NameLt.Col..Esmond Morton Sinauer OBE
Birth8 Aug 1885, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia124
Death10 Jul 1948, Aldershot, Hampshire, England
Birth1890, Auckland, NZ
Death1968, London, Great Britain
Birth1890, Auckland, New Zealand
Death1968, London, England
Notes for Lt.Col..Esmond Morton Sinauer OBE
Esmond moved to England with his parents in 1894, he entered St.PaulsSchool at the age of 12-1/2 years where he secured a FoundationScholarship and a number of other prizes, at the age of 16 years whilestill at St.Pauls he went up for the London University Matriculation,passing in the first Division, being sixth in line out of successfulcandidates, gaining the "Woolwich Exhibition" awarded by the school.Since his first term at Woolwich he has been top of the class. Enteredinto Royal Military Colege in Woolwich England at the early age of 18years in 1901, to join Royal Engineers. In August 1905 it was recordedthat he passed out of the Royal Military College at the head of hisclass, taking the Kings Gold Medal for proficiency in MilitarySubjects, The Pollock Gold Medal for Distinguished Proficiency, prizesfor chemistry,tactics, military engineering, artillery, militarytopography, geometrical drawing, infantry drill and free hand drawing.At the inspection and prize giving he was commended by the Chief ofthe General Staff Lt. Gen. Sir N.G. Lyttelton.
In 1908 he was instructed by the War Office to go to Khartoum underthe Sirdar, Sir Francis Wingate. He is to hold the local rank ofMajor.
He was one of six officers from the Royal Engineers to be personallypresented to the King. During WWl in France with the BritishExpeditionary Force [BEF] in 1915, promoted to Captain.
He died whilst on active service in England during WWll on the 10thJuly 1946.