Léon Bollée's calculating machine was the first (after two comparatively forgotten machines by Barbour and Verea) to succeed as a true mechanical multiplying calculator, utilising an internal multiplication table 'pre-programmed' in brass to provide instant multiplications at a single turn of the handle.[^See for example, http://history-computer.com/MechanicalCalculators/19thCentury/Bollee.html^] [[http://www.geolocation.ws/tag/Scientific+instruments+at+the+Musée+des+Arts+et+Métiers/en|An example of the one of his machines]] which won a gold medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1889, is displayed amongst the Scientific instruments at the Musée des Arts et Métiers in Paris, and is shown below. %center% http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/uploads/BolleeArtsetMetier.jpg This collection does not contain such a machine! But it does contain [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/uploads/Bollee1.pdf|a report of the development of this "New Calculating Machine of Very General Applicability", from "The Manufacturer and Builder", of July 1905]]. (:googleviewer http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/uploads/Bollee1.pdf width=1000, embed:) [^#^]