  | The Site originally had a guest book, but it was attacked so many times by hackers and those trying to create links to their web sites that I removed it. Below are the entries I received, for which I was very grateful.
Sign the Guestbook | Administration
Wednesday, 9. March 2005 04:31 Thank you for stopping by my site. Here you can leave your mark.
Total Records: 12 Records Viewed Per Page: 24
Name Comments
Andrew McNaughton 
Location: -
Wednesday, 9. March 2005 01:11 Host: CPE-61-9-184-143.vic.bigpond.net.au fixing up the guest book after hackers
Robyn van der Togt-Wymer 
Location: Western Australia
Tuesday, 10. August 2004 08:35 Host: welax15-b168.dialup.optusnet.com.au If anyone wishes to contact me with regrads to Wymer family tree. Please contact me milo.007@optusnet.com.au
sue woolf 
Location: near London,UK
Tuesday, 27. July 2004 05:51 Host: host81-152-187-143.range81-152.btcentralplus.com Jim well done. you’ve filled in a few gaps on my family tree - I’ll let you have some minor amendments and additions.
Ben Bano 
Location: -
Saturday, 17. July 2004 08:03 Host: cache-loh-ab02.proxy.aol.com Thank you so much for your good work - I’ve sent you a separate email showing some minor alterations, including the marriage of our daughter Sophie last year.
Ben Bano
aimee paret 
Location: Lyon, France
Wednesday, 30. June 2004 16:57 Host: cache-prs-ac03.proxy.aol.com Dear Mr. Falk,
Many thanks for your recent email - and for all of your hard work. Two small corrections for you: my grandmother’s name is spelled SUZANNE Aimee Cassirer; and my daughter’s name is EleAnor (not Eleonor) Fink. I will email you properly soon! All best wishes, Aimee Paret
Olle Kellerman 
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Tuesday, 8. June 2004 03:48 Host: d213-101-90-2.swipnet.se Thanks for sharing! My wife´s grandma a Cassirer, Kathe. Will check my notes - and maybe return.
Location: -
Thursday, 27. May 2004 14:13 Host: t3o906p38.telia.com Well, here I am again!
Peter Cassirer 
Location: -
Tuesday, 23. March 2004 12:18 Host: t11o907p100.telia.com :rolleyes I only hope some things are true.
Niels Waller 
Location: Nashville Tennessee
Monday, 15. March 2004 21:37 Host: pcp02131454pcs.galitn01.tn.comcast.net Fantastic work! This promises to be the most complete collection of Cassirer family history gathered to date. Bravo to Jim!
Kate Boyce 
Location: Melbourne
Saturday, 21. February 2004 07:02 Host: ariadne.labyrinth.net.au Have followed some aspects of Cohen and Matheson family trees. Should be most interested in seeing more details.
Rodney Benjamin 
Location: Melbourne Australia
Saturday, 7. February 2004 18:34 Host: typhoon.sub.net.au I was very interested in the site and impressed by its scope
Jim Falk 
Location: Australia
Friday, 6. February 2004 19:53 IP: Pretty good site, even if I do say so myself!
Jim: Please note that you can submit pictures through the Guestbook for incorporation into the database. You can also do it by e-mailing them to me.
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