Main.MiriamLaparnealbum History
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(:title Miriam Laparne album:)
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MiriamCassirerLaparne's mother JohannaBaron married RudolphCassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother AdeleBaron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband RudolphCassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother ErnestCassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
MiriamCassirerLaparne's mother JohannaBaron married RudolphCassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother AdeleBaron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband RudolphCassirer, Johanna's sister GertrudeBaron, her brother ErnestCassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
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MiriamCassirerLaparne's mother JohannaBaron married RudolphCassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother AdeleBaron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband Rudolph Cassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother ErnestCassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
MiriamCassirerLaparne's mother JohannaBaron married RudolphCassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother AdeleBaron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband RudolphCassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother ErnestCassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
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MiriamCassirerLaparne's mother JohannaBaron married RudolphCassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother AdeleBaron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband Rudolph Cassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother ErnestCassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
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MiriamCassirer's mother JohannaBaron married RudolphCassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother AdeleBaron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband Rudolph Cassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother ErnestCassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
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(:title Miriam Laparne album:)
Miriam Cassirer's mother Johanna Baron married Rudolph Cassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother Adele Baron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband Rudolph Cassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother Ernest Cassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
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Miriam Cassirer's mother Johanna Baron married Rudolph Cassirer. In later life, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she annotated the family photographs. Miriam has presented these photographs and their identifications to the site. They cover her grandmother Adele Baron and her grandfather, her mother Johanna and husband Rudolph Cassirer, Johanna's sister Gertrude, her brother Ernest Cassirer, and other connected relatives. Included is a couple who are unidentified. All that is known at this stage is that they sent their children to England and knew they were going to Auschwitz. It is possible that they are related to Johanna's first cousin Ella.
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