusCassirer was born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
MarkusCassirer was born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was too small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik, Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Changed lines 25-31 from:
!!!!Challenges for jews.
The problem gets hot at those places, where Cassirers were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 and suddenly were confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser).
For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’. This ‘guten Tag’,polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today: Dobrozien), where Jeanette Steinitz’s mother, a Guttentager, came from, i.e. a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener.) In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (Isidor), Oberglogau (Siegfried’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik etc.
For the now
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’. This ‘guten Tag’,
!!!!Challenges for 'modern' jews.
Thus Jews, such as the Cassirers, who were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 were suddenly confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser). For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
Thus Jews, such as the Cassirers, who were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 were suddenly confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser). For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’). This ‘guten Tag’, Polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today (Dobrozien), where JeanetteSteinitz’s mother, a Guttentager (a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener) came from. In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (IsidorCassirer), Oberglogau (SiegfriedCassirer’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik and other places touched by the family Cassirer as they developed and relocated seeking opportunity and consolidating their business endeavours.
Changed line 31 from:
MarkusCassirer was born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Changed lines 9-24 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.[^See, for example, [[|Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the history of Silesia]]^]
In the courseof considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of [[Silesia]] into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
After WW I the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower).
In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given here[^[[<>]]^]. (The text about upper Silesia is not so informative, at least in the english version, not in the german one.)
Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany ofthe forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (famous german marshal of WW I) and it was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II.
So it’s quite clear that there has never been a “Breslau, Upper Silesia” and after 1921 it has always beenin Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
Bujakow is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the recollections of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
In the course
After WW I the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at
In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even
Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of
So it’s quite clear that there has never been a “Breslau, Upper Silesia” and after 1921 it has always been
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in [[Silesia]] - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes. This includes its emergence as a Polish province, becoming a possession of Bohemia in 1335, passing with the Bohemian crown to the Austrian Hapsburgs in 1626, being taken by Prussia in 1742, and returned to Poland in the aftermath of WWII in 1945.[^See, for example, [[|Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the history of Silesia]]^]
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of Silesia into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: As mentioned above, Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to the Austrian (Habsburg empire), but was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.). After WWI the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
Bujakow, where the Cassirer name was adopted by LoebelMosesCassirer, is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the recollections of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of Silesia into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: As mentioned above, Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to the Austrian (Habsburg empire), but was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.). After WWI the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper Silesian) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower Silesian). In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given [[|here]]. Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (after the famous german marshal of WW I). It was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II. Breslau was thus in Silesia, and following 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
Bujakow, where the Cassirer name was adopted by LoebelMosesCassirer, is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the recollections of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Changed line 12 from:
In the course of considering the Cassirer history we are confronted with the historical distinction at one time of [[Silesia]] into Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
Changed line 9 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.[^See, for example, [[|Encyclopaedia Britannica article on the history of Silesia]]^]
Changed line 30 from:
Taking into account more what we know on the [[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|movements of the Cassirer family]], as we note, as far as the Cassirer history is concerned, it appears that in a very general view they moved from very poor rural places around Silesia (clockwise: Russia, i.e. occupied Poland, and Habsburg countries like Galicia, small remains of Habsburg-Silesia next to the southwestern border, Moravia and Bohemia) to rural places in Prussia, and as their mobility was less and less restricted they moved from Upper Silesia - first from little Bujakow to bigger Rybnik and then to industrial boom towns like Beuthen - to Breslau, Goerlitz etc. and then to Berlin.[^[[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|Note On The History Of Cassirer Family Places And Movements]]^]
Changed line 30 from:
We may see more on the [[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|movements of the Cassirer family]]. As Expat notes, "as far as the Cassirer history is concerned, it appears that in a very general view they moved from very poor rural places around Silesia (clockwise: Russia, i.e. occupied Poland, and Habsburg countries like Galicia, small remains of Habsburg-Silesia next to the southwestern border, Moravia and Bohemia) to rural places in Prussia, and as their mobility was less and less restricted they moved from Upper Silesia - first from little Bujakow to bigger Rybnik and then to industrial boom towns like Beuthen! - to Breslau, Goerlitz etc. and then to Berlin."[^[[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|Note On The History Of Cassirer Family Places And Movements]]^]
We may see more on the [[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|movements of the Cassirer family]]. Indeed, as we note, as far as the Cassirer history is concerned, it appears that in a very general view they moved from very poor rural places around Silesia (clockwise: Russia, i.e. occupied Poland, and Habsburg countries like Galicia, small remains of Habsburg-Silesia next to the southwestern border, Moravia and Bohemia) to rural places in Prussia, and as their mobility was less and less restricted they moved from Upper Silesia - first from little Bujakow to bigger Rybnik and then to industrial boom towns like Beuthen - to Breslau, Goerlitz etc. and then to Berlin.[^[[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|Note On The History Of Cassirer Family Places And Movements]]^]
Changed lines 24-27 from:
Bujakow is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of [[Main.WalterGruenfeld|Walter Grünfeld]] it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków with google images it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków with google images it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Bujakow is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the recollections of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków (with google images) it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in) they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków (with google images) it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in) they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
Added lines 29-30:
We may see more on the [[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|movements of the Cassirer family]]. As Expat notes, "as far as the Cassirer history is concerned, it appears that in a very general view they moved from very poor rural places around Silesia (clockwise: Russia, i.e. occupied Poland, and Habsburg countries like Galicia, small remains of Habsburg-Silesia next to the southwestern border, Moravia and Bohemia) to rural places in Prussia, and as their mobility was less and less restricted they moved from Upper Silesia - first from little Bujakow to bigger Rybnik and then to industrial boom towns like Beuthen! - to Breslau, Goerlitz etc. and then to Berlin."[^[[Main.NoteOnTheHistoryOfCassirerFamilyPlacesAndMovements|Note On The History Of Cassirer Family Places And Movements]]^]
Changed line 24 from:
Bujakow is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Bujakow is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of [[Main.WalterGruenfeld|Walter Grünfeld]] it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Changed lines 28-29 from:
->For years I try to "investigate" Rybnik Jews and I've never seen the name "Cassirer" connected with Rybnik.
