Family Card - Person Sheet
NameMoritz CASSIRER 
Notes for Moritz CASSIRER
Moritz was the youngest brother and was sent to America [information from Else Schlesinger
He became a butcher [information from Werner Falk
The following is based primarily on an account provided by Lucy Schoenbrun Szekely, Moritz Cassirer's great granddaughter, in an e-mail on 14 December 2004.
Whilst the six brothers of Moritz Cassirer were all remarkable in their achievements and amongst the cream of Berlin society Moritz had little interest in these matters and was more interested it seems, in card playing. Consequently the family decided to give him a sum of money to start out with and send him off to America in the hope that he would make something of himself in the new country. There he settled in New York, living in a brownstone in Harlem Manhattan which was then a middle class neighborhood.
Moritz was not a rebel: he was proud of his family's achievements and remained steeped in German tradition throughout his life in New York. In New York Moritz occupied the top floor of his brownstone. He had two daughters and one son. The daughters were both born in the U.S. and each had married and lived with their children on the floors below Moritz.