Main.TableOfContents History
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-> As the above suggests, Cohen and Cassirer are only a central theme. Wives and husbands from other families merge in bringing other influences and histories. The Falk family, whose entry is indicated above, and which originated in Dessau, also in the same area of Central Europe as the Cassirers and Cohens, was one family that bridges the Cassirer and Cohen lines. Over time, some of the other family histories which emerge as important influences will also be added to this overview.
-> As the above suggests, Cohen and Cassirer are only a central theme. Wives and husbands from other families merge in bringing other influences and histories. The Falk family, whose entry is indicated above, and which originated in Dessau, also in the same area of Central Europe as the Cassirers and Cohens, was one family that bridges the Cassirer and Cohen lines. Over time, some of the other family histories which emerge as important influences may also be added to this overview.
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<<|[[MetaHTrail|Histories Overview]]|>>
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<<|[[MetaHTrail|Histories Overview]]|>>
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[[[For sources and more detail about the Ha-Kohen history click here]]]
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*[[Main/A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800|A tale of two men]]
*[[Main/A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800]]
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*[[Main/A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800|A tale of two men]]
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**[[Main.ScatteredFromDessau|Falk Histories]]
**[[David Werner Falk]]
**[[David Werner Falk]]
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*[[Main.ScatteredFromDessau|Falk Histories]]
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**[[Main.CassirersFoundingYears|Boom in the Founder Years]]
**[[Schwientochlowitz to Breslau]]
**[[Breslau to Berlin]]
**[[Music, Publishing and Art]]
**[[Continuing the Entrepeneurship]]
**[[The Scattered Generations]]
*[[Main.CohenBeginnings|Cohen Histories]]
**[[Cohen Beginnings]]
**[[Making their way]]
**[[Following generations]]
-> As the above suggests, Cohen and Cassirer are only a central theme. Wives and husbands from other families merge in bringing other influences and histories. The Falk family, whose entry is indicated above, and which originated in Dessau, also in the same area of Central Europe as the Cassirers and Cohens, was one family that bridges the Cassirer and Cohen lines. Over time, some of the other family histories which emerge as important influences will also be added to this overview.
[[[For sources and more detail about the Ha-Kohen history click here]]]
**[[Main.CassirersFoundingYears|Boom in the Founder Years]]
**[[Schwientochlowitz to Breslau]]
**[[Breslau to Berlin]]
**[[Music, Publishing and Art]]
**[[Continuing the Entrepeneurship]]
**[[The Scattered Generations]]
*[[Main.CohenBeginnings|Cohen Histories]]
**[[Cohen Beginnings]]
**[[Making their way]]
**[[Following generations]]
-> As the above suggests, Cohen and Cassirer are only a central theme. Wives and husbands from other families merge in bringing other influences and histories. The Falk family, whose entry is indicated above, and which originated in Dessau, also in the same area of Central Europe as the Cassirers and Cohens, was one family that bridges the Cassirer and Cohen lines. Over time, some of the other family histories which emerge as important influences will also be added to this overview.
[[[For sources and more detail about the Ha-Kohen history click here]]]