Main.ResidencePermitOfLoebelMosesCassirer History
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*[[|Stamm Nummer (residence permit) of Loebel Moses Cassirer (age 58) and his wife Zerchen (probably a nickname for Zerchen), 1796]]
The Stamm Nummer was a form of residence
permit with fewer rights than a 'General Privileg' but more rights than
the next step down 'toleriert'. Its existence was limited to Prussia between
1796 and 1812. Details of Loebel Moses Cassirer, his wife Zerchen
Ruben age 53, and their children Moses, Hirch, Gerson and Jacob, with their
ages (28, 25, 24, 22 respectively) are listed.
[[Documents confirming Lobel Moses Cassirer's announcement of the marriage of his son Moses to Pessel, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, 1797]]
Salomon Abraham Friedländer
is identified
as a Jew who has a General-Privileg in Berlin, and is to inherit the number
after him. [[Lobel Mose Cassirer's signature]] is inscribed on the second
page below the name of the Secretary of the Breslau Jewish Community at
the time. [With thanks to Irene Newhouse for providing this and the preceding
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(:Family: L :)
*[[|Stamm Nummer (residence permit) of Loebel Moses Cassirer (age 58) and his wife Zerchen (probably a nickname for Zerchen), 1796]]
*[[|Stamm Nummer (residence permit) of Loebel Moses Cassirer (age 58) and his wife Zerchen (probably a nickname for Zerchen), 1796]]
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->[[|Stamm Nummer (residence permit) of Loebel Moses Cassirer (age 58) and his wife Zerchen (probably a nickname for Zerchen), 1796]]
The Stamm Nummer was a form of residence
permit with fewer rights than a 'General Privileg' but more rights than
the next step down 'toleriert'. Its existence was limited to Prussia between
1796 and 1812. Details of Loebel Moses Cassirer, his wife Zerchen
Ruben age 53, and their children Moses, Hirch, Gerson and Jacob, with their
ages (28, 25, 24, 22 respectively) are listed.
[[Documents confirming Lobel Moses Cassirer's announcement of the marriage of his son Moses to Pessel, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, 1797]]
Salomon Abraham Friedländer
is identified
as a Jew who has a General-Privileg in Berlin, and is to inherit the number
after him. [[Lobel Mose Cassirer's signature]] is inscribed on the second
page below the name of the Secretary of the Breslau Jewish Community at
the time. [With thanks to Irene Newhouse for providing this and the preceding
The Stamm Nummer was a form of residence
permit with fewer rights than a 'General Privileg' but more rights than
the next step down 'toleriert'. Its existence was limited to Prussia between
1796 and 1812. Details of Loebel Moses Cassirer, his wife Zerchen
Ruben age 53, and their children Moses, Hirch, Gerson and Jacob, with their
ages (28, 25, 24, 22 respectively) are listed.
[[Documents confirming Lobel Moses Cassirer's announcement of the marriage of his son Moses to Pessel, daughter of Salamon Abraham Friedländer, 1797]]
Salomon Abraham Friedländer
is identified
as a Jew who has a General-Privileg in Berlin, and is to inherit the number
after him. [[Lobel Mose Cassirer's signature]] is inscribed on the second
page below the name of the Secretary of the Breslau Jewish Community at
the time. [With thanks to Irene Newhouse for providing this and the preceding
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->[[|Stamm Nummer (residence permit) of Loebel Moses Cassirer (age 58) and his wife Zerchen (probably a nickname for Zerchen), 1796]]