To be honest I see that name for the first time. It's very amazing that Cassirer family moved from Berlin to Rybnik for voting. Far away distance. The voting took place in 1921 (not in 1920). I would like to help you but I think Cassirers didn't leave any traces here.[^quoted in email from Expat 7 Feb 2013^]
To be honest I see that name for the first time. It's very amazing that Cassirer family moved from Berlin to Rybnik for voting. Far away distance. The voting took place in 1921 (not in 1920). I would like to help you but I think Cassirers didn't leave any traces here.[^quoted in email from Expat 7 Feb 2013^]
->For years I try to "investigate" Rybnik Jews and I've never seen the name "Cassirer" connected with Rybnik. To be honest I see that name for the first time. It's very amazing that Cassirer family moved from Berlin to Rybnik for voting. Far away distance. The voting took place in 1921 (not in 1920). I would like to help you but I think Cassirers didn't leave any traces here.[^quoted in email from Expat 7 Feb 2013^]
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Added lines 23-30:
Bujakow is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
Bujaków today belongs not to Rybnik but to nearby Mikolów (German: Nicolai). Looking around in modern Bujaków with google images it seems that perhaps only 4-5 historical buildings are still at a place where they perhaps were in Cassirer's times. Bujaków and Rybnik both were more or less forced to join Poland in 1922. This ironically meant perhaps that from 1922 to 1939 (when the Nazi army rushed vengefully in they weren't able to destroy Jewish culture as in the Reich. But then the local culture was hardly conducive to the Cassirer intellectual endeavours. It's more and more likely that the Cassirer moved very quickly after their registration as 'Cassirer' about 1820 in Rybnik. This is also attested to by the comment from a local correspondent.
->For years I try to "investigate" Rybnik Jews and I've never seen the name "Cassirer" connected with Rybnik.
To be honest I see that name for the first time. It's very amazing that Cassirer family moved from Berlin to Rybnik for voting. Far away distance. The voting took place in 1921 (not in 1920). I would like to help you but I think Cassirers didn't leave any traces here.[^quoted in email from Expat 7 Feb 2013^]
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LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - is recalled as being known as Loebel Moses Bujakow - perhaps being named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
Changed line 9 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
Changed line 7 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1912. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^ibid^]
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1912. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^[[], viewed 10 Feb 2013.^]
Changed line 7 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1912. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1912. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.[^ibid^]
Changed lines 7-9 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar).
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses 'of' Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses 'of' Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer^]
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar). For Prussia - now Germany and parts of Poland - the change of name was mandated from 1912. As Prussia acquired additional territory the requirement was restated, being extended to Posen in 1833 and the rest of the Prussian state in 1845.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses [of] Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer; and [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke|One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.]]^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
Changed line 7 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (Cashier, or similar).
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (cashier, or similar).
Changed line 9 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses 'of' Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses 'of' Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia.[^See notes for GertrudCassirer^] His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
Changed line 9 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob (or known simply as Loebel Moses 'of' Bujakow) - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
Changed line 7 from:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name, forced upon Jews living in Central Europe by the governing powers. Up to that point they had been named by reference to their father - Loebel, Moses ben Loebel, etc. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (Cashier, or similar).
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name. Prior to the adoption of the "surname" (which in different places became mandated in the late C18 and C19) Jews had to that point they had been named by a [[|Jewish patronym]] - which usually were created as "son of....". For example the son of Loebel could be named Moses ben Loebel. However, if that left ambiguity then additional physical, occupational, or locational characteristics could be added to form a nickname. Even before it was mandated, as Jews came into closer contact with modern life they found it useful to create a more contemporary style name with a recognisable surname. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (Cashier, or similar).
