Main.LisbetCassirerBirthdayGreeting History
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At the AJR Information ([[|Association of Jewish Refugees]]) Expat has found the missing link (or one of the missing links) between Lisbeth Cassirer and Lisbet (Lise) Lasker (at meta-studies mother's name is father's name and viceversa!). In this journal, vol. XXI, 10 (October 1966) on p. 11, there's a birthday congratulation for Lisbeth Cassirer (by Erna Stein-Blumenthal, commemorated in AJR Information XXXVIII, 8 (August 1983)).
At the AJR Information ([[|Association of Jewish Refugees]]) Expat has found the missing link (or one of the missing links) between Lisbeth Cassirer and Lisbet (Lise) Lasker. In this journal, vol. XXI, 10 (October 1966) on p. 11, there's a birthday congratulation for Lisbeth Cassirer (by Erna Stein-Blumenthal, commemorated in AJR Information XXXVIII, 8 (August 1983)).
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Expat's translation (perhaps I missed to get rid of some of the 'hard returns') :
Expat's translation :
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It has been decades since we first met. You then belonged to the board of the Jewish Women's League, Breslau,
and your major concern was the care of the "Maedchenklub" [Girl’s Club], set up by the League to promote in every possible way socially and culturally underprivileged, by fate less favored young Jewish girls. The members of the “Maedchenklub” saw you not as a "Lady from the Board", who, coming from another, happier world, occasionally would take note of what was going on in the Club, but they felt very clearly that your real concern was to facilitate and to improve the fortune of your wards.
Part of your self-imposed task within the Jewish Women's League was moreover the compilation and publication of
the "Calendar of the Jewish Women's League", which in pre-1933 times probably in no Jewish home was missing. Because art in all its aspects always took an important place in your life, the procuring of the pictures for the Calendar was a useful job for you and from year to year you knew how to provide this small collection of images with a new content and a new face.
These were tasks and duties that you had set for yourself. But when doom in the form of Hitler intruded in your
private life and evicted you and your family from the urbane home in Breslau, and when first in Berlin and later in
Part of your self-imposed task within the Jewish Women's League was moreover the compilation and publication of
These were tasks and duties that you had set for yourself. But when doom in the form of Hitler intruded in your
private life and evicted you and your family from the urbane home in Breslau, and when first in Berlin and later in
It has been decades since we first met. You then belonged to the board of the Jewish Women's League, Breslau, and your major concern was the care of the "Maedchenklub" [Girl’s Club], set up by the League to promote in every possible way socially and culturally underprivileged, by fate less favored young Jewish girls. The members of the “Maedchenklub” saw you not as a "Lady from the Board", who, coming from another, happier world, occasionally would take note of what was going on in the Club, but they felt very clearly that your real concern was to facilitate and to improve the fortune of your wards.
Part of your self-imposed task within the Jewish Women's League was moreover the compilation and publication of the "Calendar of the Jewish Women's League", which in pre-1933 times probably in no Jewish home was missing. Because art in all its aspects always took an important place in your life, the procuring of the pictures for the Calendar was a useful job for you and from year to year you knew how to provide this small collection of images with a new content and a new face.
These were tasks and duties that you had set for yourself. But when doom in the form of Hitler intruded in your private life and evicted you and your family from the urbane home in Breslau, and when first in Berlin and later in
Added lines 1-43:
(:title Birthday Congratulation for Lisbeth Cassirer by Erna Stein-Blumenthal, August 1983:)
At the AJR Information ([[|Association of Jewish Refugees]]) Expat has found the missing link (or one of the missing links) between Lisbeth Cassirer and Lisbet (Lise) Lasker (at meta-studies mother's name is father's name and viceversa!). In this journal, vol. XXI, 10 (October 1966) on p. 11, there's a birthday congratulation for Lisbeth Cassirer (by Erna Stein-Blumenthal, commemorated in AJR Information XXXVIII, 8 (August 1983)).
