  | Likely picture of the Kabelwerke factory (from share certificate?): Kabelfabrik Aktien Geselschaft vormals Otto Bondy/, Wien-Meidling 1905
  | This picture, previously in the possession of Otto Bondy, is very likely to be of the Kabelwerke factory, given Otto Bondy’s family role, but this is not yet established with certainty. Source: Bezirksmuseum Meidling, Vienna
Detail of the Kabelwerke propsectus now owned by the site editor and published in 1935
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  | The prospectus is about a problem of early radio-days when listening to the radio could be spoiled by all sorts of electric powered devices. Dr. Cassirer’s Kabel (cable) in the prospctus is a shielded cable for antennas to be fixed on the roof (so in 1940/45 the Germans could listen with clarity to radioed alarms about allied bombers heading to the region of xyz). [Adalbert Saurma]
  | The Cassirer Kabelwerke Building
  | The main building of the Frankfurt University is by Poelzig, built for IG Farben - a Weimar and later heavy nazi industrial-militaristic complex, then (undestroyed) US headquarter Germany. Another of these big old corporations, Siemens (someone said the lamps of the fences in the concentration camps were made by Siemens - styled by Bauhaus), owns now what’s left from Cassirer’s Kabelwerke. The main hall should be transformed into a super market by autumn ‘05: Poelzighalle, Hugo-Cassirer-Straße 40-44 und WA 11, R
In Spandau, at the Gartenfelder Strasse, rather nearby, Siemens has other, much larger deindustrialized places, sometimes also called ‘Kabelwerke’. About Hugo’s Werke I’ve found that he took the factory over from his brother Alfred. Hugo’s uncle Otto Bondy had a Kabelwerk too in Vienna, where Hugo, Dr. in chemistry, did a sort of apprenticeship for these (at that time) newly invented electric cables (Otto’s factory was originally a haberdashery, later the rubber as isolating material was aded - ‘Gummiwerke’). [Adalbert Saurma]
  | Which Cassirer brother played which role in the Kabelwerke company?
  | Julius was in the timber and pulp business and he financed in 1896 Dr. Hugo and Dr. Alfred with their “Dr. Cassirer & Co. Kabel- und Gummiwerke”, which became later “Bergmann Kabelwerke”. (According to the prospectus (above) in 1935 it was still “Dr. Cassirer). According to the Ecole Humanite archives, Fritz Godon was transfered from the Dr. Cassirer to ”Bergmann Kabelwerke“ and Bergmann later was swallowed by Siemens (and then closed down - deindustrialising Berlin).
If Bergmann followed Cassirer, Dr. Hugo couldn’t be ”Fabrikchef“ at Bergmann. Dr. Hugo Cassirer and Dr. Alfred Cassirer are both engeneers, but it appears that only Hugo studied chemistry (Dr. in 1892) whereas Alfred studied law (Dr. in 1906). According to the Basel dissertation files - which list only those theses they received, not all ever granted (e.g. Dr. Louis is missing) - there was only one other chemist - Erwin (Dr.1910), son of Salo. He thus is theoretically also elegible as ”nephew“ of Julius. But it’s more likely that at the ”Dr. Cassirer Kabelwerke“ Hugo was the engineer, Alfred the lawyer, and Isidor and Max the financiers. Even as engineer and lawyer Hugo and Alfred could have studied the trade at Bondy’s in Vienna.
[Expat* 21 Dec 2005]