Changed line 11 from:
One problem in understanding this is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
One problem in understanding this is the distinction of [[Silesia]], Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
Changed lines 9-11 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow.
The problem is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
The problem
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow. However, to understand the challenges, opportunities and thinking of these early Cassirers it is also necessary to understand the context in which they lived. They lived as 'modern' Jews in Silesia - a historical region of "Central Europe" - but one which had from the point of view of identity, language, politics and culture, undergone a long series of tumultuous changes.
One problem in understanding this is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
One problem in understanding this is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
Changed line 9 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer Moses ben Loebel Cassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer, also born in Bujakow.
Changed line 9 from:
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, Moses ben Loebel Cassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, MosesLoebelCassirer Moses ben Loebel Cassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer.
Added lines 7-10:
The Cassirer story in one sense must begin with the invention of the "Cassirer" name, forced upon Jews living in Central Europe by the governing powers. Up to that point they had been named by reference to their father - Loebel, Moses ben Loebel, etc. Often the name chosen was one relating to occupation. In this case Cassirer (or Cassierer, Kassierer, etc) probably usually related to an occupation relating to finances (Cashier, or similar).
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, Moses ben Loebel Cassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer.
LoebelMosesCassirer (1738-1809) - perhaps named at birth Loebel Moses ben Jakob - is recalled to have been a cashier at a Grafen ("estate of a person of high rank") in Bujakow, Silesia. His son, Moses ben Loebel Cassirer of course was the father of MarkusCassirer.
Added lines 4-36:
!!!The social development and geographic movement of the Cassirer family
!!!!The problem of place
The problem is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
After WW I the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower).
In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given here[^[[<>]]^]. (The text about upper Silesia is not so informative, at least in the english version, not in the german one.)
Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (famous german marshal of WW I) and it was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II.
So it’s quite clear that there has never been a “Breslau, Upper Silesia” and after 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
!!!!Challenges for jews.
The problem gets hot at those places, where Cassirers were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 and suddenly were confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser).
For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’. This ‘guten Tag’, polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today: Dobrozien), where Jeanette Steinitz’s mother, a Guttentager, came from, i.e. a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener.) In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (Isidor), Oberglogau (Siegfried’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik etc.
!!!!Place and the Cassirers
“Markus Cassirer”: born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
!!!!Social Development
Several strands of development will have shaped the Cassirers from the C19 to WWII. One of these was the transition with German Jews becoming Jewish Germans. This started in the 19th century until the fatal outcomes after WW I.
Expat writes: This is entirely speculative: It's somehow like the saying: Of course there must be a balance between nature and humans ... in favour of the humans. I mean over these years there was a slowly growing feeling on both sides: Germans and Jews are in a win-win-situation - in favour of the Germans (because in the beginning foreign Jews should be happy to be in some regular situation at all). Then, in the economic and societal ruins after the lost war 1918 (unfairly lost, they thought) there was a growing suspicion that the balance perhaps had 'worked' the other way around (even during the war!).
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[ (second edition, first ~1950):]], viewed 10 Feb 2013^]
It is possible that panning across the notion of Court Jew to Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were situated, for example, in Bujakow.
Deleted lines 74-104:
!!!!The problem of place
The problem is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
After WW I the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower).
In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given here[^[[<>]]^]. (The text about upper Silesia is not so informative, at least in the english version, not in the german one.)
Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (famous german marshal of WW I) and it was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II.
So it’s quite clear that there has never been a “Breslau, Upper Silesia” and after 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
!!!!Challenges for jews.
The problem gets hot at those places, where Cassirers were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 and suddenly were confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser).
For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’. This ‘guten Tag’, polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today: Dobrozien), where Jeanette Steinitz’s mother, a Guttentager, came from, i.e. a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener.) In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (Isidor), Oberglogau (Siegfried’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik etc.
!!!!Place and the Cassirers
“Markus Cassirer”: born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
!!!!Social Development
Several strands of development will have shaped the Cassirers from the C19 to WWII. One of these was the transition with German Jews becoming Jewish Germans. This started in the 19th century until the fatal outcomes after WW I.
Expat writes: This is entirely speculative: It's somehow like the saying: Of course there must be a balance between nature and humans ... in favour of the humans. I mean over these years there was a slowly growing feeling on both sides: Germans and Jews are in a win-win-situation - in favour of the Germans (because in the beginning foreign Jews should be happy to be in some regular situation at all). Then, in the economic and societal ruins after the lost war 1918 (unfairly lost, they thought) there was a growing suspicion that the balance perhaps had 'worked' the other way around (even during the war!).
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[ (second edition, first ~1950):]], viewed 10 Feb 2013^]
It is possible that panning across the notion of Court Jew to Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were situated, for example, in Bujakow.
