

Other Cassirers associated or possibly associated with this family
AFJCT Board of Directors President Aurora Cassirer, Esq.
Troutman Sanders LLP (Updated biography will follow soon)  An experienced trial attorney, Ms. Cassirer’s varied litigation practice has included many business, banking, insurance, real estate, employment and professional liability matters.
Ms. Cassirer has been active in the use of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. She has trained and serves as an arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association. She has served as the Chapter 11 trustee in a major bankruptcy proceeding in the Southern District of New York.
Ms. Cassirer is active in the American Bar Association. She has moderated programs and lectured at various meetings of the ABA and New York State Bar Association on such varied subjects as litigation skills, insurance coverage, workouts and restructures of troubled loans, lender liability, the use of experts to prove damages, unfair competition and trade secrets, the fundamentals of deposition discovery, the use of arbitration clauses, litigation issues in leveraged buyouts, labor and employment issues including discrimination and harassment claims, and restrictive covenants.
Ms. Cassirer graduated from Brooklyn College and the New York University School of Law. She is a member of the New York State Bar Association and the New York women’s Bar Association. She has served on the Board of Directors of Congregation B’nai Yeshurun in Teaneck and has been active in the UJC Professional Divisions. Ms. Cassirer is also active in the New York University School of Law Alumni Association. She is the President of the Board of Directors of the American Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology.
  | The Foreign Ministry will co-operate with the Immigration Bureau to blacklist American publisher and writer Bruce Cassirer, who published a travel guide on where to have sex with young prostitutes in Thailand. Ossirer reportedly hired Thai prostitutes to “put on a show” over the Internet, available to up to 30 million subscribers.“ (Bangkok Post 2/3/95) http://www.mako.org.au/casestud.html
  | Travel and the Single Male by Bruce Cassirer. Copyright 1992. 228 pages. US$14.95. TSM Publishing, Suite #122, 3600 South Harbor Blvd., Channel Island, CA 93035. A travel guide for horny single guys on a worldwide prowl, Bruce Cassirer’s guidebook goes beyond the usual places to eat, drink and sleep. He tells you where to find someone to sleep with. Overseas hotspots covered in the book include Puerto Vallarta, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Thailand. Most of the book is the regular hotel-restaurant stuff. He also discusses bars, street scenes, brothels and massage parlors. This guide is useful for men who want to travel overseas and get laid right away. He also has chapters on U.S. cities including New Orleans, Palm Springs and Orlando. Orlando? http://www.fantasyislands.com/alone.htm
Bergneustadt is an old city in the Bundesland “Nordrhein-Westfalen” (capital: Cologne) in the countryside called Sauerland, Germany.
  | Family Display: Ilse 2551 Cassirer WEINBERG Contact the Person who submitted this data by email
Paternal Grandfather: Samuel WEINBERG Born: 27 Mar 1848, Rheda Westphalen, Germany Died: 13 Feb 1918, Rheda Westphalen, Germany
 Father: Max 255 WEINBERG Born: 19 Nov 1889, Rheda, Germany Died: 1969, Ventura, Usa 
Paternal Grandmother: Johanna 25 Weinberg STEINWEG Born: 31 Jul 1857, Wickede Died: 28 Jun 1934, Hilversum, Holland |
Mother: Grete WEINBERG Born: 1890, Wattenscheid, Germany Died: 1964, New Smyrna Beach, Usa |
Maternal Grandfather:
Maternal Grandmother: |
Ilse 2551 Cassirer WEINBERG, Living |
Spouse: Eric CASSIRER, Living |
Copyright ©1996, 1999, JewishGen®, Inc.
  | Family Display: Ilse 2551 Cassirer WEINBERG Contact the Person who submitted this data by email
Paternal Grandfather: Samuel WEINBERG Born: 27 Mar 1848, Rheda Westphalen, Germany Died: 13 Feb 1918, Rheda Westphalen, Germany
 Father: Max 255 WEINBERG Born: 19 Nov 1889, Rheda, Germany Died: 1969, Ventura, Usa 
Paternal Grandmother: Johanna 25 Weinberg STEINWEG Born: 31 Jul 1857, Wickede Died: 28 Jun 1934, Hilversum, Holland |
Mother: Grete WEINBERG Born: 1890, Wattenscheid, Germany Died: 1964, New Smyrna Beach, Usa |
Maternal Grandfather:
Maternal Grandmother: |
Ilse 2551 Cassirer WEINBERG, Living |
Spouse: Eric CASSIRER, Living |
  | email of 15 Dec 2005 suggests no obvious connection to this Cassirer family
  | Professor Falk, I looked over the web site but was unable to make a definite connection. My great grandfather, Aaron Leib Kassirer was a wine maker in Felso Viso Hungary (now Viseul-de-Sus in Romania). He had 7 children: Jacob, William, Isaac, Samuel, Harry, Sarah, and Morris (my grandfather). My grandfather’s siblings were born in the late 1870s and 1880s, I believe in Felso Viso. Some of the Kassirer sons went by the name Cassirer. Morris emigrated to Canada in 1905 and met my grandmother on the boat. My father Irvin, was born in 1907 and died in 1996. There were many distinguished Cassirers in the Netherlands (art dealers) and elsewhere in Europe. My father once told me the his ancestors had lived in Alsace, but I’m not sure of the reliability of that history. I wish I knew more. Warm regards, Jerry Kassirer (Cassirer??)
  | From http://whitepages.tufts.edu:
Dr. Jerome P. Kassirer received his MD from the University of Buffalo in 1957 and has been associated with the Tufts University School of Medicine and the New England Medical Center for 40 years.
