Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerke History
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This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
Evidence[^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]^] is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Evidence[^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]^] is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
Evidence[^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]^] is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Evidence[^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]^] is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
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->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] of [[|Johanna Goerke]].
->(ii) Early in this line, [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother ([[|Simon]]) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did [[|Markus Cassirer]] and his brother [[|Siegfried]]. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in %newwin%[[Bujakow]], the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). ([[Bujakow]] is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iv) The social standing of [[|Leopold]] and his brother [[|Simon]] was consistent with that of the [[|Markus Cassirer]] line.
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now [[Glogowek]]), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] descendants, share the common ancestor [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and are thus blood relations.**
->(ii) Early in this line, [[
->(iii) [[
->(iv) The social standing of [[
->(v) [[
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[
->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] of [[|Johanna Goerke]].
->(ii) Early in this line, [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother ([[|Simon]]) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did [[|Markus Cassirer]] and his brother [[|Siegfried]]. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in %newwin%[[Bujakow]], the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). ([[Bujakow]] is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iv) The social standing of [[|Leopold]] and his brother [[|Simon]] was consistent with that of the [[|Markus Cassirer]] line.
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now [[Glogowek]]), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] descendants, share the common ancestor [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and are thus blood relations.**
->(ii) Early in this line, [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother ([[|Simon]]) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did [[|Markus Cassirer]] and his brother [[|Siegfried]]. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in %newwin%[[Bujakow]], the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). ([[Bujakow]] is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iv) The social standing of [[|Leopold]] and his brother [[|Simon]] was consistent with that of the [[|Markus Cassirer]] line.
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now [[Glogowek]]), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] descendants, share the common ancestor [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and are thus blood relations.**
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[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses replaced his patronymic with a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of GertrudCassirer and she recalls her GG grandfather as being LoebelMosesCassirer.^] MauscheCassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as [[| typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that [[|Mausche]] was a brother of [[|Markus Cassirer]] (ie a son of [[|Moses ben Loebel Cassirer]] – the son of [[|Loebel Cassirer]] – because between the marriage of the supposed father [[|Moses]] (1797) and the marriage of [[|Mausche]]’s son [[|Salomon]], is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] ([[|Mausche Cassirer’s son]]) is shown to have married [[|Rosel Krämer]] in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)**. [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that [[
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[
* **Salomon's second wife was [[
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses replaced his patronymic with a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of GertrudCassirer and she recalls her GG grandfather as being LoebelMosesCassirer.^] MauscheCassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as [[| typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that [[|Mausche]] was a brother of [[|Markus Cassirer]] (ie a son of [[|Moses ben Loebel Cassirer]] – the son of [[|Loebel Cassirer]] – because between the marriage of the supposed father [[|Moses]] (1797) and the marriage of [[|Mausche]]’s son [[|Salomon]], is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] ([[|Mausche Cassirer’s son]]) is shown to have married [[|Rosel Krämer]] in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)**. [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of GertrudCassirer and she recalls her GG grandfather as being LoebelMosesCassirer.^] MauscheCassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as [[| typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that [[|Mausche]] was a brother of [[|Markus Cassirer]] (ie a son of [[|Moses ben Loebel Cassirer]] – the son of [[|Loebel Cassirer]] – because between the marriage of the supposed father [[|Moses]] (1797) and the marriage of [[|Mausche]]’s son [[|Salomon]], is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] ([[|Mausche Cassirer’s son]]) is shown to have married [[|Rosel Krämer]] in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)**. [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
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[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in [[Gogolin]] as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Gogolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple [[Gogolin]] juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in [[Gogolin]]. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in [[Gogolin]].[^Ibid^]
From town records we known that [[
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in [[Gogolin]] as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Gogolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple [[Gogolin]] juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in [[Gogolin]]. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in [[Gogolin]].[^Ibid^]
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Gogolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple [[Gogolin]] juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in [[Gogolin]]. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in [[Gogolin]].[^Ibid^]
Changed lines 58-63 from:
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buchhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son [[|Franz]] who died in 2001, and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buchhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son [[|Franz]] who died in 2001, and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son [[|Franz]] who died in 2001, and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
Changed lines 66-70 from:
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children ([[|Eilif]], [[|Ingrid]], [[|Astrid]]).
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Irene Thomas**]] is [[|Johanna Goerke]]'s sister.
* [[
* [[
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children ([[|Eilif]], [[|Ingrid]], [[|Astrid]]).
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Irene Thomas**]] is [[|Johanna Goerke]]'s sister.
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Irene Thomas**]] is [[|Johanna Goerke]]'s sister.
Changed line 21 from:
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now [[Glogowek]]), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now [[Glogowek]]), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses replaced his patronymic with a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. Irrespective of whether Loebel Moses Cassirer was originally Loebel Moses Bujakow, or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] is consistent with either [[|Gertrud]]'s recollection of [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] recalls him as having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] also wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. Irrespective of whether Loebel Moses Cassirer was originally Loebel Moses Bujakow, or Loebel Moses //of// Bujakow, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived. Irrespective of which of these is correct, the suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]].
