NameSalomon CASSIRER
Death30 Dec 1847, Old Jewish Cemetery (Alter Jüdischer Friedhof Beuthen O/S) /
Birth1817, Oberschlesian, Germany572,1139
Notes for Salomon CASSIRER
In this record Moses is shown as ‘Mosche’. These discrepancies in spelling are characteristic of the time. Dates are often miscalculated - so the death of Salomon or birth of Leopold (‘Loebel’) are probably not quite as registered.
Birth date is simply inferred by the fact that men tended to be slightly older than their wives and then taking into account the age of the parents when children were born. This could of course be wrong.
Note that Markus named his newborn son “Salomon” in the year of his brother Salomon following his brother’s death, in accordance with Jewish custom at the time.