Main.Overview History
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(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular EdwardAaronCohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between Isidor Cassirer’s grandson WernerFalk and EdwardAaronCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular EdwardAaronCohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between Isidor Cassirer’s grandson WernerFalk and Edward Aaron Cohen’s great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
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(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular EdwardAaronCohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EdwardAaronCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular EdwardAaronCohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between Isidor Cassirer’s grandson WernerFalk and EdwardAaronCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
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(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular Eduard Cohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EdwardAaronCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular EdwardAaronCohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EdwardAaronCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
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(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular Eduard Cohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EduardCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular Eduard Cohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EdwardAaronCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
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(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular Eduard Cohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EduardCassirer's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
(If , defying constraints of time, space and language, the gathering had taken place, then perhaps the somewhat grim expressions, and in particular Eduard Cohen's pensive look [front right] and IsidorCassirer's tense expression [back right], could conceivably reflect discussion on the suitability of a proposed future match between WernerFalk, gandson of [[Main.IsidorCassirer|Isidor]], and EduardCohen's great granddaughter BarbaraCohen.)
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Of course there is no single history of a family, or even a person and so I have also collected together many key document and other accounts elsewhere in this site. What follows is just one overview of the histories of these families. This [[[[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800|starts where the stories mysteriously begin together]], more than four hundred years ago, with two men living near what is now the Polish border with Germany. Their connection is described next, in [[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800]]
Of course there is no single history of a family, or even a person and so I have also collected together many key document and other accounts elsewhere in this site. What follows is just one overview of the histories of these families. This [[[[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800|starts where the stories mysteriously begin together]], more than four hundred years ago, with two men living near what is now the Polish border with Germany. Their connection is described next in [[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800]]
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->An imaginable but impossible gathering: Cohen and Cassirer brothers gather under the benevolent gaze of paintings of their fathers (MarkusCassirer, top left and HenryCohen, top right). Left to right JuliusCassirer (sitting), PhilipCohen, SalomonCassirer (Salo), EduardCassirer, SamuelCohen (sitting), LewisCohen, LouisCassirer, JosephCohen, EdwardAaronCohen (sitting), MaxCassirer, and IsidorCassirer (sitting).
->**An imaginable but impossible gathering:** Cohen and Cassirer brothers gather under the benevolent gaze of paintings of their fathers (MarkusCassirer, top left and HenryCohen, top right). Left to right JuliusCassirer (sitting), PhilipCohen, SalomonCassirer (Salo), EduardCassirer, SamuelCohen (sitting), LewisCohen, LouisCassirer, JosephCohen, EdwardAaronCohen (sitting), MaxCassirer, and IsidorCassirer (sitting).
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->An imaginable but impossible gathering: Cohen and Cassirer brothers gather under the benevolent gaze of paintings of their fathers (MarkusCassirer, top left and HenryCohen, top right). Left to right JuliusCassirer (sitting), PhilipCohen, SalomonCassirer (Salo), EduardCassirer, SamuelCohen (sitting), LewisCohen, LouisCassirer, JosephCohen, EduardCohen (sitting), MaxCassirer, and IsidorCassirer (sitting).
->An imaginable but impossible gathering: Cohen and Cassirer brothers gather under the benevolent gaze of paintings of their fathers (MarkusCassirer, top left and HenryCohen, top right). Left to right JuliusCassirer (sitting), PhilipCohen, SalomonCassirer (Salo), EduardCassirer, SamuelCohen (sitting), LewisCohen, LouisCassirer, JosephCohen, EdwardAaronCohen (sitting), MaxCassirer, and IsidorCassirer (sitting).
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<<|[[MetaHTrail|Histories Overview]]|>>
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(:title Introduction:)
(:title Cassirer and Cohen Histories - Introduction:)
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Of course there is no single history of a family, or even a person and so I have also collected together many key document and other accounts elsewhere in this site. What follows is just one overview of the histories of these families. This [[[[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800|starts where the stories mysteriously begin together]], more than four hundred years ago, with two men living near what is now the Polish border with Germany.
*[[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800]]
Of course there is no single history of a family, or even a person and so I have also collected together many key document and other accounts elsewhere in this site. What follows is just one overview of the histories of these families. This [[[[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800|starts where the stories mysteriously begin together]], more than four hundred years ago, with two men living near what is now the Polish border with Germany. Their connection is described next, in [[A tale of two men - Cassirer and Cohen 1530-1800]]
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**[[Main.CassirersFoundingYears|Boom in the Founder Years]]
**[[Schwientochlowitz to Breslau]]
**[[Breslau to Berlin]]
**[[Music, Publishing and Art]]
**[[Continuing the Entrepeneurship]]
**[[The Scattered Generations]]
*[[Main.CohenBeginnings|Cohen Histories]]
**[[Cohen Beginnings]]
**[[Making their way]]
**[[Following generations]]