NameElinor Rose CORRIE
Birth7 May 1940, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia1719
Death23 Jan 2008, Katoomba, New South Wales, Australia1720
Notes for Elinor Rose CORRIE
Won an Art Scholarship whilst at Neutral Bay Girls High School, wenton to East Sydney Tech. to study Art, worked for E.Guy Martin beforegoing to London and worked for Spence & Marks before returning toAustralia and worked for J & J Cash as an artist/designer. JoinedQantas and retired from there to look after her mother. After 1992moved to the Blue Mountains and with her brother operated MountainCeramics for a number of years. During 2006 was diagnosed withmelanoma cancer, underwent trial treatment but was successful,collapsed at Christmas 2007 admitted to Hospital at Katoomba on the 26December 2007 dying there on the 23 Jan 2008. Funeral Service was heldat Leura, ashes scattered as per her request.