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to include a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) added to his name a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
Changed line 32 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to include a family name based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
Changed lines 6-8 from:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^][^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
Evidence[^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]^] is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Evidence[^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]^] is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Changed line 6 from:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^][^See also [[Main.Serck-HanssenAndGoerkeDocuments|Source documents of Loebel Cassirer → Salomon Cassirer → Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families]]
Changed line 1 from:
(:Family: L :)(:Speculations: L :)(:Doc: L :)(:Shoah: L:)(:title One family - two lines: the Salomon-Leopold Cassirer - Serck-Hanssen/Goerke families.:)
(:Family: L :)(:Speculations: L :)(:Doc: L :)(:Shoah: L:)(:title One family - two lines: Loebel Cassirer → the Serck-Hanssen & Goerke families.:)
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(:Family: L :)(:Speculations: L :)(:Doc: L :)(:Shoah: L:)
(:Family: L :)(:Speculations: L :)(:Doc: L :)(:Shoah: L:)(:title One family - two lines: the Salomon-Leopold Cassirer - Serck-Hanssen/Goerke families.:)
Changed line 2 from:
!! One family - two lines: the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
!! One family - two lines: the Salomon-Leopold Cassirer (Serck-Hanssen and Goerke) families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
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*[[Serck-FurtherInfo|Additional information and speculations]]
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(:Family: L :)(:Speculations: L :)(:Doc: L :)(:Shoah: L:)
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(:Family: L :)(:Speculations: L :)
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Changed line 35 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as [[| typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of GertrudCassirer and she recalls her GG grandfather as being LoebelMosesCassirer.^] MauscheCassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as [[| typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
Changed line 35 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as [[| typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
Changed line 33 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion. See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^"In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion." See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
Changed line 33 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion. See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^]] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion. See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
Changed line 33 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time[^In 1814 in the Kingdom of Bavaria, whose Jews were subject to the Royal Ordinance of 10 June 1813, generally known as the Jews' Ordinance (Judenedikt). It regulated their status and provided a measure of emancipation for them. The ordinance included the requirement to adopt permanent family names and the establishment of Jewish registers of birth, marriage and death. These were kept by the local Catholic priest until the newly formed German empire introduced general registration on I January 1876, which covered vital events irrespective of religion. See also %newwin%[[|more extended note on the context of this.]]^]] Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
Changed line 69 from:
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sybilla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
Changed line 69 from:
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sybilla Ponizil]].
Changed line 2 from:
!! One family - two lines: the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
!! One family - two lines: the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
Changed line 25 from:
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, share the common ancestor [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and are thus blood relations.**
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] descendants, share the common ancestor [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and are thus blood relations.**
Changed line 35 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close as to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close (4.4 km[^[[]] viewed 28 Dec 2012.^]) as to be almost the same place.
Changed line 33 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses Bujakow which translates as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
Changed line 25 from:
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.**
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, share the common ancestor [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and are thus blood relations.**
Changed line 42 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)**. [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
Changed lines 14-15 from:
->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] of [[|Johanna Goerke]].
->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] of [[|Johanna Goerke]].
Changed lines 42-45 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|GertrudBuckhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 59-62 from:
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buckhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buchhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
Changed line 69 from:
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buckhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buchhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
Changed line 42 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegried]].
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegfried]].
Changed line 42 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of [[|Rosel]] including [[|Ernestine]] and [[|Siegried]].
Changed lines 47-49 from:
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in [[Golgolin]] as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Golgolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in [[Gogolin]] as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Gogolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Gogolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Changed line 22 from:
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now [[Glogowek]]), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
Changed lines 47-49 from:
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in [[Golgolin]] as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Golgolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of [[Golgolin]] (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Changed line 35 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close as to be almost the same place.
Changed line 35 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and [[Gogolin]] are so close to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] and [[Gogolin]] are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed line 22 from:
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]] / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
Changed line 42 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]], Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in [[Krapkowice|Krappitz]].^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
Changed lines 42-44 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son[[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] confirm that [[|Leopold]] had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 22-24 from:
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / [[Gogolin]] where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
Changed lines 52-53 from:
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple [[Gogolin]] juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
Changed line 55 from:
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in [[Gogolin]]. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in [[Gogolin]].[^Ibid^]
Changed lines 18-19 from:
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in %newwin%[[Bujakow]], the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in %newwin%[[Bujakow]], the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). ([[Bujakow]] is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
Changed lines 35-36 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in [[Bujakow]].[^[[Bujakow]] is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and [[Gogolin]] are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed line 42 from:
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in [[Bujakow|Bujackow]], m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
Changed line 18 from:
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in %newwin%[[Bujakow]], the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
Changed line 9 from:
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of %newwin% [[Gogolin]],[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Changed lines 47-53 from:
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[||Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[||Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[||Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[||Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[||Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
From town records we known that [[|
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[|Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[|Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
From town records we known that [[|Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[|Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
Changed line 59 from:
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buckhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buckhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
Changed line 2 from:
!! One family - two lines: the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]].
