NamePatrick Reginald LEVY
Birth26 Aug 1900, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Death12 Nov 1988, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Birth26 Aug 1900, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia1421
Death12 Nov 1988, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Death29 Nov 1984, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage1952, Sydney NSW Australia
Death30 Jul 1997, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage1952, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia1422
Notes for Patrick Reginald LEVY
Biography in the book, Sydney Stockbrokers. He was educated at Repton School, England, as was George Cullen. The same biography noted his marriage to Nedra Ryrie in 1938.
Pat was a prisoner of war of the Japanese in Singapore.
Notes for Patrick Reginald LEVY
Member of the Sydney Stock Exchange of the firm Patrick Levy & AllenStock Brokers