NameEdward Lumley LUMLEY
Birth21 Jun 1892, St Kilda Vic Australia
Death24 May 1960, London England
Birth21 Jun 1892, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Birth20 Aug 1887, Beaumont S A Australia
Birth1887, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Notes for Edward Lumley LUMLEY
This is the Lumley's insurance connection.
His birth was registered in Victoria, where his father was shown as Benjamin Stanhope Cohen - differently than that of Thelma, the first born child.
I could not find notification of his marriage in the Vic registrations. Perhaps this took place in Adelaide.
In the probate record of his father's will his name is shown as Edward Lumley Lumley.
The Biographical Register of Australia shows him as Lumley, Edward Lumley, ne Cohen 1892 -1960, Insurance Director, expatriate born Mel 21 June 1892, son of Bennie S Cohen; d Lond 25 May 1960,
married 28 June 1922 Kathleen Wills. Took mother's maiden name; ed Malvern Grammar Sch, Merchant Taylors Sch., Ecole de Commerce and Univ Lausanne Switzerland; member Lloyds 1920, man dir Edward Lumley & Sons, dir Edward Lumley (Aust). Sources: 'Age' 26 May 1960, WWA* 1955-59.
An advertising leaflet from Lumley Life Limited shows that he died in 1970. GRO records show death in June quarter of 1960 aged 67, Westminster Vol 5c, page 354. The Register of the Merchant Taylors' School shows his attendance there as 1903 -07. Date of birth 21 June 1892, address of Henley House, Mortimer Road, St John's Wood. Also University & Ecole de Commerce, Lausanne.