  | The old University of Greifswald still exists, the small town is situated in ‘Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’ (two old states of the former Reich put together because ‘Vorpommern’ (’Fore-Pommerania’) is a leftover of (formerly prussian) Pommerania which lost the ‘back pommeranian’ part to Poland (with Danzig and the southern part of East-Prussia - famous Koenigsberg in the northern part came to Russia, now Kaliningrad). The ‘Bundesland’ (for short: ‘Meck-Pomm’ or ‘McPommes’) is governed by a coalition of social democrats SPD and transmogrificated communists PDS (not such a scandal as it normally would be, because the ‘Land’ is poor). Please note that this thesis has the same editor as in the case of your Werner Falk’s thesis.