!! Jim Falk: More recent and forthcoming publications, presentations etc. **Roles** * Honorary Professorial Fellow, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia * Senior Fellow, Melbourne Climate Futures, University of Melbourne, Australia * Emeritus Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia * [[https://www.stsforum.org/racc2021/iac|Foundation Chair, RACC International Advisory Committee.]] **Books** * [[http://meta-studies.net/worlds-in-transition2/pages/3.html|Joseph Camilleri and Jim Falk, //Worlds in Transition: Evolving Governance Across a Stressed Planet//, Edward Elgar, UK, Dec 2009, pp. 1-704.]] ...earlier books include: * J. Camilleri and J. Falk, //The End of Sovereignty?: The future shaping of world politics//, Edward Elgar, London, 1992, 312 pp. Translated into Chinese and published by Zhejiang People’s Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2001. * J. Falk and A. Brownlow, //The Greenhouse Challenge: What’s to be done?//, Penguin, Melbourne, 1989, 340 pp. * J. Falk, //Taking Australia Off the Map: Facing the Threat of Nuclear War//, Published simultaneously by Penguin and Heinemann Publishers, Melbourne, 1983, 310 pp. * J. Falk (ed.), //Preventing Nuclear War: Australia’s Role//, edited proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Wollongong on 10 September, 1982, Uniadvice, the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, 1983, 80 pp. * J. Falk, //Global Fission: The Battle Over Nuclear Power//, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1982, 410 pp. * D. Hayes, J. Falk, and N. Barrett, //Red Light for Yellow Cake: the case against uranium mining//, FOE, Melbourne, 1976, 96 pp. **eBooks** * [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Site.Ebook|Jim Falk, "Things that Count: the rise and fall of calculators", things-that-count.com, Melbourne, 2014. 187 pp.]] **Journal articles** * [[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03419-0|J. Falk, R.R. Colwell, C.F. Kennel, C.A. Murray, "Link knowledge and action to tackle disasters",//Nature//, vol 599, 18 Nov 2021, p. 372.]] * [[https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-021-01059-x|Falk, J., Attig-Bagar, F., Colwell, R., Behera, S., El-Beltagy, A., von Braun, J., Dasgupta, P., Gleich, P., Kaneko, R., Kennel, C., Koundouri, P., Tseh Lee, Y., Luers, A., Murray, C., Lal, C., Serageldin, I., Sokona, Y., Takeuchi, K., Taniguchi, M., Watanabe, Yasunari, T., (2021). “Addressing Our Planetary Crisis” //Sustainability Science//, 1 November 2021,]] ; See also [[https://www.stsforum.org/racc2021/pdf/statement.pdf]] * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lyOPevILZY7Wj5nIrIcR0Q5BjOKrmpeS/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs|J. Falk, “Greenpeace turns 50: any lessons for the rest of us?”, //PIMA Bulletin// 38 Sep 2021, pp. 32-4.]] * [[https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-020- 00876-w|Jim Falk, Rita Colwell, Adel El-Beltagy, Peter Gleick, Charles Kennel, Yuan T., Lee, Amy Luers, Cherry Murray, Ismail Serageldin, Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Chiho Watanabe, and Tetsuzo Yasunari, “Beyond 2020: converging crises demand integrated responses”, Sustainability Science, 29 October 2020, ISSN: 1862-4057]] * [[ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XG0sh5hshkRBaQMBlSuj9JhkdT gFynfe/edit |J. Falk, “Timely challenges: Messages from the Australian Bushfires and the Corona Pandemic”, PIMA Bulletin, March 2020.]] * [[https://pimamembers.wixsite.com/network/post/pima-bulletin-no-39-nov-2021|J. Falk, “ Climate Action and the Knowledge Action Agenda “, //PIMA Bulletin//, 39, Nov, 2021]] * J. Falk and D. Settle, "Australia: Approaching an energy crossroads", //Energy Policy//, Volume 39, Issue 11, November 2011, 6804-6813. * J. Falk, "Fukushima Fall-out", //Arena Magazine//, No. 112, July 2011, pp. 18-23, reprinted as //Arena Features//, "Nuclear Power after Fukushima: The Japan crisis has raised the stakes for global nuclear policy", http://www.arena.org.au/2011/11/nuclear-power-after-fukushima/, Nov 2011. * J. Falk, "Some recent reflections on worlds in transition", //Global Change, Peace and Security//, vol 24, no 1, Feb 2012, pp. 9-16. * J. Falk, "A brief afterthought", //Global Change, Peace and Security//, vol 24, no 1, Feb 2012, pp. 45-8. **Book Chapters** * J. Falk, "The Movement Against Uranium Mining", in Susan Blackburn, //Breaking Out: Memories of Melbourne in the 1970s//, Hale & Iremonger., 2015, pp. 91-102. * [[http://www.psypress.com/books/details/9780415527835/| J. Falk, "The Search for Energy Security After Fukushima Daiichi", in Richard Hindmarsh, //Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi: Social, Political and Environmental Issues//, Routledge, UK, 15 March 2013.]] * [[http://www.bloomsburyacademic.com/view/Scientific-Freedom/book-ba-9781849669009.xml|J. Falk, "Scientific