Birth26 Jun 1864, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Death14 Nov 1942, Orchard Hill House, Bideford, Devon, England
Marriage30 Jun 1902, St George's, Hanover Square Registry Office. London England1447
Notes for Louis TAMWORTH
In the will of his mother he was left a life interest in twenty of the shares (total 230) of her estate. He was also left some of the personal items of her estate, but none of the money outright as the other children were. Perhaps he was one of the first of the family to marry 'out'? He changed his surname to Tamworth. He was mentioned in a newspaper as attending the funeral of his brother Benn Levy. It would appear that he lived all his adult life in England.
He fought in the South African (Boer War) in the Cavalry, and also in the 1914-1918 war in the Montgomeryshire Yeomanry and Remounts. He was a Major in charge of Remounts.
His son tells me that Louis was very keen on sport of all kinds including golf and horses. In 1911-12 he was the Captain of the Devon County Cricket XI.
His birth was registered as Lewis T - I do not hold certificate.
He was left money in the will of his uncle Louis Levy.
Probate of his will was granted in 1943 to his widow Violet Gladys Tamworth. Effects UKL 25,414/1/11d. His address was shown as of 'Orchard Hill House, Bideford, Devonshire and his date of death was shown as 14 Nov 1942. I also have Hill House, Northam, Devon as his address. I suspect they are actually one and the same.