!! One family - two lines: the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
Changed lines 54-57 from:
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[||Leopold]] Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[|Leopold]] Cassirer ([[|Salomon Cassirer]]) was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
Changed lines 59-65 from:
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son Franz and daughter Marianne Ida Cassirer.
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married to become Gertrud Buckhorn with daughter [[|Lilly]]. Lilly and her husband sent their [[|children]] to safety in Norway but were themselves subsequently unable to leave Germany and were murdered by the Nazis.
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son [[|Franz]] who died in 2001, and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son [[|Franz]] who died in 2001, and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
Changed lines 67-71 from:
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
* **Johanna Goerke** is Gertrud Buckhorn’s grand-daughter and lives in Norway with her partner Sibylla Ponizil.
* **Irene Thomas** is Johanna Goerke's sister.
* **Johanna Goerke** is Gertrud Buckhorn’s grand
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children ([[|Eilif]], [[|Ingrid]], [[|Astrid]]).
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buckhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Irene Thomas**]] is [[|Johanna Goerke]]'s sister.
* [[|**Johanna Goerke**]] is the grand-daughter of [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] and daughter of [[|Lilly Buckhorn]] and lives in Norway with her partner [[|Sibylla Ponizil]].
* [[|**Irene Thomas**]] is [[|Johanna Goerke]]'s sister.
Changed lines 35-36 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her great great grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Mausche Cassirer]] married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her GG grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [|Salomon Cassirer]] married [[|Rosel Krämer]], daughter of [[|Itzig Krämer]] in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed lines 47-57 from:
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or [[|Krämer]]) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that Leopold was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->Leopold was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was Leopold Cassirer’s brother.
->Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. He was probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
From town records we known that Leopold was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] [[||Leopold Cassirer]] married first [[|Rosalie Kraemer]] (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister [[|Ida Kraemer]]. [[||Leopold]] and [[|Rosalie]] had a daughter [[|Gertrud]] (with siblings [[|Ernst]] and [[|Adelle]]). [[||Leopold]] and [[|Ida]] had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that [[||Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[||Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[||Leopold]] Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
From town records we known that [[||Leopold]] was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->[[||Leopold]] was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother.
->[[|Simon Cassirer (1848-1914)]] was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of [[|Simon]] and [[||Leopold]] Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
Changed line 59 from:
**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)** was Leopold Cassirer and Rosalie’s daughter. Gertrud married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
[[|**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)**]] was [[||Leopold Cassirer]] and [[|Rosalie]]’s daughter. [[|Gertrud]] married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Changed lines 9-10 from:
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant [[|Gertrud Cassirer]].
Changed lines 14-15 from:
->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the Markus Cassirer Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother Gertrud Buckhorn of Johanna Goerke.
->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother [[|Gertrud Buckhorn]] of [[|Johanna Goerke]].
Changed lines 33-43 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - Gertrud Buchhorn - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Krämer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
* **Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - [[|Gertrud Buchhorn]] - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, [[|Gertrud]]'s father was [[|Leopold]], her grandfather was [[|Salomon]], and her great grandfather [[|Mausche Cassirer]]^] indicates that [[|Gertrud]] is referring to [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]]. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born, and presumably [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] lived.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her great great grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Mausche Cassirer]] married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that [[|Mausche]] was a brother of [[|Markus Cassirer]] (ie a son of [[|Moses ben Loebel Cassirer]] – the son of [[|Loebel Cassirer]] – because between the marriage of the supposed father [[|Moses]] (1797) and the marriage of [[|Mausche]]’s son [[|Salomon]], is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] ([[|Mausche Cassirer’s son]]) is shown to have married [[|Rosel Krämer]] in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the grandfather of [[|Gertrud Cassirer]] and she recalls her great great grandfather as being [[|Loebel Cassirer]].^] [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son [[|Salomon]] as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate [[|Mausche Cassirer]] married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that [[|Mausche]] was a brother of [[|Markus Cassirer]] (ie a son of [[|Moses ben Loebel Cassirer]] – the son of [[|Loebel Cassirer]] – because between the marriage of the supposed father [[|Moses]] (1797) and the marriage of [[|Mausche]]’s son [[|Salomon]], is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] ([[|Mausche Cassirer’s son]]) is shown to have married [[|Rosel Krämer]] in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
* **Salomon's first wife was thus [[|Rosel Krämer]] (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
Changed line 47 from:
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold and Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold]] and [[|Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or [[|Krämer]]) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
Changed line 22 from:
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [[[|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
Changed lines 2-3 from:
!! One family - two lines: the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
!! One family - two lines: the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]].
