Bano family collection
Eduard Cassirer and Jenny with son Martin (photo ~1885)
Poem for Julchen Cassirer  on her 70th birthday, 1914: by Max Loewenberg
A Parable for Julchen Cassirer on her 70th birthday, 1914: by a son
Julie Cassirer (70th birthday menu 1914)
Cassirer family group photograph (tentative identification includes Martin and Ernst Cassirer)
Martin & Lise Cassirer 1909: Poem by Grete and Hermann Lasker
Martin and Lise Cassirer (menu, poem, holidays 1920)
Martin Cassirer (menu for dinner 18 Oct 1927)
Suzanne Cassirer (19th birthday poem 1932)
Lisbet Lasker and Martin Cassirer (references for leaving Germany 1938)
Lucie Lasker (Red Cross message 1939)
Paul Cassirer (Obituaries 1926)
Notes on this collection