

Leopold Cassirer, son of Simon?
  | A new (2006) page from a local online polish newspaper (‘Kurier’, perhaps sort of weekly/monthly newsletter) from Krapkowice (formerly Krappitz, on the Oder river) in the Opole (Oppeln) district of Upper Silesia gives a report on the remainding gravestones of a jewish (‘zydowski’) cemetery in a little town nearby namend Gogolin (same in German): http://krapkowice.net/print/kurier,art,id_9045
A search of this text with ‘cassirer’ finds: ‘Cassirera’ (a: genitive), ‘Simona Cassirera’ (Simon Cassirer), ‘*Simon* Cassirer (ur. 19. X. 1848 r., zm. 5.VIII.1914 r.)’ (‘ur.’ = born, ‘r.’ = year, ‘zm.’ = died), ‘*Leopold* Cassirer (ur. 28.VIII.1847 r., zm. 27. I.1927 r.)’, ‘*Ida* Cassirer ( ur. 28. VIII. 1858 r., zm. 22. IX. 1921 r.)’, and ‘Ernestine Cassierer (ur. w 1817 roku)’ (CassiErer).
This may suggest where these Cassirers might come from (except Ernestine): So far we have established the historical existence of two related ‘Simon’ Cassirers, but no ‘Leopold’ and no ‘Ida’.
The first ‘Simon’ is son of Moritz Cassirer and Jettel Retfeld, born perhaps in 1870/80
The second Simon is son of Gerson Cassirer and Rebecca Mendel Burgheim, born in 1805.
Perhaps Gerson had another Simon, the one with the Gogolin gravestone, born in 1848. The nearest Cassirer living in this region we know of is Simon’s (1805) uncle Siegfried the brewer (<http://www.schlesien-bonn.de/podukte/brauereiverzac.htm> in Oberglogau, Kreis Neustadt (now Glogowek), only some 15 km from Krappitz / Gogolin.
Siegfried is (appart from the ‘main line Markus’) the only of the 7 sons of Moses ben Loebel and Pesel. The 5 others are currently shown as ‘unmarried’ since we have no additional details.
Simon’s brother who is probably Leopold and his wife Ida, nee Craemer (Crämer) shows up among the names of Yadvashem as parents of *Moritz* Cassirer (born in Gogolin, 7/4/1890). After two KZs, he perished with his wife *Edith*, nee Strumpfner (1892, Lissa, Poland), in Warszawa in 1942. This is according to a document delivered in 1994 by their escaped son, *Franz Leopold,* from Ingarö, Sweden.
Today, according to the White Pages of Sweden, *Robert*, perhaps Leopold’s son, lives in Ingarö. In other places in Sweden other Cassirers, can be found living, most of them busy with a rather big car rental (‘Biluthyrning’) firm. (Dr. Peter Cassirer, also in Sweden, of course is not from the Moritz - Franz-Leopold - line.) [*Expat , 30 April 2007]