Changed line 43 from:
!!!!The changes of place
!!!!The problem of place
Changed lines 50-51 from:
In an encyclopaedia dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds as given here[^[[<>]]^]. (The text about upper Silesia is not so informative, at least in the english version, not in the german one.)
Added line 56:
!!!!Challenges for jews.
Changed line 63 from:
!!!!Place and the Cassirers
Added lines 43-65:
!!!!The changes of place
The problem is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
After WW I the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower).
I have a encyclopaedia from my father dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds like this: <>. (The text about upper Silesia is not so informative, at least in the english version, not in the german one.)
Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (famous german marshal of WW I) and it was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II.
So it’s quite clear that there has never been a “Breslau, Upper Silesia” and after 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
The problem gets hot at those places, where Cassirers were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 and suddenly were confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser).
For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’. This ‘guten Tag’, polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today: Dobrozien), where Jeanette Steinitz’s mother, a Guttentager, came from, i.e. a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener.) In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (Isidor), Oberglogau (Siegfried’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik etc.
“Markus Cassirer”: born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
!!!!Social Development
The problem is the distinction of Silesia, Lower Silesia and Upper Silesia. It’s a historico-geographical problem: Silesia belonged up to the middle of the 18th century (1742) to Austria (Habsburg empire), and was after that date until about 1919/20 entirely a Prussian province (with dukes etc.).
After WW I the refounded Poland managed to force Germany and nearby Austria, loosers of this war, to have a referendum in counties with a notable polish minority or even majority about their identity: if they would rather belong to Poland.
After the vote there was an amputation of certain counties at the former border in the coal belt around Kattowitz - they voted for Poland. And its only after that date that the German started speaking of ‘Oberschlesien’ (Upper) and ‘Niederschlesien’ (Lower).
I have a encyclopaedia from my father dating 1905 and there even the word ‘Oberschlesien’ does not exist. From the actual Polish point of view it sounds like this: <>. (The text about upper Silesia is not so informative, at least in the english version, not in the german one.)
Oberschlesien, for short often “OS” or “O/S”, became a separated part of Silesia also to remind Germany of the forced loss of the rich southwestern “peak” of old Silesia. That’s why Zabrse, now just at the new boundary, was renamed ‘Hindenburg’ (famous german marshal of WW I) and it was the faked polish invasion in nearby german Gleiwitz which gave Hitler the pretext of starting WW II.
So it’s quite clear that there has never been a “Breslau, Upper Silesia” and after 1921 it has always been in Lower Silesia (and even today again in Poland).
The problem gets hot at those places, where Cassirers were clever and busy in the 19th century up to 1918 and suddenly were confronted with the unconfortable idea of becoming Polish citizens thus losing the ‘enlightened’ (more or less protestant founded) protection of the Prussian kings (and German Kaiser).
For the now supernationalist/ heavy Catholic Poles the Germanophile jews were fellow-travellers (like in Austrian Galicia - after 1918 ten thousand jews had to flee from there to Vienna and then to Paris, London or the US). So one has to have a close look: Breslau belongs to Lower Silesia only after 1920/21, whereas Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz or Rybnik are simply Silesia before 1920 and then Polish til 1939 and after 1945, but Gleiwitz, Beuten or ‘Hindenburg’ after 1920/21 are Oberschlesien, Upper Silesia, because people there decided to stay German.
In the “Regierungsbezirk Oppeln” is also the town of Guttentag (~’guten Tag’ = ‘good day’ = ‘hello’, ‘hi’. This ‘guten Tag’, polish ‘dzien dobry’, reappears in the name of the town today: Dobrozien), where Jeanette Steinitz’s mother, a Guttentager, came from, i.e. a jewish name derived from a place, like Posener.) In this “Regierungsbezirk” were also Ziegenhals (Isidor), Oberglogau (Siegfried’s brewery), and up to 1920 also Kattowitz, Schwientochlowitz, Beuthen, Königshütte, Rybnik etc.
“Markus Cassirer”: born in “Bujakow”: This is an interesting very little town (in the “Landkreis Rybnik”) because it is situated halfway between Kattowitz and Rybnik (all three went to Poland after 1920). In the citation from the memories of Walter Grünfeld it says that as a boy he and his aunt met in 1920 in Kattowitz a large group of Berliner Cassirers, comming from Rybnik, where they had voted (that means I think: the law then forced people to vote for Germany / for Poland at the place where they / their family originated. Perhaps Bujakow was to small to manage such a vote with people from as far as Berlin). So instead of Rybnik Bujakow might have been also one of the places in the Kattowitz region where the Cassirers from Russian Poland / austrian Poland, i.e. Galicia, or Moravia and Hungary, Bessarabia, whatever, first settled.
