(:title Markup Master Index:) (:Summary:Tabulation of all PmWiki markup:) >>rframe font-size:smaller noprint<< '''Table of contents''' * [[#LinkMarkups|Links]] ** [[#ExternalLinks|To external urls]] ** [[#InternalLinks|To internal pages and more]] ** [[#WikiGroupLinks|To WikiGroups]] ** [[#IntermapLinks|To Intermap Destinations]] ** [[#EmailLinks|To email addresses]] ** [[#UploadLinks|To uploaded files]] * [[#Images|Images]] ** [[#ImagesAsImages|as images]] ** [[#ImagesAsLinks|as links]] * [[#StartOfLine|Start-of-line markup]] ** [[#Lists|Lists]] ** [[#Headings|Headings]] ** [[#BlockMarkups|Paragraph blocks]] ** [[#DivisionBlocks|Division blocks]] * [[#Text|Text]] ** [[#InlineMarkups|Character format]] ** [[#PostingMarkups|Posting markup]] * [[#Tables|Tables]] ** [[#PlainTables|Plain tables]] ** [[#TablesAndDivs|Structured tables]] * [[#Directives|Directives]] ** [[#PageDirectives|Page directives]] ** [[#Display|Display]] ** [[#Metadata|Metadata]] ** [[#IncludeOtherPages|Include other pages]] ** [[#ConditionalMarkup|Conditional markup]] ** [[#PageLists|Page lists]] ** [[#OtherDirectives|Other directives]] * [[#Forms|Forms]] * [[#WikiTrails|WikiTrails]] * [[#PageVariables|Page variables]] * [[#Expressions|Expressions]] >><< This page contains the most frequently used wiki markup, briefly. Follow the links in each section to learn more. !! [[#LinkMarkups]] Links See [[Links]] !!![[#ExternalLinks]]External links -< [@http://example.com@] -< [@ [[http://example.com]] @] -< [@ [[http://example.com"tool tip"]] @] -< [@ [[http://example.com | link text]] @] -< [@ [[link text -> http://example.com]] @] [[#InternalLinks]] !!! Page links -< [@ [[PageName]] @] -< [@ [[page name]] @] -< [@ [[page (name)]] @] -< [@ [[PageName | link text]] @] -< [@ [[PageName | + ]] @] ''(titled link)'' -< [@ [[PageName | # ]] @] ''(anonymous numerical reference link)'' -< [@ [[PageName"tool tip"]] @] -< [@ [[link text -> PageName]] @] -< [@ [[#anchor]] @] ''(to create an anchor)'' -< [@ [[#anchor | link text]] @] ''(to refer to an anchor)'' -< [@ [[anchor | # ]] @] ''(anonymous numerical reference link)'' -< [@ [[PageName#anchor | link text]] @] ''(to refer to an anchor in another page)'' See also [[WikiWord]] on how to enable [@WikiWord@] links. [[#WikiGroupLinks]] !!! WikiGroup links See [[Links]] and [[Categories]] -< [@ [[GroupName/]] or [[Group name/]] @] -< [@ [[GroupName"tool tip"]] @] -< [@ [[GroupName.]] @] -< [@ [[GroupName/PageName]] or [[GroupName/page name]] @] -< [@ [[(GroupName.)page name]] @] -< [@ [[~Author Name]] @] -< [@ [[~Author Name | +]] @] -< [@ [[~Author Name | #]] @] -< [@ [[~Author Name | link text]] @] -< [@ [[~Author Name"tool tip"]] @] -< [@ [[!Category Name]] @] [[#IntermapLinks]] !!! InterMap links See [[InterMap]] -< [@ [[Path:/path/local_document.html]] @] -< [@ [[Wikipedia:WikiWikiWeb]] @] [[#EmailLinks]] !!! Email links -< [@ mailto:someone@example.com @] -< [@ [[(mailto:)someone@example.com]] @] -< [@ [[mailto:someone@example.com | display text]] @] -< [@ [[display text -> mailto:someone@example.com]] @] [[#UploadLinks]] !!! Upload links See [[Uploads]] and [[#Images|Images]] -< [@ Attach:file.odt @] -< [@ [[(Attach:)file.odt]] @] -< [@ [[Attach:file.odt | alternative text ]] @] -< [@ [[Attach:file with spaces.pdf]] @] -< [@ [[Attach:Groupname./file with spaces.pdf]] @] !! [[#Images]] Images See [[Images]] and [[Uploads]] !!! [[#ImagesAsImages]] Images as Images -< [@http://example.com/image.gif@] -< [@http://example.com/image.gif"alt text"@] -< [@Attach:image.gif"My image"@] -< [@Attach:Groupname./image.gif"image in another group"@] -< [@Attach:Groupname.Pagename/image.gif"image on another page"@] -< [@%lfloat% Attach:image.gif | Caption %%@] ''(could be [=%rfloat%, %center%, %rframe%, %lframe%, %frame% =])'' -< [@%width=200px% Attach:image.gif %%@] -< [@%thumb% Attach:image.gif %%@] !!! [[#ImagesAsLinks]] Images as links -< [@ [[Attach:image.gif]] @] -< [@ [[(Attach:)image.gif]] @] -< [@ [[PageName | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]] @] -< [@ [[http://example.com/ | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]] @] -< [@%rframe thumb% [[Attach:image.gif | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]] | Caption @] !! [[#StartOfLine]] Start-of-line markup See [[Text formatting rules]] !!! [[#Lists]] [[PmWiki/TextFormattingRules#BulletedLists| Lists]] See [[(PmWiki:)List Styles]], [[Wiki styles]] and [[Cookbook:Outline lists]] -< [@* unordered list@] -< [@** deeper list@] -< [@# ordered list@] -< [@# %item value=#%@] arbitrary start number -< [@# %decimal%, %roman%, %ROMAN%, %alpha%, %ALPHA% @] -< [@:term:definition@] Also -< [@Q:@] start a question paragraph -< [@A:@] start an answer paragraph !!! [[#Headings]] Headings -< [@!! Heading@] -< [@!!! Deeper heading@] !!! [[#BlockMarkups]] Paragraph blocks -< [@-> indented text@] -< [@-< hanging indent@] -< [@ preformatted text@] -< @@[=[@...@]=]@@ preformatted block -< [@----@] (horizontal rule) -< [@blank line@] is vertical space -< [@\@] at end of line joins next line -< [@\\@] at end of line produces a line break -< [@\\\@] at the end of a line produces a blank line, even within a list item -< [@ [[<<]] @] produces a line break that clears floating content !!! [[#DivisionBlocks]] Division blocks See [[Block markup]], [[Wiki styles]] and [[Page directives]] -< [@>>wikistyle<<@] -< [@>><<@] -< [@ (:div class="" style="":) @] -< [@ (:divend:) @] !! [[#Text]] Text markup See [[Text formatting rules]] !!! [[#InlineMarkups]] Character format -< [@''emphasized''@] -< [@'''strong'''@] -< [@'''''strong emphasis'''''@] -< [@@@monospaced@@@] -< [@[-small-], [--smaller--]@] -< [@[+big+], [++bigger++]@] -< [@'-small-', '+big+'@] -< [@'^superscript^', '_subscript_'@] -< [@{+inserted+} (underscore)@] -< [@{-deleted-} (strikethrough)@] -< @@[=[@escaped code@]=]@@ -< [@[=escaped text=]@] !!! [[#PostingMarkups]] Posting markup -< @@~~@@@@~@@ (author's signature) -< @@~~@@@@~~@@ (author's signature and date) -< @@[=(:encrypt=] ''phrase''[=:)=]@@ -- replaced with encrypted form of ''phrase'' !! [[#Tables]] Tables !!! [[#PlainTables]] Plain rows and columns of text See [[Tables]] -< [@||table attributes@] -< [@||!table caption!