(September 7, 1966)
Liebe Frau Cassirer,
Jahrzehnte sind es her als wir uns zuerst begegneten. Sie gehoerten damals dem Vorstand des Juedischen Frauenbundes, Breslau, an und Ihrer besonderen Obhut unterstand der " Maedchenklub", den der Frauenhund
ins Leben gerufen hatte, um minderbemittelte, vom Schicksal wenig beguenstigte junge juedische Maedchen in jeder nur moeglichen Weise, sozial und kulturell, zu foerdern. Die Mitglieder des Maedchenklubs sahen in Ihnen nicht etwa die " Vorstandsdame", die aus einer anderen, gluecklicheren Welt gelegentlich Kenntnis nahm von dem, was im Klub vor sich ging, sondern spuerten sehr deutlich, dass es Ihnen ein echtes Anliegen war, das Los Ihrer Schutzbefohlenen zu erleichtern und zu verbessern.
Zu Ihrer selbstgewaehlten Aufgabe innerhalb des Juedischen Frauenbundes gehoerte ferner die Zusammenstellung und Herausgabe des " Kalenders des Juedischen Frauenbundes", der vor 1933 wohl in keinem juedischen Hause fehlte. Da Kunst in allen ihren Aspekten von je her einen wichtigen Platz in Ihrem Leben einnahm, war die
Herbeischaffung des Bildermaterials fuer den Kalender eine sinnvolle Aufgabe fuer Sie, und von Jahr zu Jahr wussten Sie diesem kleinen Bilderwerk neuen Inhalt und ein neues Gesicht zu geben.
Das waren Aufgaben und Pflichten, die Sie sich selbst gesteckt hatten. Aber als dann das Schicksal in der Gestalt Hitlers in Ihr persoenliches Leben eingriff und Sie und Ihre Familie aus dem kultivierten Breslauer Heim vertrieb, als Sie zuerst in Berlin und spaeter in London ein neues Leben aufbauen mussten, da mobilisierten Sie mit unerschuetterlichem Optimismus alle Ihnen innewohnenden Energien und Ihre frueher ungenutzten manuellen Faehigkeiten, verbunden mit Ihrem immer wachen Schoenheitssinn, um Ihrem Leben in der neugewaehlten Heimat Sinn und Inhalt zu geben.
Wenn wir, Ihre Freunde, Verehrer und ehemaligen Mitarbeiter, Sie heute in Anhaenglichkeit und Freundschaft gruessen, so muessen Sie es sich gefallen lassen, dass Ihre ehrenvolle Vergangenheit ins Licht der Oeffentlichkeit gerueckt wird. In diesem Sinne, hoffe ich, werden viele Ihrer mit herzlichsten Wuenschen und freundlichster Gesinnung gedenken.
Expat's translation (perhaps I missed to get rid of some of the 'hard returns') :
(September 7, 1966)
Dear Mrs. Cassirer,
It has been decades since we first met. You then belonged to the board of the Jewish Women's League, Breslau,
and your major concern was the care of the "Maedchenklub" [Girl’s Club], set up by the League to promote in every possible way socially and culturally underprivileged, by fate less favored young Jewish girls. The members of the “Maedchenklub” saw you not as a "Lady from the Board", who, coming from another, happier world, occasionally would take note of what was going on in the Club, but they felt very clearly that your real concern was to facilitate and to improve the fortune of your wards.
Part of your self-imposed task within the Jewish Women's League was moreover the compilation and publication of
the "Calendar of the Jewish Women's League", which in pre-1933 times probably in no Jewish home was missing. Because art in all its aspects always took an important place in your life, the procuring of the pictures for the Calendar was a useful job for you and from year to year you knew how to provide this small collection of images with a new content and a new face.
These were tasks and duties that you had set for yourself. But when doom in the form of Hitler intruded in your
private life and evicted you and your family from the urbane home in Breslau, and when first in Berlin and later in
London you had to rebuild your life, you activated with unshakable optimism all your innate energy and previously unused manual skills, combined with your always alerted aesthetic sense, to give the life in your newly adopted home sense and substance.
If we, your friends, admirers and former employees, salute you today with attachment and friendship, you will have to accept that your honorable past has to be shown in a public spotlight. In this sense, I hope that many will think of you with their heartiest wishes and in a most friendly mood.
(:Doc: L :)
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At the AJR Information ([[|Association of Jewish Refugees]]) Expat has found the missing link (or one of the missing links) between Lisbeth Cassirer and Lisbet (Lise) Lasker (at meta-studies mother's name is father's name and viceversa!). In this journal, vol. XXI, 10 (October 1966) on p. 11, there's a birthday congratulation for Lisbeth Cassirer (by Erna Stein-Blumenthal, commemorated in AJR Information XXXVIII, 8 (August 1983)).
