Main.RFBrunoCassirerAlbum History
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(:title Bruno Cassirer Album:)
(:title Bruno Cassirer Album:)(:Doc: L :)
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This collection by Regina Pfennig contains details of houses and establishments owned by BrunoCassirer prior to the war as well as photos of the graves of AfredCassirer, and PaulCassirer and TillaDurieux.
This collection by Regina Pfennig contains details of houses and establishments owned by BrunoCassirer prior to the war as well as photos of the graves of AlfredCassirer, and PaulCassirer and TillaDurieux.
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This collection by Regina Pfennig contains details of houses and establishments owned by BrunoCassirer prior to the war as well as photos of the graves of AfredCassirer, and PaulCassirer and TillaDurieux.
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(:title Bruno Cassirer Album:)
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(:title Bruno Cassirer Album)
The Site Editor gratefully acknowledges the help of Regina Pfennig in providing the documents in the album below.
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