(:title E.M.G. Handmade 'Large Horn' Gramophones:) <<|[[HistoryTrail|]]|>> %center% %height=200px% [[https://www.youtube.com/embed/Xe78fl1Klk4|http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/uploads/EMGRA03.jpg]] This is the home page for a section of this site devoted to the identification (and perhaps later use and maintenance) of surviving E.M.G. "Large Horn" Gramophones. **Contents** *[[OtherObjects.EMGXAEVideo|Video demonstrations of the EMG XA gramophone - John Amadio playing Mozart, and other recordings]] *[[OtherObjects.1932EMGGramophone|The 1932 Mark XA (Export) EMG gramophone]] *[[OtherObjects.RestorationOfTheGramophone|Conservation of the gramophone]] *[[OtherObjects.OtherEMGXA|Ancilliary equipment, documents and information]] *[[OtherObjects.EMGList|A Listing of Known Surviving E.M.G. "Large Horn" Gramophones (Marks IX, X, Xa and Xb)]] *[[Maintenance and technical notes|Maintenance and technical notes for EMG gramophones]] *[[OtherObjects.DatingAnEMGGramophone|Dating an EMG Gramophone]] *[[Resources|References and Resources]] *[[Privacy Policy]] *[[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Contact|Contact the Site Editor]] <<|[[HistoryTrail|]]|>> [^#^]