(:title Search this site:) There are a number of ways to search for what you want in this site. !!!Searching for a name, place or topic using indexes. Often you will be searching for information or documents about a particular person, place or topic. The simplest approach is to use the Indexes. It is like looking up the index in a book. Here is how you search for the following: *[[Main/Indexes|History and Document indexes]] These list history and document pages by: *[[Families|Families and Individuals Pages]] *[[Places|Places Pages]] *[[Speculations and Queries|Speculations and Queries Pages]] *[[DocumentTitles|Document Titles]] *[[Main.Research|Research in Progress]] *[[Main.Shoah|Holocaust related Pages]] *[[Main/FamilyTreeIndex|Family Tree Names Index]] !!!Searching for any phrase. Sometimes you may wish to search for a particular phrase across the thousands of pages in the site. This site has two different sorts of content: //main pages// (which are pages of a database written in "Wiki" code), and content in the form of //web pages// (or extracts from them) which include the pages of the Family Tree, much of the history, and material in some document pages. There are two corresponding search boxes. **To search for a phrase in the main pages.** (:input form class='wikisearch' action='http://meta-studies.net/pmg/index.php?n=Main.SiteAdministration' method='get':) (:input text name='q' value='Search main pages' class='inputbox searchbox' size='20' onfocus="if(this.value=='Search') this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Search'" :)(:input submit class='inputbutton searchbutton' value='Search' :) (:input hidden name='focus' value='true' :) (:input hidden name='action' value='search' :) (:input hidden name='n' value='Main.SiteAdministration' :) (:input end:) **To search for a phrase in the web content.** -> (:includeurl http://meta-studies.net/genealogy/SearchEngine.html height=1450 width=100% border=0:)