Changed lines 7-10 from:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of [[|Markus Cassirer]]).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: [[|Ernestine Cassierer]] (born in 1817), [[|Simon Cassirer]] (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), [[|Leopold Cassirer]] (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between [[|Loebel Moses Cassirer]] and [[|Mausche Cassirer]] is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Changed lines 16-27 from:
->(ii) Early in this line, Leopold Cassirer’s brother (Simon) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did the Markus Cassirer and his brother Siegfried. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iv) The social standing of Leopoldand his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
->(v) Leopold and Simon lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where Siegfried Cassirer (Markus’s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of Salomon Cassirer, like the Markus Cassirer Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.**
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.
->(iv) The social standing of Leopold
->(v) Leopold
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of Salomon
->(ii) Early in this line, [[|Leopold Cassirer]]’s brother ([[|Simon]]) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did [[|Markus Cassirer]] and his brother [[|Siegfried]]. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iv) The social standing of [[|Leopold]] and his brother [[|Simon]] was consistent with that of the [[|Markus Cassirer]] line.
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.**
->(iii) [[|Markus Cassirer]] was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line ([[|Mausche Cassirer]]). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
->(iv) The social standing of [[|Leopold]] and his brother [[|Simon]] was consistent with that of the [[|Markus Cassirer]] line.
->(v) [[|Leopold]] and [|Simon]] lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where [[|Siegfried Cassirer]] ([[|Markus]]'s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of [[|Salomon Cassirer]], like the [[|Markus Cassirer]] Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.**
Changed line 35 from:
[[|**Mausche Cassirer**]] **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)** is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)**]] is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed line 35 from:
**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)** is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
[[|**Mausche Cassirer**]] **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)** is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed line 30 from:
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[(:googleviewer|click here%%]].
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[Serck-Hanssen and Goerke Tree|click here%%]].
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% (:googleviewer|click here%%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[(:googleviewer|click here%%]].
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% (:googleviewer|click here]]%%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% (:googleviewer|click here%%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% (:googleviewer|click here]]%%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% (:googleviewer|click here]]%%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% (:googleviewer|click here]]%%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=200pct% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=100pct% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=200pct% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin width=1000px% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=100pct% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=6000px% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin width=1000px% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=3000px% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=6000px% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% height=3000px [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=3000px% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% height=3000 [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% height=3000px [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=3000% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% height=3000 [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin height=3000% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[Main.WikiSandbox|click here]] %%.
For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[|click here]] %%.
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For the associated Serck-Hanssen and Goerke family tree %newwin% [[Main.WikiSandbox|click here]] %%.
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe height=170px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
%rframe height=200px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
Changed line 7 from:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).[^Prepared by Jim Falk^]
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe height=150px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
%rframe height=170px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe height=100px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
%rframe height=150px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
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%rframe height=85px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
%rframe height=100px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe height=85px % | ''Leopold''
%rframe height=85px % | ''Leopold and Rosalie''
Changed line 72 from:
||%height=85px% | ''Marianne'' ||%height=85px% | ''Johanna'' ||%height=85px% | ''Irene'' ||
||%height=85px% ||%height=85px% ||%height=85px% ||
Changed line 72 from:
||%height=85px% | ''Marianne'' ||%height=85px% | ''Johanna'' ||
||%height=85px% | ''Marianne'' ||%height=85px% | ''Johanna'' ||%height=85px% | ''Irene'' ||
Changed line 65 from:
Added lines 71-72:
||%height=85px% | ''Marianne'' ||%height=85px% | ''Johanna'' ||
Changed line 56 from:
%rframe width=70px% | ''Gertrud''
%rframe height=85px% | ''Gertrud''
Changed line 65 from:
%rframe width=70px% | ''Marianne''
%rframe height=85px% | ''Marianne''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe height=70px % | ''Leopold''
%rframe height=85px % | ''Leopold''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe width=70px height=70px % | ''Leopold''
%rframe height=70px % | ''Leopold''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe width=70px height=100px % | ''Leopold''
%rframe width=70px height=70px % | ''Leopold''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe width=70px% | ''Leopold''
%rframe width=70px height=100px % | ''Leopold''
Changed line 65 from:
%rframe width=70px% | ''Marianne"
%rframe width=70px% | ''Marianne''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe width=100px% | ''Leopold''
%rframe width=70px% | ''Leopold''
Changed line 55 from:
%rframe width=100px% | ''Gertrud''
%rframe width=70px% | ''Gertrud''
Changed lines 61-62 from:
%rframe width=100px% | ''Marianne*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
%rframe width=70px% | ''Marianne"
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe width=100px% | ''Leopold Cassirer''
%rframe width=100px% | ''Leopold''
Added line 55:
%rframe width=100px% | ''Gertrud''
Changed line 61 from:
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
%rframe width=100px% | ''Marianne*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe width=100px% | '''Leopold Cassirer''
%rframe width=100px% | ''Leopold Cassirer''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe% width=100px% | '''Leopold Cassirer''
%rframe width=100px% | '''Leopold Cassirer''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe% width=100px | '''Leopold Cassirer''
%rframe% width=100px% | '''Leopold Cassirer''
Changed line 44 from:
%rframe% width=100px | '''Leopold Cassirer''
%rframe% width=100px | '''Leopold Cassirer''
Added line 44:
%rframe% width=100px | '''Leopold Cassirer''
Changed line 31 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - Gertrud Buchhorn, wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - Gertrud Buchhorn - wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
Changed line 31 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - Gertrud Buchhorn, wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
Changed line 54 from:
**Gertrud Cassirer (1876-1964)** was Leopold Cassirer and Rosalie’s daughter. Gertrud married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
**Gertrud Buchhorn (ne Cassirer) (1876-1964)** was Leopold Cassirer and Rosalie’s daughter. Gertrud married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Changed lines 31-34 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow.
