Erich was first a philosopher and then an art dealer. He had a art shop in Berlin and specialised in Egyptian and Oriental art. He was a very fine connoisseur. He brought some of the objects with him when he came to London, and there used them as the basis to establish a small gallery.
774 Werner Falk purchased some of these objects to help Erich be economically viable.
Erich was born Jan. 27 1881 in Berlin, in 1913 living in Berlin, of Prussian nationality. He was at the Gymnasium in Berlin-Steglitz, and took an exam in 1902. He studied 2 semesters (2 terms equal 1 year) in Munich and 8 semesters in Marburg.
Erich Cassirer’s PhD dissertation was :
'Die allgemeinen Voraussetzungen des Berkeleyschen Systems.' (the general preconditions of Berkeley's system. - i.e. George Berkeley, 1685-1753.
The oral exam ('Rigorosum') was on March 5, 1913, with Cohen and Natorp as 'Referenten'.
[Information uncovered by Dr Adalbert Saurma, University of Heidleburg, from: Theses at the university of Marburg 1913: Abridged version printed by the Hof-Buchdruckerei in Weimar, 85 pages. Full version in 'Philosophische Arbeiten', ed. by Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) and Paul Nartorp (1854-1924), 8 (1914) 2.