An internationally recognized scholar and teacher, he currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, a post he has held since 1991, where his has been a clear voice for academic medicine, critical thinking and ethical behavior by physicians. In addition, Dr. Kassirer has been Professor of Medicine at the Tufts University School of Medicine since 1974 and served as Vice Chairman of the Department of Medicine and Associate Physician-in-Chief at the New England Medical Center from 1971-1991.
A member of many committees both at the Tufts School of Medicine and at the New England Medical Center, he also serves on many national and local committees. He has given many honorary lectures and has held visiting professorships throughout the world.
Among Dr. Kassirer’s awards and honors are many teaching awards and honorary degrees from Tufts University; the University of Massachusetts, Worcester; L’University Rene Descartes, Paris; Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia; SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse; and the Medical College of Ohio.
Dr. Kassirer and his wife, Sheridan, have five children: Amy, Richard, Wendy, Elizabeth, Winston, and Samuel. http://www.tufts.edu/alumni/tuftonia/archives/sum99/service.shtml
  | Picture of Jerome Kassirer
  | Philip wurde am 9.4.1981 in Hamburg geboren und ist momentan im 3. Semester Kommunkationsdesign der Kunstschule Alsterdamm. Für ELBSCHOCK! zeichnet er die Story “Alientränen”. (Mehr...) (born in Hamburg, now at the Art School ‘Alsterdamm’ - ‘Alster’ being the very local-patriotic river in Hamburg - ... He designed the story of ‘Tears of Aliens’ )
  | Philip was born in 1981 in Hamburg and was a Hamburg candidate of an anarchistic party - APPD, Anarchistische Pogo Partei Deutschlands for the Bundestag election in October this year. The head of this party works in the same comic-studio as Philip and founded an anarchistic rock band under the name “Die Kassierer” - “the cashiers” ...!).
  | Christopher Cassirer, ScD MPH
  | Christopher Cassirer, ScD, MPH
Chris Cassirer is an internationally recognized teacher, researcher, and senior administrator with expertise in medical malpractice, risk and quality management, patient safety, executive leadership programs, and business and management strategy. He joined Capella University’s School of Human Services as a faculty director in 2005 and was appointed dean of the school in 2006. Previously, Cassirer was an associate professor and director in the Department of Health Services Management and Leadership at The George Washington University; chair of executive studies and associate professor of healthcare management at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management; co-founder and former CEO of the Partnership for Patient Safety in Chicago; and assistant vice president for knowledge services with MMI Companies Inc. in Deerfield, Ill.
Cassirer completed both his doctoral and post-doctoral training in health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health. He holds a Master of Public Health in health policy and management from the Yale University School of Medicine and a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Rutgers University.
  | Udi Cassirer Background U di Cassirer was born in Israel, 1965. He grew up near by the sea. Graduated from Hmidrasha, School of Art. Live and work in Tel-Aviv. Education 1 991-96 Open University Social Sciences, Israel 1993-96 “MIDRASHA” Art Teachers College, Rmat Hashron, Israel 1997 “REAL TIME” multimedia school, Tel-Aviv, Israel Exhibitions J une 1996 “Ticket For Two”, T.V. Show. 4 artists in the t.v.studio July 1996 “ACCUMULATE LOVE IN NEHAMA”, “NEHAMA” Gallery October 1996 “Contemporary Art AT Daphna Naor’s” January 1998 “LESS IS MORE”, “Contemporary Art AT Daphna Naor’s”, Jerusalem June 1998 SOLO EXHIBITION, “TOVA OSMAN’’ Art Gallery October 2001 CREOSCITEX PENGUINS EXHIBATION, Organized by Daphna Naor, Curator
  | Address: 490 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10013 Country: USA Daytime phone: 212-226-2307 ext. 123 Evening phone: 212-226-2307 ext. 123 Email: info@123soho.com
  | Historical References to Cassirers
  | Amalie Cassirer, born Konicki. Holocaust Victim. born 20 Mar 1866
  | See also list of Cassirer Holocaust Victims in this album
  | Amalie Cassirer, born Schweitzer, husband Herrmann Cassirer.
