

Letters mentioning concern about his fate, 1942
  | Excerpts of Letters - Introduction by Annette Atsmon
  | The follwing are excerpts from letters to my mother from her uncle Fritz Modrze and his Wife Friedel (Elfriede nee Fraenkel). Fritz was director of the railways for the area of Breslau. My mother thinks that in Berlin he was already not allowed to work, being Jewish. But my mother had heard that the minister Speer had intervened so that they “only” came to Theresienstadt, and quite late. Friedel refused to eat and therefore died there in 1943. Fritz came back, and lived 6 more years after the war, even worked again in the railways. They lived in Gruenwald, Berlin. I have seen the site from where the Jews were deported, the Gruenewald train station. They were wonderful people, the letters are full of messages and questions about the different members of the family, in that strange restrained style. I do injustice to these moving letters, but it cannot be helped, we concentrate on Wlly. Eduard and Trude also mentioned in these letters also perished in Teresienstadt.
My point is that Fritz would have known if Willy and Ruth were in Therisenstadt, and would have told us when he came back. I hope for them that they died on the way. The leading position Willy had is from where the postcard was written. I guess not far from Breslau.
  | Letter from Hans Austerlitz (Grete’s husband) in Essen 3 Feb 1942 - mentioning Willy and also Vera Cassirer
  | Essen, 3.2.42 Liebste Nanne, Ich hatte eine Karte an Dich geschrieben, am 1., konnte diese aber nicht los werden, da ich zu den Zeiten, an denen ich solch Karte an Dich aufgeben kann, nicht wegkomme. Ich will nun, anstelle der kurzen Karte lieber ein Paar Zeilen mehr schreiben, damit es sich “lohnt”. Fuer Deine letzte Karte sei herzlich bedankt. Heut will ich Dir wieder mal ueber die letzte Zeit mit unserer Patientin Bericht erstatten. Das waren keine sehr schoenen Tage von 29 u. 30.1. an den Grete, wohl infolge eines neues Schlaffmittels an bes. unangenehmer Uebelkeit litt u. erbrach . Nacht mit Spritzen war es besser, Grete schlief ruhig. Grete isst furchtbar wenig, fast nichts. Da die Schlaflosigkeit mit Spritzen bekaempft werden muss, ergibt sich eine Verdauungsstoerung, die wieder durch Einlauf oder Riz.oel beseitigt wird. Grete schlaeeft nun am Tage viel. Die letzten Tage las sie Zeitung, und sie nimmt an allem Interesse, besonders auch an Eurem Ergehen. Wir Hoffen beide. dass Ihr beide gesundheitlich in Ordnung sind. Ich bat Willy, Dich mal mit Nachrichten zu bdenken. Uns Shreibt er wirklich oft, besonders in letzterer Zeit.Er hat immer viel zu tun, und wir sind froh , dass er trotz seiner Arbeit uns mit Nachrichten bedenkt. Willy schreibt wie auch alle anderen von grosser Kaelte und veielem Schnee. Onkel Fritz schieb uns dieser Tage sehr vergnuegt unf ulkig. Er muss jetzt Tante Friedel die fehlende Waeschenmangel ersetzen. Er sitzt die Waesche glatt. Ob Grete einen Gruss beifuegen wird, weiss ich noch nicht. Heute Lies Grete wieder Zeitung und loeste Raetzel. An Ilse Hacks schrieb ich heute fuer Grete die eine Antwort schuldig war. Lass nur wieder etwas hoeren, liebe Nanne. Grete freut sich immer von euch zu hoeren. An Paulinchen schrieb Vera auch dieser Tage dasselbe was sie uns berichtete. Fuer heute denn Schluss, liebe Nanne, lass Dich und Annette herzlich gruessen und kuessen, von deinem Hans
  | Part translation into English by Annette Atsmon
  | Essen February 3, 1942 …………..We both hope that you are with good health. We asked Willy to write to you. He writes quite often to us, especially lately. He is always very busy and we are happy that in spite of this he sends us messages. Willy writes, like all, of very cold weather and lots of snow…………… Vera wrote these days to Paulinchen, the same as she wrote to us. Your Hans There is much in this letter about Grete’s illness (cancer). Paulinchen, a good friend of Grete, is the sister of Grete’s brother in law, Robert Singer, the husband of Willy’s sister Charlotte. Could it be that they got a letter from Vera Cassirer?? This is part of a letter from Johannes (Hans) Austerlitz, Grete’s husband.
  | Aunt Friedel to Marianne in Copenhagen 4 May 1942
  | 4.5.42 Berlin
My dearest Marianne,
It was a pity that our letters crossed. You can not have had much joy from our sad letter, how much we would like to write only good and nice news to you, but you have to know the truth, otherwise you are even more worried about your loved ones. On May 1st we got the first news from Hans, written 4 days earlier. Uncle Carl (Hans’s brother) sent it immediately to us, but we were all very sad about his depressed letter. He was so brave until the last moment, so strong, so that this letter weighs very heavy on us. There was only one ray of light, that he is in the same place as aunt Mieke (the sister of Fritz) and Else (her daughter), and as one hopes also with Willi and Ruth. Since we did not hear from them yet, this is not a fact, as soon as we hear from them, we shall let you know. Hans and Mieke have not found each other yet, but Hans got immediately the address of hers, hopefully they will be happy to be together, and will be able to help one each other. We have sent him all kind of things, but it is very difficult, and will not be possible in the future. Uncle Carl wrote yesterday, so excited, he loves Hans so much, and does all what is possible. ……..
Tante Friedel
  | ……….Dont get too depressed about the sad events, the hope that we will all meet in happiness, has to keep us upright. The Address of Hans is the same as the one of aunt Mieke, only Block III..418
Your Uncle Fritz
  | 23.5.42
…….We have not heard anything from Willy and his wife. We know that they also have left, but we do not know where to. ……
  | 29.5.42
….We have no sign of life from our mutual loved ones…..
  | The last letter - Aunt Friedel 22 Jul 1942 “Write soon before it is too late”
  | 22.7.42
We have not even had one sign of life from Willy, also not From Mieke, Else and Hans. And we are very worried about them. We can also not send them any packages anymore, we did it all the time, without knowing whether they arrived. The brother in law of Willy, Franz, wrote to us lately that they also had heard absolutely nothing from Willy and Ruth and her Mother. You should not worry too much, it is often like that, and then the news come after all. Tante Trude has also traveled further on, but no so far, probably we will meet her there with Eduard, hopefully not so soon, the longer it takes with us, the better…… From your faithful Aunt Friedel Write soon, before it is too late