**Gertrud Buchhorn** **(1876-1964)**, wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Gertrud Buchhorn** **(1876
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow. One likely descendant of him - Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
Changed line 54 from:
**Gertrud Cassirer** was Leopold Cassirer and Rosalie’s daughter. Gertrud married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
**Gertrud Cassirer (1876-1964)** was Leopold Cassirer and Rosalie’s daughter. Gertrud married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Changed lines 42-44 from:
* ->**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
* **Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 42-44 from:
* ->**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 20-24 from:
->(iii) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
->(iv) Leopold and Simon lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where Siegfried Cassirer (Markus’s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(iv) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
->(v) Leopold and Simon lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where Siegfried Cassirer (Markus’s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
->(v) Leopold and Simon lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where Siegfried Cassirer (Markus’s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
Changed lines 42-44 from:
->**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
->* **Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
->* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
->* **Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed line 35 from:
**Mausche Cassirer** (inferred birth between 1765-1795**) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
**Mausche Cassirer** **(inferred birth between 1765-1795)** is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed line 33 from:
**Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964)**, wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Gertrud Buchhorn** **(1876-1964)**, wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
Changed line 33 from:
**Gertrud Buchhorn** (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964)**, wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
Changed line 33 from:
Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Gertrud Buchhorn** (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
Changed lines 60-64 from:
[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
**Johanna Goerke** is Gertrud Buckhorn’s grand-daughter and lives in Norway with her partner Sibylla Ponizil.
**Irene Thomas** is Johanna Goerke's sister.
**Irene Thomas** is Johanna Goerke's sister.
!!!Current generation
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
* **Johanna Goerke** is Gertrud Buckhorn’s grand-daughter and lives in Norway with her partner Sibylla Ponizil.
* **Irene Thomas** is Johanna Goerke's sister.
*[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
* **Johanna Goerke** is Gertrud Buckhorn’s grand-daughter and lives in Norway with her partner Sibylla Ponizil.
* **Irene Thomas** is Johanna Goerke's sister.
Changed line 44 from:
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrud Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed line 56 from:
**Gertrud Cassirer** was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
**Gertrud Cassirer** was Leopold Cassirer and Rosalie’s daughter. Gertrud married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Changed line 53 from:
[[|**Simon Cassirer**]] was Leopold Cassirer’s brother.
Changed lines 56-57 from:
**Gertrud Cassirer**\
Gertrud was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
**Gertrud Cassirer** was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Changed line 56 from:
**Gertrud Cassirer**
**Gertrud Cassirer**\
Changed lines 41-43 from:
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
->**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
->**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed line 18 from:
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer). This is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^]]
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer). (Bujakow is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland, with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^])
Changed line 18 from:
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer).
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer). This is a small town then in Silesia and now in Poland with currently about 2,176 residents.[^See [[|MapCarta]] for pictures and map.^]]
Changed line 56 from:
Gertrud was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then again becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Gertrud was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Changed lines 43-44 from:
**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 47-49 from:
From town records we known that Leopold was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
From town records we known that Leopold was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Changed line 52 from:
Leopold’s brother was **Simon Cassirer**.
Leopold’s brother was [[|**Simon Cassirer**]].
Changed line 58 from:
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son Franz and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son Franz and daughter Marianne Ida Cassirer.
Changed lines 39-40 from:
**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)** (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Krämer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married Ernestine Wachsmann.[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
[[|**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)**]] (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Krämer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
Changed lines 43-49 from:
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)** was born in Golgolin as the son of Salomon Cassirer and his second wife Ernestine Wachsmann.[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter Else (unmarried) and son Moritz Cassirer.
From town records we known that Leopold was LeopoldCassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
From town records we known that Leopold was Leopold
**Salomon's second wife was [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son [[|Simon]] who was Leopold's siblings and that [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]] (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold and Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that Leopold was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
[[|**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)**]] was born in Golgolin as the son of [[|Salomon Cassirer]] and his second wife [[|Ernestine Wachsmann]].[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from [[|Leopold and Ida Crämer]] shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter [[|Else]] (unmarried) and son [[|Moritz Cassirer]].
