Henry (Heiner) Reinhard CASSIRER - Media
Henry (Heiner) Reinhard CASSIRER - Media
Cover of book published recently in French by Henry Cassirer
Henry Cassirer in 1941 "A the station of listening, we shared a tension, a heat and an acute curiosity which inspired all to us. But we were only one variegated group of beginners come from the whole world."

From: One century of combat for a humanistic world , Page 69. Reproduced at http://cassirer.ifrance.com/cassirer/frenchhtml/album/02.html
The new civil servant of UNESCO (on the left) with Douglas Schneider
"With the reading of the text that I had just given to him, Douglas Schneider looked me with surprised... Our differences were deep and characteristic of an ambiguity inherent in UNESCO. It represented the disciplined civil servant and me missionnaire with the service of the ideals of the constitution "
One century of combat for a humanistic world , Page 119
Reproduced in http://cassirer.ifrance.com/cassirer/frenchhtml/album/02.html
Henry Cassirer avec Jean-Luc Simon
Jean-Luc Simon, Henry Cassirer.
“Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des hommes ou femmes que j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer. Mais je ne voudrais pas clore ce passage sans parler de mon jeune ami Jean-Luc Simon ... Nous partageons idées et projets, communiquons par courrier électronique et nous nous encourageons mutuellement quand les choses traînent. Notre différence d'âge de presque 50 ans est une source d'enrichissement mutuel. “
Un siècle de combat pour un monde humaniste, Page 16