

Suzanne Cassirer (19th birthday poem 1932)
  | Poem for Suzanne Cassirer’s 19th Birthday - probably by her father Martin
  | Literal English translation [by Irene Newhouse]
  | You guests, O see. How Susannchen dresses now. She’s introducing herself into society Hence she’s now so fine. How she looks elegant, how she appears, And how she speaks and how she laughs. Yes, yes, it’s indeed true How you have changed this past year through! If it goes on like this, oh horror, No- I won’t think it. Maybe your principles will be gone, And you’ll get worked up about every little thing. Hopefully you won’t become Just like every other middle class woman. How you’ll turn out, ‘tis true Still isn’t clear to me. But one thing I wish you for today: Don’t become just like everyone else! Think: Is this the right direction for me? No, then I won’t take it.
  | Rendered back in rough English verse [JF]
  | Guests see how Susannchen dresses now. Entering society at this time You see she now looks so fine. How elegant through the weeks, How she laughs, how she speaks. Yes, yes, it is indeed true How she has changed this past year through! If it goes on like this, oh horror, No - I won’t think it – such sorrow. Maybe your principles will go, Every little thing provoking you so. I hope we won’t see you become Just another middle class woman. How you’ll turn out, we will see Still it isn’t clear to me. But I wish you one thing for today: That your true course you will stay! Think: for me is this direction fit? No - then I won’t take it.