From town records we known that Leopold was [[|Leopold Cassirer]] of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Changed lines 58-60 from:
**Moritz Cassirer** was Leopold and Ida’s son. He had son Franz and daughter Marianne Ida Cassirer
**Marianne Ida Cassirer** is Moritz Cassirer's daughter. She has married Eilif Serck-Hanssen and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
[[|**Moritz Cassirer**]] was [[|Leopold and Ida]]’s son. He had son Franz and daughter [[|Marianne Ida Cassirer]].
[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
[[|**Marianne Ida Cassirer**]] is [[|Moritz Cassirer]]'s daughter. She has married [[|Eilif Serck-Hanssen]] and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
Changed line 31 from:
[[|**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)**]] is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow.
Changed line 1 from:
!! The connection between the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the Markus Cassirer descendants.
!! One family - two lines: the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the descendants of Markus Cassirer.
Changed line 1 from:
!! A draft genealogy of the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and their connection to the genealogy of Markus Cassirer.
!! The connection between the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and the Markus Cassirer descendants.
Changed lines 63-66 from:
Additional notes
[[Serck-Marianne|Information from Marianne Serck-Hanssen]]
[[Serck-Goerke|Information from Johanna Goerke]]
[[Serck-Impossibilities|Some impossibilities]]
[[Serck-Marianne|Information from Marianne Serck-Hanssen]]
[[Serck-Goerke|Information from Johanna Goerke]]
[[Serck-Impossibilities|Some impossibilities]]
!!! Additional notes
*[[Serck-Marianne|Information from Marianne Serck-Hanssen]]
*[[Serck-Goerke|Information from Johanna Goerke]]
*[[Serck-Impossibilities|Some impossibilities]]
Added lines 63-66:
Additional notes
[[Serck-Marianne|Information from Marianne Serck-Hanssen]]
[[Serck-Goerke|Information from Johanna Goerke]]
[[Serck-Impossibilities|Some impossibilities]]
[[Serck-Marianne|Information from Marianne Serck-Hanssen]]
[[Serck-Goerke|Information from Johanna Goerke]]
[[Serck-Impossibilities|Some impossibilities]]
Changed lines 51-52 from:
Leopold’s brother was **Simon Cassirer**. Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. According to one analysis probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
Leopold’s brother was **Simon Cassirer**.
->Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. He was probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
->Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. He was probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
Changed lines 51-52 from:
Leopold’s brother was **Simon Cassirer**. Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
Leopold’s brother was **Simon Cassirer**. Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. According to one analysis probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer [Salomon Cassirer] was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
Changed line 54 from:
Gertrud Cassirer was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming Gertrud Goerke with two children Johanna and Irene, and then again becoming Gertrud Buckhorn.
Gertrud was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming //Gertrud Goerke// with two children Johanna and Irene, and then again becoming //Gertrud Buckhorn//.
Deleted lines 2-4:
Added lines 50-61:
Leopold’s brother was **Simon Cassirer**. Simon Cassirer (1848-1914) was the owner of the distillery (the local name survives today Breneraje) and one of lime plants in Gogolin. Probably the father of Simon and Leopold Cassirer was a leader of the Jewish branch in Gogolin.[^Ibid^]
**Gertrud Cassirer**
Gertrud Cassirer was Leopold and Rosalie’s daughter. She married twice becoming Gertrud Goerke with two children Johanna and Irene, and then again becoming Gertrud Buckhorn.
**Moritz Cassirer** was Leopold and Ida’s son. He had son Franz and daughter Marianne Ida Cassirer
**Marianne Ida Cassirer** is Moritz Cassirer's daughter. She has married Eilif Serck-Hanssen and had three children (Eilif, Ingrid, Astrid).
**Johanna Goerke** is Gertrud Buckhorn’s grand-daughter and lives in Norway with her partner Sibylla Ponizil.
Changed lines 52-53 from:
->Leopold was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.
[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
->Leopold was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
Changed lines 47-49 from:
**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)** was born in Golgolin as the son of Salomon Cassirer and his second wife Ernestine Wachsmann.[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter Else (unmarried) and son Moritz Cassirer.
**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)** was born in Golgolin as the son of Salomon Cassirer and his second wife Ernestine Wachsmann.[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^] Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter Else (unmarried) and son Moritz Cassirer.
From town records we known that Leopold was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->Leopold was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.
[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
From town records we known that Leopold was Leopold Cassirer of Golgolin (29/8/1846 -1927).[^The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
->Leopold was the head of the municipality, the owner of one of the lime plants, the owner of two lime kilns (standing to this day, known as "piece purpose of advertising"), multiple Gogolin juror for the municipality, the deputy mayor, head of the electoral commission for the electoral district Gogolin-Górażdże. In 1913, as deputy mayor Leopold ordered the planting of trees along the road leading to the church. Some of these trees grow to this day.[^“150 years of the Jewish cemetery in Gogolin - Municipality of Gogolin”, from article published in the pages of local government municipalities Gogolin Kaleidoscope, Gogolin 2006, pp. 61-69.