Freedom in an Evolving World", in Simona Giordano, John Coggon and Marco Cappato, //Anthology on Freedom of Scientific Research//, Bloomsbury, September 2012.]] * J. Falk, "Rethinking Energy Security in a Time of Transition", in Luca Anceschi and Jonathon Symons, //Energy Security in the era of Climate Change - The Asia Pacific Experience//, Palgrave MacMillan, UK, 2012, pp. 240-254. **Reports** * D.S. Woodruff and J. Falk, //International Workshop on Coastal Cities, Climate Change and Sea Level Rise. Report to the APRU Presidents. The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), Sustainability and Climate Change Program. University of California San Diego, September 5–7//, 2012, 2012 [available at [[http://escholarship.org/]]] * N. Adly, E. Bonsdorff, C. Carraro, G. Cecconi, M. Depledge, M. Dettinger, J. Falk, C.Kennel, P. Linden, K. McIntyre, C. Nasci, E. Ramieri, D. Woodruff, and G. Zanetto, //The Venice Conference, Improving the capacity to assess and to adapt to climate change in urban coastal regions//, Venice, Sept 8-­‐11, 2011. Report available through the Sustainability Solutions Institute, University of California, San Diego. **Conference Proceedings** * J. Falk, "Confronting Climate Change in the Pacific: Knowledge-Action Approaches and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities Sustainability and Climate Change Research Program", Pacific Economic Council for Cooperation (PECC), 2013, pp. 28-37. **Other Conference Presentations** * [[ https://www.stsforum.org/kyoto2021/|J. Falk, Chair, Session 400, “Science and Technology to Build a Resilient Society, Science, Technology and Society Forum, Kyoto with virtual international engagement, presentation; video presentation as Chair; video presentation of RACC-13 Statement.]] * [[https://www.stsforum.org/racc2021/.|J. Falk, Chair, Regional Action on Climate Change (RACC-13), Kyoto with virtual international engagement, 1 October 2021.]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/embed/0fwttGMEQag?rel=0&autoplay=1.|J. Falk, “Responding in Time and Space”, Video Presentation as Chair, Plenary Session 4: From Impacts to Knowledge Action, Regional Action on Climate Change (RACC-13), 1 October 2021.]] * J. Falk, Presentation at //STS Forum// Session 400, Energy and Environment, 6 October 2020. * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyV0ctNXq9M&feature=youtu.be|J. Falk, “After COVID-19, Climate for Energetic Change?”, Session 400, Energy and Environment Session, Science, //Technology and Society Forum//, Kyoto with virtual international engagement, presentation: See also [[https://www.stsforum.org/archives/webcast/#webcast_2020, 6 October 2020|Full video of Session 400]] * [[https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/similarities-between-covid-19-and-climate-change/12974572|Jim Falk, ”Similarities between COVID-19 and climate change”, //The Science Show with Robyn Williams//. ABC Radio 12 December 2020.]] * [[https://www.stsforum.org/racc/.|J. Falk, Chair, Regional Action on Climate Change (RACC-12), Kyoto with virtual international engagement, 2 October 2020]] * [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Sdk_lxVqkhwURvcRkE9s 6frMnUsaOHjB |J. Falk, “Dynamics of response”, PIMA webinar – ALE, climate crises and COVID-19: Critical reflections from Australia., 8 April 2020.]] * J. Falk, respondent to PIMA Webinar “Navigating climate crises: * [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/uploads/Publications/Jim_Falk_CambridgeSRM15_Poster.pdf|J. Falk 'SRM Governance - What, Whether, How, When...?', Poster Presentation to Session 2: 'Impacts, Implications and Consequences,' Solar Radiation Management Science Conference, SRM Science 2015, University of Cambridge, 12-14 March 2015]] * [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/uploads/Publications/Jim_Falk_Berlin_Poster.pdf|Conference Poster Presentation to Climate Engineering Conference, CEC14, Berlin, 18-21 August 2014]] * [[http://icef-forum.org/platform/article_detail.php?article__id=39|Videocast of Presentation at //Innovation for a Cool Earth Forum//, Tokyo, 4 November 2014, Concurrent Session 7 - Cooperation between Developing and Developed Countries]] **Print media** * J. Falk, "Use for all that hot air", //The Age//, Comment, Letter to the Editor, Aug 12, 2015. * J. Falk, "System clock in reverse, and accelerating quickly", //The Age//, Comment, lead Letter to the Editor, 9 Feb 2015; reprinted also in The Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times, Canberra Times, DanilNews, The Press Leader, vtunnel.pk, and carboncredit.com. * J. Falk, quoted in Wendy Zukerman, "Global norming with geoengineering", [[https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/2015/01/24/global-norming-with-geoengineering/14220180001394#.VMKFH2S9Kc0|The Saturday Paper]], 24 Jan 2015. *J. Falk, quoted in Per Liljas and Helen Regan, "Experts Are Skeptical Over the U.S.