||@] -< [@||left aligned || centered || right aligned||@] -< [@||!column heading||@] -< [@||spanned columns ||||||@] !!! [[#TablesAndDivs]] Structured tables See [[Table directives ]] -< [@ (:table attr:) @] -< [@ (:cellnr attr:) @] -< [@ (:cell attr:) @] -< [@ (:tableend:) @] !! [[#Directives]] Directives !!! [[#PageDirectives]] Page directives See [[Page directives]] -< [@ (:redirect PageName:) @] -< [@ (:(no)spacewikiwords:) @] -< [@ (:(no)linkwikiwords:) @] -< [@ (:(no)linebreaks:) @] !!! [[#Display]] Display See [[Page directives]] [[Group headers]] -< [@ (:noheader:), (:nofooter:) @] -< [@ (:notitle:) @] -< [@ (:noleft:), (:noright:) @] -< [@ (:nogroupheader:), (:nogroupfooter:) @] -< [@ (:noaction:) @] !!! [[#Metadata]] Metadata See [[Page directives]], [[(PmWiki:)Comment markup]], [[Page variables]] -< [@ (:title text:) @] -< [@ (:keywords word, ...:) @] -< [@ (:description text:) @] -< [@ (:comment text:) @] -< [@{Group/PageName$:Var}@] [-includes from [@ (:name:text:) @]-] !!! [[#IncludeOtherPages]] Include See [[Include other pages]], [[Page text variables]] -< [@ (:include PageName:) @] -< [@ (:include PageName#start#end lines=n paras=n:) @] -< [@ (:include Page1 Page2 Page3:) @] -< [@{Group/PageName$:Var}@] [-includes from [@ (:name:text:) @]-] -< [@ (:nl:) @] [-separate included text by conditional line break-] !!! [[#ConditionalMarkup]] Conditional markup See [[Conditional markup]] -< [@ (:if (!)@] ''cond param''[@:)...(:ifend:)@] -< [@ (:if (!)@] ''cond param''[@:)...(:else:)...(:ifend:)@] -< [@ (:if (!)@] ''cond param''[@:)...(:elseif (!)@] ''cond param''[@:)...(:ifend:) @] !!! [[#PageLists]] Pagelists See [[Page lists]] -< [@ (:searchbox label=label order=-time:) @] -< [@ (:searchresults incl -excl group=abc fmt=def:) @] -< [@ (:pagelist incl -excl group=abc fmt=def:) @] !!! [[#OtherDirectives]] Other directives See [[Page directives]] -< [@ (:@][[PageDirectives#attachlist|attachlist]][@:) @] -< [@ (:@][[PageDirectives#markup]][@:) @] [@ [=...=] @] -< [@ (:markup:)...(:markupend:) @] -< [@ (:markup class=horiz:)...(:markupend:) @] -< [@ (:markup caption='...':)...(:markupend:) @] -< [@ (:messages:) @] !! [[#Forms]] Forms See [[PmWiki/Forms]] -< [@ (:input form method=get action=url enctype=multipart/form-data:) @] --< [@ (:input default name=xyz value="abc":) @] --< [@ (:input text name=first value="Bob" size=20:) @] --< [@ (:input textarea name=xyz [=value=] rows=2 cols=80:) @] --< [@ (:input submit name=post value="Go" accesskey=g:) @] --< [@ (:input reset:) @] --< [@ (:input hidden name=action value=edit:) @] --< [@ (:input radio name=xyz value="abc" checked=1:) @] --< [@ (:input checkbox name=xyz value="abc" checked=1:) @] --< [@ (:input password name=authpw:) @] --< [@ (:input file name=upload:) @] --< [@ (:input image name=xyz src="http:..." alt="Alt Text":) @] --< [@ (:input select name=xyz value="val1" label="Value 1":) @] --< [@ (:input select name=xyz value="val2" label="Value 2":) @] -< [@ (:input end:) @] See also [[PmWiki/Forms#pageeditcontrols|PmWiki Edit forms]]. !! [[#WikiTrails]] Wiki trails See [[Wiki trails]] -< [@<<|[[TrailPage]]|>>@] -< [@<|[[TrailPage]]|>@] -< [@^|[[TrailPage]]|^@] !! [[#PageVariables]] Page variables See [[Page variables]], [[Page text variables]], [[PmWiki/PageLists#pagetextvariables|Page lists]] -< [@ {@]''[@$variable@]''[@} @] -< [@ {@]''[@pagename$variable@]''[@} @] -< [@ (:name:description:) @] [-sets a [[page text variable(s)]]-] !! [[#Expressions]] Expressions See [[Markup expressions]] -< [@ {(@]''[@function args@]''[@)} @]