Main.CassirerBiliography History
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*[[CassirerPaul|Paul Cassirer]]
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*[[|Walter Feilenchenfeldt]] continued the work of the Kunstsalon after Paul Cassirer's death. This is a link to several summary books which he has published of exhibitions at the Kunstsalon.
*[[CassirerPaul|Paul Cassirer]]
**[[|Walter Feilenchenfeldt]] continued the work of the Kunstsalon after Paul Cassirer's death. This is a link to several summary books which he has published of exhibitions at the Kunstsalon.
**[[|Walter Feilenchenfeldt]] continued the work of the Kunstsalon after Paul Cassirer's death. This is a link to several summary books which he has published of exhibitions at the Kunstsalon.
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The publication output of the Cassirer family has been impressive. This is a place to progressively build up references (whether bibliographic or to relevant bibliographies) of Cassirer books and papers.
!!!![[CassirerPaul.Paul Cassirer]]
*[[|Walter Feilenchenfeldt]] continued the work of the Kunstsalon after Paul Cassirer's death. This is a link to several summary books which he has published of exhibitions at the Kunstsalon.
!!!![[CassirerPaul.Paul Cassirer]]
*[[|Walter Feilenchenfeldt]] continued the work of the Kunstsalon after Paul Cassirer's death. This is a link to several summary books which he has published of exhibitions at the Kunstsalon.