  | Grabstätte von Amalie Cassirer geb. Schweitzer und Herrmann Cassirer auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof in Breslau / Wroclaw
  | Mathilde Cassirer, born Schweitzer
  | Grabstätte von Mathilde Cassirer geb. Schweitzer und Ehemann auf dem Jüdischen Friedhof in Breslau / Wroclaw
  | Franz L. Cassirer 1931-2001
  | There is a “Franz L. Cassirer” (“L.” may stand for “Ludwig”). At <http://www.abc.se/~m225/litteratur/doed/svdannons01.html> there’s a “Register till dödannonser i Svenska Dagbladet 2001” (Register of the obituary notices in the Svenska Dagbladet 2001, translated to German so you may learn something about pangermanic affinities: Register zu den Todesannoncen im Schwedischen Tagblatt): Franz L. Cassirer, born 1931, 5/14 - died 2001, 3/3 - notice was given 2001, 3/8. Is Franz L. Cassirer related to Peter Cassirer? [Expat*]
  | Burial Place of the Family Cassirer, in the Jewish Cemetery Breslau / Wroclaw
  | Database Searches for Cassirer
  | Search on Mormon DB for Cassirer
  | Search on Cassirer births, marriages and deaths from Poland, placed in the JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) Database
  | Cassirers identified in the JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) database. Source: Alexander Sharon, JGFF editor
JewishGen volunteers have recorded names of Cassirers from the 19th century who lived in Bytom (previously Beuthen) and have entered them into the All Poland database at http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Poland/
Please note variations in surname Cassirer/Casierrer/Kassirer/Kasierrer Bytom BMD and Burials various
Piotrkow Gubernia / Katowice Province
Located at 50°21’ 18°58’
Last updated March 2000
Surname Givenname Year Type Akt Date Age Fathersurn Fathergivn Mothersurn Mothergivn Remarks Film
CASSIERER Linna 1919 D 1210 15-Dec-1919 87 Moshe 1184405
CASSIRER Salomon 1849 R 325 06-May-1849 Baruch Young girl 1184405
CASSIRER Loebel 1855 R 305 22-Jul-1855 Avraham Young girl 1184405
CASSIRER Joel 1855 R 306 03-Jan-1855 Issor 1184405
CASSIRER Salomon 1858 R 301 04-Mar-1858 Avraham Young boy 1184405
CASSIRER Sara 1860 R 290 30-Dec-1860 Moshe Young girl 1184405
CASSIRER Handel 1861 R 282 23-Jul-1861 Shlomo Young boy 1184405
Bytom BMD 1812/1846, M 1935-38
Piotrkow Gubernia / Katowice Province
Located at 50°21’ 18°58’
Last updated September 2000
Surname Givenname Year Type Akt Regdate Hebrewname Age Town Occupation Fathersurn Father Fatherjob Mothersurn Mother Motherfath Spouse Remarks Film
CASSIRER Loebel 1824 M 2 8-May-1824 Bujakowitz trader Moses FISCHER Eva 1273452
SOHRAUER Hanne Haye 1824 M 2 8-May-1824 Bytom Marcus MICHEL Nahame 1273452
CASSIERER Josl 1825 B 2 10-Feb-1825 Loebel Handelsmann (merchant) SCHRAUER Handel 1273452
CASSIERER Frimmel 1826 B 5 10-Mar-1826 Loebel Handelsmann (merchant) SCHRAUER Hanna 1273452
CASSIERER Samuel 1827 B 3 28-Jan-1827 Loebel Handelsmann (merchant) SCHRAUER Stasne 1273452
CASSIERER Babette 1828 B 25 17-Oct-1828 Loebel Handelsmann (merchant) SCHRAUER Hanne 1273452
CASSIERER Babette 1828 D 8 20-Oct-1828 3d Loebel 1273452
CASSIERER Charlotte 1829 B 8 12-Apr-1829 Moritz Schänker? (Innkeeper ?) FRIEDLÄNDER Henriette 1273452
CASSIERER Moritz 1829 B 16 4-Sep-1829 Loebel Kaufmann (merchant) SCHRAUER Hanne 1273452
CASSIERER Salomon 1830 B 10 12-Apr-1830 Moritz FRIEDLÄNDER Henriette 1273452
CASSIERER Moritz 1830 D 2 8-Mar-1830 6m4d Loebel 1273452
KASSIRER Jonah 1831 B 7 3-May-1831 Loebel SOHRAUER Hanne 1273452
CASSIRER Bertha 1833 B 9 11-Apr-1833 Loebel SORAUER Hanne 1273452
KASSIRER Nunne 1834 B 16 30-Apr-1834 Loebel SOHRAUER Haye 1273452
CASSIRER Sinna 1835 B 16 31-May-1835 Loebel SORAUER Heije 1273452
CASSIRER Jacob 1837 B 9 28-Mar-1837 Jacob SORAUER Heije see 1835/16 1273452
CASSIRER Nanny 1838 D 14 26-Jul-1838 4y2m26d Loebel 1273452
CASSIRER Rosalie 1839 B 23 17-Aug-1839 Loebel SORAUER Heije 1273452
CASSIRER Heye 1843 D 16 23-Nov-1843 48y8m8d SORAUER Loebel 127345
It is not clear if all Cassirers have left Bytom (Beuthen) before the outbreak of WWII since in the 1942 list of deportation of Jews from Beuthen name Cassirer is not listed.
  | Innes Getty Collection in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