!!!!Social Development
Changed line 42 from:
!!!The social and geographic movement of the Cassirer family
!!!The social development and geographic movement of the Cassirer family
Changed line 47 from:
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[ (second edition, first ~1950):]]^]
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[ (second edition, first ~1950):]], viewed 10 Feb 2013^]
Changed lines 47-49 from:
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[
German (second edition, first ~1950):]]^]
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[ (second edition, first ~1950):]]^]
Changed line 47 from:
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The Court Jew.[^[[
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The "Court Jew" is described in a book, available on line.[^[[
Changed lines 49-52 from:]]
I confess I haven't read (or browsed through) the book yet, but I think, if we 'zoom' the notion of Court Jew from Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were e.g. in Bujakow.
But as I said, it's entirely speculative.
I confess I haven't read (or browsed through) the book yet, but I think, if we 'zoom' the notion of Court Jew from Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in
But as I said, it's entirely speculative
It is possible that panning across the notion of Court Jew to Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were situated, for example, in Bujakow.
It is possible that panning across the notion of Court Jew to Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were situated, for example, in Bujakow.
Changed line 42 from:
!!!The movement of the Cassirer family
!!!The social and geographic movement of the Cassirer family
Added lines 42-52:
!!!The movement of the Cassirer family
Several strands of development will have shaped the Cassirers from the C19 to WWII. One of these was the transition with German Jews becoming Jewish Germans. This started in the 19th century until the fatal outcomes after WW I.
Expat writes: This is entirely speculative: It's somehow like the saying: Of course there must be a balance between nature and humans ... in favour of the humans. I mean over these years there was a slowly growing feeling on both sides: Germans and Jews are in a win-win-situation - in favour of the Germans (because in the beginning foreign Jews should be happy to be in some regular situation at all). Then, in the economic and societal ruins after the lost war 1918 (unfairly lost, they thought) there was a growing suspicion that the balance perhaps had 'worked' the other way around (even during the war!).
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The Court Jew.[^[[
German (second edition, first ~1950):]]
I confess I haven't read (or browsed through) the book yet, but I think, if we 'zoom' the notion of Court Jew from Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were e.g. in Bujakow.
But as I said, it's entirely speculative.
Several strands of development will have shaped the Cassirers from the C19 to WWII. One of these was the transition with German Jews becoming Jewish Germans. This started in the 19th century until the fatal outcomes after WW I.
Expat writes: This is entirely speculative: It's somehow like the saying: Of course there must be a balance between nature and humans ... in favour of the humans. I mean over these years there was a slowly growing feeling on both sides: Germans and Jews are in a win-win-situation - in favour of the Germans (because in the beginning foreign Jews should be happy to be in some regular situation at all). Then, in the economic and societal ruins after the lost war 1918 (unfairly lost, they thought) there was a growing suspicion that the balance perhaps had 'worked' the other way around (even during the war!).
In feudal times - the times we're so interested in - there was a very special Jewish figure or social type right in the middle of the shifting German-Jewish-win-win-relation: The Court Jew.[^[[
German (second edition, first ~1950):]]
I confess I haven't read (or browsed through) the book yet, but I think, if we 'zoom' the notion of Court Jew from Dukes and even Kaisers and Kings 'down' to Counts and formerly humble Junkers in their woods who became tycoons in the upper Silesian boom period we perhaps will get a hint at the positions where confidants like Cassirer were e.g. in Bujakow.
But as I said, it's entirely speculative.
Changed line 17 from:
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob1837Cassirer, or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps [[Main.Jacob1837Cassirer|Jacob Cassirer]] (1837-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 17 from:
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob1834Cassirer (1837-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob1837Cassirer, or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 17 from:
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob1834Cassirer (1834-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob1834Cassirer (1837-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 17 from:
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob(1834-)Cassirer (1834-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob1834Cassirer (1834-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 17 from:
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer (1834-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob(1834-)Cassirer (1834-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 17 from:
->Also at Crossen there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->In 1872-5, also at Crossen, there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer (1834-), or JuliusCassirer (1824-1924) or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 40 from:
[[|Bluecherplatz]]) sounds like a very good address. The Cassirers were moving fast! Only 50-60 years after the 'invention' (speculative) of the name 'Cassirer', a name suitable for a honest/reliable job in Christian business and in Jewish self-administration as well.
[[|Bluecherplatz]] sounds like a very good address. The Cassirers were moving fast! Only 50-60 years after the 'invention' (speculative) of the name 'Cassirer', a name suitable for a honest/reliable job in Christian business and in Jewish self-administration as well.
Changed line 40 from:
[[|Bluecherplatz]]) sounds like a very good address. The Cassirers were moving fast! Only 50-60 years after the 'invention' (speculative) of the name 'Cassirer', a name suitable for a honest/reliable job in Christian business and in Jewish self-administration as well.