-China Emissions Deal", [[http://time.com/tag/climate-change/page/5/|Time]], Time.com, 12 Nov 2014, p. 5. **Electronic media** * [[https://iview.abc.net.au/video/NU2117H230S00| Review of Nature and Sustainability Science Articles, //ABC National News at Noon//, 18 November 2021, by Robyn Williams.]], [[ABCNationalNews18Nov2021|Transcript of Presentation]] * [[https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/similarities-between-covid-19-and-climate-change/12974572|Jim Falk, ”Similarities between COVID-19 and climate change”, //The Science Show with Robyn Williams//. ABC Radio 12 December 2020.]] * ABC National Radio broadcast on Ockham's Razor: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/ockhamsrazor/default.htm * ABC "Future Governance - Future Tense" on Future Tense http://abc.net.au/rn/futuretense/stories/2010/2987477.htm * UTS Forum "To Survive Ourselves" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPSMDFaAS7o * Beyond Zero emissions interview by Matthew Wright. http://beyondzeroemissions.org/media/radio/beyond-zero-interviews-jim-falk-honorary-professorial-fellow-melbourne-scho-110614 * RMIT Seminar 29/11/2010 http://itunesu.its.rmit.edu.au/node/453 * SBS World News Question and Answer: Japan in Crisis. http://www.sbs.com.au/news/specialcoverage/292/Japan-in-Crisis 31 March 2011 and http://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1511036/Q&A:-Japan-nuclear-crisis-'getting-worse'- * SBS World News, "Analysis : Fukushima radiation consequences", interview by Steve Christensen. 31 March 2011. * Chanel 9 News, "Tributes pour in for nuclear plant workers. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/japanquake/8225434/tributes-pour-in-for-nuclear-plant-workers, 17 March 2011. "Japan crisis could escalate with 'wind change', 9 News, http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/8225430/japan-nuke-crisis-could-escalate-with-change-in-wind, 17 March 2011. * Panel Discussion "From Hiroshima to Fukushima", broadcast of Arena Panel Discussion. [[http://pod.3cr.org.au/pod/3CRCast-2011-05-23-75467.mp3|radioactive_show 21 05 11]]. [[http://pod.3cr.org.au/pod/3CRCast-2011-05-23-75467.mp3|File Download (29:09 min / 13 MB)]] * At the 2009 Festival of Ideas, 15-20 June 2009. http://ideas.unimelb.edu.au/2009/downloads/ and http://ideas.unimelb.edu.au/2009/speakers/jfalk.html **Authored software** * [[http://meta-studies.net/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Main.RecentPublicationsSoftware|FlunkeyFox app]] an authoring tool running on the Mac platform and used for linking citations and corresponding documents across MS Word, Devonthink, Endnote, Safari and Scrivener. **Other Presentations and Contributions** * J. Falk, invited presentation to "Dialogue" and "Conversation with Jim Falk", Two Fires Festival, Braidwood, April 2011. http://www.twofiresfestival.com.au/html/programme.html and http://www.kavisha.com/shows/details/86-two-fires-festival-braidwood-nsw.html?pop=1&tmpl=component * APRU World Institute Workshop * J. Falk, invited presentation, “Fukushima – its implications for Japan and the Nuclear Industry”, Rescue Japan Symposium, Tokyo, (by video link), 15 April 2011. * J. Falk, session Chair, "Regional and global problems in air polution", in Public Policy Workshop, Pacific Rim Universities and Global Health: Finding and Communicating Solutions, APRU World Initiative, Public Health Research Program, Jakarta, 15 June 2011. * J. Falk, invited presentation at MAPW panel on Fukushima and global health, 6 July 2011, Nossal Institute, University of Melbourne. http://www.mapw.org.au/events/fukushima-and-global-health * J. Falk, invited presentation "Knowledge-action initiatives with water communities", to Workshop on Asian Climate Change and Variability: Trends and Policy, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 21 July 2011. * J. Falk, "Knowledge action initiatives with water communities", invited paper, The Venice Conference, 12-15 September 2011, Venice, Italy. * J. Falk, invited paper "Knowledge Action initiatives in the Asia-Pacific", prepared for the Regional Climate Change Workshop (RCC3), Adjunct session to the STS Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 1 October 2011. * J. Falk, "Confronting climate change in the Pacific - knowledge-action approaches and the APRU World Institute CMAS Program.", keynote paper, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) International Project for 2011-2012: Sustainable Management of Marine Resources, Seminar 1 Oceans at Risk: Protection from ocean to coast, sharing marine resources, Nouméa, New Caledonia, November 22-24, 2011 **Web sites** * http://meta-studies.net * http://genealogy.meta-studies.net * http://cassirer.meta-studies.net * http://energyscience.org.au * http://things-that-count.net * http://calculant.meta-studies.net * http://metastudies.net.au