NameFlorence Beena GOLDSMITH
Death1941, Perth, Western Australia, Australia459
Birth1866, Melbourne Vic Australia9
Birth1868, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Birth1866, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Marriage1896, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia460
Divorce1914, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Notes for Florence Beena GOLDSMITH
Horace Belmore was a Solicitor after his marriage in Sydney in 1889 hepraticed for a while there before going to Perth WA where he seemed tohave practiced from around the end of 1889 to about 1908, when hedeserted his first wife and was divorced by his first wife FlorenceBeena after he departed with Elizabeth Huxley to Shangai China, anddeserting her and the children, of the five children born in Perth WAonly two survived through infancy. Namely Keith George and BasilBelmore Joseph. It is thought that Horace and Elizabeth Huxley, who helater married went to England, as the newspapers state that his firstwife and the two surviving boys went to England to try and settlethings. Basil Belmore Joseph married in England in 1943 PriscillaBarbara Carbonell, whilst Keith George Joseph returned to Australiaand in Penrith New South Wales in 1946 married Helga Thomsen, KeithGeorge died in Sydney in 1968.