Changed line 17 from:
->Also at Crossen there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->Also at Crossen there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer or JoelCassirer (see below). So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed lines 36-38 from:
**Cassirer broth. - Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
**Joel Cassirer -Joel Cassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
**Cassirer & Friedlaender -Samuel Wilhelm Cassirer, Eduard Friedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
**Joel Cassirer -
**Cassirer & Friedlaender -
**Cassirer broth. - HeymannCassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
**Joel Cassirer - JoelCassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
**Cassirer & Friedlaender - SamuelWilhelmCassirer, EduardFriedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
**Joel Cassirer - JoelCassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
**Cassirer & Friedlaender - SamuelWilhelmCassirer, EduardFriedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
Changed lines 36-37 from:
Cassirer broth.
**Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
**Cassirer broth. - Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
Changed line 14 from:
->There is a report that Therese also was sent to Auschwitz. However The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
->There is a report that Therese also was sent to Auschwitz. However The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]
Changed lines 28-30 from:
'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind
(Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess]
More Cassirer references can be found in the booklet: 'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer', which translates as: Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce.
Changed line 11 from:
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen/Oder, 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis to be adopted by all Jewish women.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, Therese nee Cassirer was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research (solving the 'Waringsche Problem'). [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
* //ThereseCassirer:// Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen/Oder, 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis to be adopted by all Jewish women.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, Therese nee Cassirer was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research (solving the 'Waringsche Problem'). [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
Changed line 32 from:
On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857:
//On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857://
Changed lines 36-38 from:
name of the store/establishment - name(s) of the owner(s) - kind of business - address
Cassirer & Cohn - LouisCassirer, Adolph Cohn - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 16
Cassirer & Cohn - LouisCassirer, Adolph Cohn - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 16
**name of the store/establishment - name(s) of the owner(s) - kind of business - address
**Cassirer & Cohn - LouisCassirer, Adolph Cohn - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 16
**Cassirer & Cohn - LouisCassirer, Adolph Cohn - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 16
Changed lines 39-41 from:
Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
Joel Cassirer - Joel Cassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
Cassirer & Friedlaender - Samuel Wilhelm Cassirer, Eduard Friedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
Joel Cassirer - Joel Cassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
Cassirer & Friedlaender - Samuel Wilhelm Cassirer, Eduard Friedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
**Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
**Joel Cassirer - Joel Cassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
**Cassirer & Friedlaender - Samuel Wilhelm Cassirer, Eduard Friedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
**Joel Cassirer - Joel Cassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
**Cassirer & Friedlaender - Samuel Wilhelm Cassirer, Eduard Friedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
Changed lines 27-29 from:
[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]]
Added lines 32-35:
On p. 8, we find Cassirers in business in Breslau in the year 1857:
[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]]
[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]]
Deleted line 36:
Changed lines 38-39 from:
Cassirer broth. - Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
Cassirer broth.
Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
Changed line 2 from:
This work is being developed as a form of dialogue between the site editor and Expat. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
This work is being developed as a form of dialogue between the site editor and Expat, progressively edited as pieces of the "jigsaw' seem to fit together. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
Added lines 4-5:
!!!Cassirers in Crossen/Oder
Changed lines 9-26 from:
->Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen(Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis to be adopted by all Jewish women.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
*Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->A[[|Polish e-bay-like portal]] is seen to have advertised 10 old German clothes-hangers for sale, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin ('Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historically was first Silesian, then part of Brandenburg (Prussia).
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen
*Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J.
->Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits two relating together :
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen/Oder, 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis to be adopted by all Jewish women.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, Therese nee Cassirer was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research (solving the 'Waringsche Problem'). [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
->There is a report that Therese also was sent to Auschwitz. However The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
->Also at Crossen there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->A [[|Polish e-bay-like portal]] is seen to have advertised 10 old German clothes-hangers for sale, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin ('Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historically was first Silesian, then part of Brandenburg (Prussia). So perhaps also C & J Cassirer had a clothing business as well.
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen/Oder, 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis to be adopted by all Jewish women.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, Therese nee Cassirer was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research (solving the 'Waringsche Problem'). [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
->There is a report that Therese also was sent to Auschwitz. However The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
->Also at Crossen there was the Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of Cassirer - C.& J. timber-framing factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
->A [[|Polish e-bay-like portal]] is seen to have advertised 10 old German clothes-hangers for sale, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin ('Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historically was first Silesian, then part of Brandenburg (Prussia). So perhaps also C & J Cassirer had a clothing business as well.
