

Obituary of Werner Falk - New York Times 17 Oct 1991
  | New York Times Werner D. Falk, 85, Philosophy Professor
Published: October 17, 1991
Dr. Werner David Falk, former chairman of philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, died Friday at the university’s hospital. He was 85 years old and lived in Chapel Hill.
Dr. Falk died of heart failure, friends said.
Dr. Falk specialized in ethics, value theory and political philosophy. He joined the faculty at Chapel Hill in 1963, served as department chairman for a decade and retired in 1978.
He previously taught at Syracuse University, Wayne State University, Brown University, the University of Illinois and the University of Michigan and in England, Scotland and Australia.
Born in Berlin, Dr. Falk earned a doctorate at the University of Heidelberg before fleeing the Nazi Government. He also earned a master’s degree at Oxford University in 1938.
Survivors include his wife, Jeanette; a sister, Else Schlesinger of Paris; a daughter, Ann Lloyd Thomas of London; four sons, John of Melbourne, Australia, Jim of Wollongong, Australia, Adam of Stanford, Calif., and Toby of Santa Barbara, Calif., and two stepchildren, Benjamin Filene of New Haven and Becky Filene of Washington.
[Reproduced in the New York Times Archives at http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE0DD1039F934A25753C1A967958260 viewed on 14 Jan 2007]
