English Translation of postcard from Lucie Lasker and friend Willy Bodlaender.

Front of postcard (for original German see below)


Lucie Sara Lasker [a middle name of Sara for female Jews was required by Nazi law]
Rienbnig Kr. Brieg
Post Stoberau
Deportation-ID [Kennkarte] A.00146
Original Place of Residence [Kennort] Breslau

Mr Georg Cassirer
Foreningsgatan 11

Dear Vera,

Your Aunt told [me] about you, & I'm using the opportunity to send along heartfelt greetings from old friendship, at the same time, to your family. We're all pretty well set, and look toward the future trustingly. Did you know, by the way, that my sister Grete was released from her long suffering 5 weeks ago? [common German euphemism for dying].

Your old
Willy Bod---

18 Mar 1942

Back of postcard. 

Riebnig 17 March 1942
Kr. Brieg Post Stoberau

Dear Mr. Georg,

Weeks ago I sent you a card with return card, have unfortunately remained without a response. Now I'm living out here in the country, still with many people I know, and am making an effort to become used to it. How are you, your dear wife, your Peter [le], Martin and your parents? Erich used to write me regularly, he, his Ilse, and your lady Mother.
Now it's all at an end.         .Heartfelt greetings, and you think of me.

Yours, Lucie Lasker

[Translation provided by Irene Newhouse whose help is gratefully acknowledged.]

Original transcription in German of Text from Willy Bodlaender

Mr Georg Cassirer
Foreningsgatan 11

Liebe Vera,

Eure Tante erzaehlte mir von Euch, und ich benutze die Gelegenheit in alter Verbundenkeit herzliche Gruesse zu uebersenden, zugleich fuer die Deinen. Wir sind hier alle ganz gut untergebracht und blicken mit Vertraun in die Zukunft. Weisst du uebrigens dass meine Schwester Grete vor 5 Wochen von ihrem schwerem Leiden erloest worden ist.?

Dein alter

Willy Bodlaender.