Added lines 24-42:
!!!More Breslau Connections
here, on p. 8, Cassirer in business in Breslau, 1857:
[[ cyfrowa = cipher = digit(alized)]]
The title of the booklet:
'Verzeichnis saemtlicher Handelstreibenden zu Breslau, welche in Lit. A besteuert sind, der Mitglieder der Handelskammer, deren Stellvertreter und Beamten, der Boersenkommissarien (so wie der [...]) fuer das Jahr 1857, zusammengestellt vom Sekretariat der Handelskammer'
(Inventory of all traders of Breslau, taxed in Lit. A [big, or bigger business, I guess], and of all members of the Chamber of Commerce, their deputies and appointees, the commissioners of the stock exchange (...) for the year 1857, compiled by the office of the Chamber of Commerce)
name of the store/establishment - name(s) of the owner(s) - kind of business - address
Cassirer & Cohn - LouisCassirer, Adolph Cohn - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 16
Cassirer broth. - Heymann Cassirer - gold-, silver- and jewel-trade - Am Rathause 14 [At the Town Hall !!]
Joel Cassirer - Joel Cassirer - manufacture goods - Bluecherplatz 12
Cassirer & Friedlaender - Samuel Wilhelm Cassirer, Eduard Friedlaender - banking-, products- and dispatchin-trade - Altbuesserstrasse 61
Bluecherplatz ([[]]) sounds like a very good address. The Cassirers were moving fast! Only 50-60 years after the 'invention' (speculative) of the name 'Cassirer', a name suitable for a honest/reliable job in Christian business and in Jewish self-administration as well.
Changed line 12 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]] Since she was probably murdered in Treblinka her entry in the [[|Theresienstadt victims database]] does not show a recovered death certificate.
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
Changed line 12 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]] Since she was probably murdered in Treblinka her entry in the [[|Theresienstadt victims database]] does not yet show a recovered death certificate.
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]] Since she was probably murdered in Treblinka her entry in the [[|Theresienstadt victims database]] does not show a recovered death certificate.
Changed line 12 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]] Her entry in the [[|Theresienstadt victims database]] does not yet show a recovered death certificate.
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]] Since she was probably murdered in Treblinka her entry in the [[|Theresienstadt victims database]] does not yet show a recovered death certificate.
Changed line 12 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]] Her entry in the [[|Theresienstadt victims database]] does not yet show a recovered death certificate.
Changed lines 12-13 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104
Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104 Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
Changed lines 12-13 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born in 1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born 23/12/1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000. Prisoner Nr. in Transport: 104
Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
Prisoner Nr. in 2nd Transport: 1148.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
Changed line 12 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born in 1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013]]
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born in 1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013^]]
Changed lines 12-14 from:
->The Yad Vashem database shows that Therese Baer, nee Cassirer, was born in 1869. During the war she was in Breslau, Germany. Deported with Transport IX/2, Train Da 508 from Breslau,Breslau,Silesia (Lower),Germany to Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia on 31/08/1942. Deported with transport Bs from Theresienstadt,Ghetto,Czechoslovakia to Treblinka,Wegrow,Lublin,Poland on 29/09/1942. Therese was murdered/perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of Theresienstadt camp inmates found in Terezinska Pametni Kniha/Theresienstaedter Gedenkbuch, Terezinska Iniciativa, vol. I-II Melantrich, Praha 1995, vol. III Academia Verlag, Prag 2000.[^[[]] viewed on 30 Jan 2013]]
Added line 27:
Changed line 9 from:
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis to be adopted by all Jewish women.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
Changed line 9 from:
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. [Sara was of course a generic name required by the Nazis.] She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
Changed line 9 from:
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. At this point these people are not referenced in the family tree.
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. [At this point these people have not yet been able to be connected to the family tree.]
Changed line 9 from:
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. At this point these people are not referenced in the family tree.
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teachers at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. At this point these people are not referenced in the family tree.
Changed line 4 from:
* Expat has found in Google Books a [[| this book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable: rare Cassirers, but quite many Falks and many Cohns. We have begun by searching the Cassirer associations.
* Expat has found in Google Books [[| a book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable: rare Cassirers, but quite many Falks and many Cohns. We have begun by searching the Cassirer associations.
Added line 1:
(:title Various leads from old Central European resources:)
Changed line 14 from:
*Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
*Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps JacobCassirer, or a generation later JuliusCassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed lines 8-15 from:
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. At this point these people are not referenced in the family tree.
**Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
* Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. At this point these people are not referenced in the family tree.
*Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
*Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
Changed line 20 from:
* GersonCassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? A rough estimate of [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives 50,000 Euro. This is sufficient to suggest that GersonCassirer was a man of at least modest means.
Changed lines 20-22 from:
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? A rough estimate of [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives 50,000 Euro. This is sufficient to suggest that GersonCassirer was a man of at least modest means.
** GersonCassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? A rough estimate of [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives 50,000 Euro. This is sufficient to suggest that GersonCassirer was a man of at least modest means.
(:Doc: L :)(:Research: L:)
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(:pagelist link={$FullName} fmt=#title:)
(:Doc: L :)(:Research: L:)
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Changed line 20 from:
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? Calculating [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives |the following technique.
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? A rough estimate of [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives 50,000 Euro. This is sufficient to suggest that GersonCassirer was a man of at least modest means.