[[]] viewed 13 Oct 2012. See also [[,art,id_9045]]^]
Changed lines 45-48 from:
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)** was born in Golgolin as the son of Salomon Cassirer and his second wife Ernestine Wachsmann.[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter Else (unmarried) and son Moritz Cassirer.
**Leopold Cassirer (1847-1927)** was born in Golgolin as the son of Salomon Cassirer and his second wife Ernestine Wachsmann.[^There is a discrepancy in records of the date of birth of Leopold, being a difference between the record of the marriage certificate and the gravestone. I have accepted the more precise date as the accurate one in my website. [[]] The gravestone shows 1847 for Leopold’s birthdate, but the marriage document from Leopold and Ida Crämer shows 29.8.1846. – email from Johanna Goerke and Sibylla 24 Nov 2012.^]
Leopold Cassirer married first Rosalie Kraemer (or Krämer) and then, after her death, her sister Ida Kraemer. Leopold and Rosalie had daughter Gertrud (and Ernst and Adelle). Leopold and Ida had daughter Else (unmarried) and son Moritz Cassirer.
Changed lines 41-43 from:
**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)** (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Cassirer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married Ernestine Wachsmann.[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)** (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Krämer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married Ernestine Wachsmann.[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel Krämer (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
Changed lines 43-45 from:
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann.** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann.** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel (whom he married in 1830)** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817).** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 43-45 from:
**Salomon's first wife - was thus Rosel**[^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann**. We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann**
**Salomon's first wife was thus Rosel** [^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann.** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann.** We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
Changed lines 37-39 from:
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been **born between 1765-1795**) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no
**Mausche Cassirer** (inferred birth between 1765-1795**) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)** (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Cassirer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married Ernestine Wachsmann.[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
**Salomon's first wife - was thus Rosel**[^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann**. We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no older than 17 and 16 years. Generally members of the family married at older ages.)
**Salomon Cassirer (inferred birth about 1810)** (Mausche Cassirer’s son) is shown to have married Rosel Cassirer in 1830. From family recollection we know that (presumably after the death of Rosel) he married Ernestine Wachsmann.[^This renders it impossible that Salomon was a son of Moses Loebel Cassirer and thus he was not a brother of Markus despite some impressions to this effect in family recollections.^]
**Salomon's first wife - was thus Rosel**[^This marriage record shows that his father was Mausche Cassirer. Krappitz, Jewish Marriages, Nov 3rd 1830, Salomon Cassirer Arrendator in Gleiwitz, son of Mausche Cassirer Arrendator in Bujackow, m. Rosel Krämer, daughter of Schnittwaren-Händler Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.^] . Written recollections from Gertude Buckhorn confirm that Leopold had half-siblings who would have been the children of Rosel including Ernestine and Siegried.
**Salomon's second wife was Ernestine Wachsmann**. We also know from Gertrude Buckhorn and other family recollections that Salomon had a daughter Lina and son Simon who was Leopold's siblings and that Ernestine Wachsmann (born 1817) lived until at least her 70th birthday (until 1887) and that she was very rich and gave to each of her children 3000 taler and had at least the 38 grandchildren who came to visit her. The coincidence (daughter with name of step mother) is a little striking, but perfectly possible.
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Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been born between 1765-1795) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer. Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz. Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been born between 1765-1795) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer. Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his
Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here[^As argued here, Gertrud's father was Leopold, her grandfather was Salomon, and her great grandfather Mausche Cassirer^] indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been **born between 1765-1795**) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been **born between 1765-1795**) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer.[^This is because Mausche appears as the GF of Gertrud Cassirer and she recalls her GG GF as being Loebel Cassirer.^] Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz.[^The Krappitz records can be found online as typescript scans from the Georg Wiener Collection: [[]]^] Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
(It is unlikely although not strictly impossible that Mausche was a brother of Markus Cassirer (ie a son of Moses ben Loebel Cassirer – the son of Loebel Cassirer – because between the marriage of the supposed father Moses (1797) and the marriage of Mausche’s son Salomon, is only 33 years meaning they would have married at no
Changed lines 27-28 from:
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of Salomon Cassirer, like the Markus Cassirer Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of Salomon Cassirer, like the Markus Cassirer Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.**
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->(iv) Leopold and Simon lived in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin where Siegfried Cassirer (Markus’s brother) later became a brewer.[^[[]]^]
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of Salomon Cassirer, like the Markus Cassirer Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.
!!! Genealogical Summary.
**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)** is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow.
Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been born between 1765-1795) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer. Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz. Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
**Overall, whilst still not fully documented the evidence suggests that on the balance of probability the descendants of Salomon Cassirer, like the Markus Cassirer Descendants, share the common ancestor Loebel Moses Cassirer and are thus blood relations.