(September 7, 1966)
Liebe Frau Cassirer,
Jahrzehnte sind es her als wir uns zuerst begegneten. Sie gehoerten damals dem Vorstand des Juedischen Frauenbundes, Breslau, an und Ihrer besonderen Obhut unterstand der " Maedchenklub", den der Frauenhund
ins Leben gerufen hatte, um minderbemittelte, vom Schicksal wenig beguenstigte junge juedische Maedchen in jeder nur moeglichen Weise, sozial und kulturell, zu foerdern. Die Mitglieder des Maedchenklubs sahen in Ihnen nicht etwa die " Vorstandsdame", die aus einer anderen, gluecklicheren Welt gelegentlich Kenntnis nahm von dem, was im Klub vor sich ging, sondern spuerten sehr deutlich, dass es Ihnen ein echtes Anliegen war, das Los Ihrer Schutzbefohlenen zu erleichtern und zu verbessern.
Zu Ihrer selbstgewaehlten Aufgabe innerhalb des Juedischen Frauenbundes gehoerte ferner die Zusammenstellung und Herausgabe des " Kalenders des Juedischen Frauenbundes", der vor 1933 wohl in keinem juedischen Hause fehlte. Da Kunst in allen ihren Aspekten von je her einen wichtigen Platz in Ihrem Leben einnahm, war die
Herbeischaffung des Bildermaterials fuer den Kalender eine sinnvolle Aufgabe fuer Sie, und von Jahr zu Jahr wussten Sie diesem kleinen Bilderwerk neuen Inhalt und ein neues Gesicht zu geben.
Das waren Aufgaben und Pflichten, die Sie sich selbst gesteckt hatten. Aber als dann das Schicksal in der Gestalt Hitlers in Ihr persoenliches Leben eingriff und Sie und Ihre Familie aus dem kultivierten Breslauer Heim vertrieb, als Sie zuerst in Berlin und spaeter in London ein neues Leben aufbauen mussten, da mobilisierten Sie mit unerschuetterlichem Optimismus alle Ihnen innewohnenden Energien und Ihre frueher ungenutzten manuellen Faehigkeiten, verbunden mit Ihrem immer wachen Schoenheitssinn, um Ihrem Leben in der neugewaehlten Heimat Sinn und Inhalt zu geben.
Wenn wir, Ihre Freunde, Verehrer und ehemaligen Mitarbeiter, Sie heute in Anhaenglichkeit und Freundschaft gruessen, so muessen Sie es sich gefallen lassen, dass Ihre ehrenvolle Vergangenheit ins Licht der Oeffentlichkeit gerueckt wird. In diesem Sinne, hoffe ich, werden viele Ihrer mit herzlichsten Wuenschen und freundlichster Gesinnung gedenken.
Expat's translation (perhaps I missed to get rid of some of the 'hard returns') :
(September 7, 1966)
Dear Mrs. Cassirer,
It has been decades since we first met. You then belonged to the board of the Jewish Women's League, Breslau,
and your major concern was the care of the "Maedchenklub" [Girl’s Club], set up by the League to promote in every possible way socially and culturally underprivileged, by fate less favored young Jewish girls. The members of the “Maedchenklub” saw you not as a "Lady from the Board", who, coming from another, happier world, occasionally would take note of what was going on in the Club, but they felt very clearly that your real concern was to facilitate and to improve the fortune of your wards.
Part of your self-imposed task within the Jewish Women's League was moreover the compilation and publication of
the "Calendar of the Jewish Women's League", which in pre-1933 times probably in no Jewish home was missing. Because art in all its aspects always took an important place in your life, the procuring of the pictures for the Calendar was a useful job for you and from year to year you knew how to provide this small collection of images with a new content and a new face.
These were tasks and duties that you had set for yourself. But when doom in the form of Hitler intruded in your
private life and evicted you and your family from the urbane home in Breslau, and when first in Berlin and later in
London you had to rebuild your life, you activated with unshakable optimism all your innate energy and previously unused manual skills, combined with your always alerted aesthetic sense, to give the life in your newly adopted home sense and substance.
If we, your friends, admirers and former employees, salute you today with attachment and friendship, you will have to accept that your honorable past has to be shown in a public spotlight. In this sense, I hope that many will think of you with their heartiest wishes and in a most friendly mood.
(:Doc: L :)
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