Changed lines 12-14 from:
Changed lines 16-17 from:
->A [[|Polish e-bay-like portal]] is seen to have advertised 10 old German clothes-hangers for sale, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin ('Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historically was first Silesian, then part of Brandenburg (Prussia).
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? Calculating [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives |the following technique.
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much? Calculating [[the contemporary equivalent of a sum in Reichsthaler]] gives |the following technique.
Changed line 12 from:
->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
->A [[|Polish e-bay-like portal]] is seen to have advertised 10 old German clothes-hangers for sale, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Changed lines 12-14 from:
-<At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Deleted line 18:
Changed lines 12-14 from:
-<At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business.[[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
-<At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Deleted line 18:
Changed lines 11-12 from:
-<->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business.[[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
-<At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business.[[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Changed lines 6-7 from:
->Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
Changed lines 10-11 from:
->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business.[[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
-<->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business.[[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Changed lines 6-7 from:
->Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
->->Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
Deleted line 16:
Changed lines 10-11 from:
->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them:
'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them: 'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business.[[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Changed line 10 from:
At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them:
->At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them:
Deleted line 17:
Changed lines 11-13 from:
'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business) [[
|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business. [[|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Added lines 10-15:
At [[|a Polish e-bay-like portal]] advertisedl 10 old German clothes-hangers, among them:
'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business) [[
|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
'J.Cassirer & Co., Bekleidungshaus, Crossen / O.' (O. = on the Oder) (clothing business) [[
|Crossen]] was quite near to Frankfurt/Oder and Berlin (remember 'Gleiwitz-Breslau-Goerlitz-Berlin), historical first Silesian, then Brandenburg (Prussia).
Changed line 19 from:
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
Changed lines 5-6 from:
Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
->Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
Changed line 12 from:
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of Markus. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. Was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of MarkusCassirer. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. This raises the following question: was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
Changed lines 9-13 from:
**Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory)
J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son ofLoebel Moses Cassirer and thus a brother of Markus. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. Was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of
**Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory) J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of Markus. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. Was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of LoebelMosesCassirer and thus a brother of Markus. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. Was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
Added lines 6-8:
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research. At this point these people are not referenced in the family tree.
Changed lines 10-16 from:
** Gerson
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[http://books
J. Cassirer was perhaps Jacob Cassirer, or a generation later Julius Cassirer. So this might have been the early timber business which became the mainstay of later generations.
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of Loebel Moses Cassirer and thus a brother of Markus. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. Was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.) Gerson Cassirer is definitely one of "ours". He is the son of Loebel Moses Cassirer and thus a brother of Markus. That is interesting because we know so little about these other Cassirers. Was 1000 Reichstaler a lot of money or not much?
Added lines 7-9:
Changed lines 11-14 from:
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]]
Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia)
On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, discovered a mathematical speciality (Adalbert's way of paraphrasing mathematics).
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]] //Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks// (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia) On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, was prominent in mathematical research.
Changed line 5 from:
Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits:
Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits relating to:
Changed lines 7-8 from:
** GersonCassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.)
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869: where she lived when she was deported in 1942
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869
** Gerson Cassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.)
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]]
Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia)
On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, discovered a mathematical speciality (Adalbert's way of paraphrasing mathematics).
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, from Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869 - where she still lived when she was deported in 1942. She also is mentioned in [[|another book]]
Lehrerbuch: die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des Leipziger jüdischen Schulwerks (the Jewish Institution for Jewish teacher at Leipzig, Saxonia)
On p. 130 there's BAER, Siegbert Werner, Dr. phil., teacher of mathematics and physics, born 11/18/1890 in Breslau, disappeared 1943 in Auschwitz. He was the son of a ballet teacher in Breslau and his wife, nee Cassirer. She was very probably the Therese Baer from the first book. Siegbert Werner, according to the internet, discovered a mathematical speciality (Adalbert's way of paraphrasing mathematics).
Added lines 1-11:
This work is being developed as a form of dialogue between the site editor and Expat. As useful insights emerge they are linked to the corresponding site pages.
* Expat has found in Google Books a [[| this book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable: rare Cassirers, but quite many Falks and many Cohns. We have begun by searching the Cassirer associations.
Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits:
**Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory)
** GersonCassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.)
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869: where she lived when she was deported in 1942
* Expat has found in Google Books a [[| this book]] about the history of the Jews in Polish archives which is searchable: rare Cassirers, but quite many Falks and many Cohns. We have begun by searching the Cassirer associations.
Looking for Cassirer there are 3 hits:
**Krankenkasse bei C. & J. Cassirer (Rahmenfabrik) (health insurance fund of C.& J.C. frame factory)
** GersonCassirer, son-in-law of the merchant Mendel Burgheim concerning a bequest of 1000 Reichstaler (Rtl.)
** Baer, Therese Sara, nee Cassirer, Crossen (Oder), 12/23/1869: where she lived when she was deported in 1942