!!! Genealogical Summary.
**Loebel Moses Cassirer (1738-1808/9)** is the earliest common ancestor between the Markus Cassirer Descendants and this Cassirer line. Loebel very probably adopted the name Cassirer during his lifetime having been born Loebel Moses ben Jakob which translates as Loebel Moses Bujakow.
Gertrud Buchhorn (1876-1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather (GG Grandfather), "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (that is at the estate of a person of high rank – equivalent to a Lord or Earl). The genealogy here indicates that Gertrud is referring to Loebel Moses Cassirer as Loebel Moses ben Jakob. The suggestion here is that as was common at the time Loebel Moses Bujakow (ben Jakob) changed his name to assume a family based on his own occupation of cashier, becoming Loebel Moses Cassirer. However, it may also be the case that Gertud was remembering a reference to Loebel Moses of Bujakow, which is also the place in which Markus Cassirer was born, and presumably Loebel Moses Cassirer lived.
**Mausche Cassirer** (who can be inferred to have been born between 1765-1795) is likely to be a son of Loebel Moses Cassirer. Mausche Cassirer is recorded in the marriage certificate of his son Salomon as being a Lease Holder, or Tennant Farmer (Arrendator) in Bujakow.[^Bujakow is also a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far from Krappitz (now Krapkowice) ([[]]). According to that certificate Mausche Cassirer married Rosel Krämer, daughter of Itzig Krämer in Krappitz. Itzig is probably identical with Joachim Krämer in Krappitz who lived in that little town already in 1812 (with a daughter Rosel). Krappitz and Gogolin are so close to be almost the same place.
Changed line 9 from:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).[^test^]
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).
Changed line 11 from:
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, [^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Changed lines 11-12 from:
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, [^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes:
Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, [^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes: Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Changed lines 9-11 from:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes:
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes:
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).[^test^]
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, [^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes:
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, [^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes:
Changed lines 12-13 from:
Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).
^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Deleted line 0:
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Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin,[^This information is known from the history of the village and the inscriptions on the 30 remaining gravestones at the local small cemetery which includes:
Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).
^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
Ernestine Cassierer (born in 1817), Simon Cassirer (born 19th X. 1848, as amended. 5.VIII.1914 r), Leopold Cassirer (born 28.VIII.1847, died 27. I.1927 r) , and Ida Cassirer (born August 28th., 1858, as amended. 22 IX., 1921).
^] that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
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A draft genealogy of the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and their connection to the genealogy of Markus Cassirer.
!! A draft genealogy of the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and their connection to the genealogy of Markus Cassirer.
!!! Introduction
Changed lines 16-22 from:
(i) The descendants remember they are related to the Markus Cassirer Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother Gertrud Buckhorn of Johanna Goerke.
(ii) Early in this line, Leopold Cassirer’s brother (Simon) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did the Markus Cassirer and his brother Siegfried. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer).
(iii) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
(ii) Early in this line, Leopold Cassirer’s brother (Simon) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did the Markus Cassirer and his brother Siegfried. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer).
(iii) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
->(i) The descendants remember they are related to the Markus Cassirer Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother Gertrud Buckhorn of Johanna Goerke.
->(ii) Early in this line, Leopold Cassirer’s brother (Simon) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did the Markus Cassirer and his brother Siegfried. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
->(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer).
->(iii) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
Added lines 1-20:
A draft genealogy of the Serck Hanssen and Goerke families and their connection to the genealogy of Markus Cassirer.
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
As well as this it may be observed that:
(i) The descendants remember they are related to the Markus Cassirer Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother Gertrud Buckhorn of Johanna Goerke.
(ii) Early in this line, Leopold Cassirer’s brother (Simon) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did the Markus Cassirer and his brother Siegfried. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer).
(iii) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.
This is a summary of current understanding of the genealogy of the Serck-Hanssen and Goerke families and their relationship to the genealogy of a long line of distinguished Cassirer relatives (which will be called here the descendants of Markus Cassirer).
Evidence is footnoted and based primarily on remaining grave records from the town of Gogolin, that town’s know history, other vital records now on line from Poland, and documented family recollections. The connection between Loebel Moses Cassirer and Mausche Cassirer is based on proximity, consistency and written recollections of descendant Gertrud Cassirer.
As well as this it may be observed that:
(i) The descendants remember they are related to the Markus Cassirer Descendants, and this information is shared back two generations to the grandmother Gertrud Buckhorn of Johanna Goerke.
(ii) Early in this line, Leopold Cassirer’s brother (Simon) continued in the same occupation of brewer as did the Markus Cassirer and his brother Siegfried. This suggests that they all come from a line of brewers.
(iii) Markus Cassirer was born in Bujakow, the same place as the oldest known relative of this line (Mausche Cassirer).
(iii) The social standing of Leopold and his brother Simon was consistent with that of the Markus Cassirer line.