(:Doc: L :)(:title The Cassirer Foundation News:) **Introduction** The Cassirer Foundation has been established by living Cassirer relatives following the original [[Main.CassirerStiftung|Cassirer Stiftung]] whose surviving documents are reproduced in this site. Its first task is to organise the third Cassirer Reunion which is to be held in New York in 2022. Styled as a celebration and reunion the theme will be focussed on "Renewal and Rebirth, Celebrating the Next Generation of Creativity and Intellect". A newsletter from the Cassirer Foundation is reproduced below. The January "Cassirer and Family Creative Endeavors and Other News Letter" can be found at [[Main.TheNewYorkReunion2022|The New York Reunion 2022 news page]] (:nogroupfooter:)(:includeurl http://meta-studies.net/genealogy/ZDocs/NewYork22/CassirerFoundationNewsletterMarch21.pdf height=2000 width=95% border=0:)